Return of the War God

Chapter 5756: : Kill you today!

"Original King!"

"My God! The pinnacle king of the past line! The big man of the entire supreme realm! The top five existence among the kings!"

"He actually arrived!"

"King Xuantian! Original King! God of War! Hiss! Is this going to be a big gathering today?"

"That's not right! The original king is obviously unkind!"

"Something will happen! I'm afraid it will happen!"

Around the Spring God Pavilion, the whispering voices of countless geniuses sounded between heaven and earth, and it was even more shocking.

I saw a place in the void, and at this moment a tall and demon-like figure slowly walked over!

He stepped into the void, with one hand on his back casually, wearing a pitch-black armor, exuding a strange and unpredictable aura from all over his body.

It's like coming from the past years, abruptly plunged into the time of this world, sharp and terrifying.

This person looks good, his face is sharp and sharp, with sharp edges and corners, and his eyes seem to be pierced with a thousand sharp edges, but it does not make people feel terrible, it seems very peaceful, but this is the most terrifying point.

The original king!

Among the three channels, the peak king in the past one had descended at the Spring God Pavilion at this moment, enough to attract the sight of all the creatures between heaven and earth.

"So, what is that?"

But suddenly, a genius said in shock, as if he had seen something.

I saw that the original king's other hand, which was not carried behind his back, was actually clutching a chain, the chain lingering in the void, clanging, making a strange collision.

When the line of sight follows the chain and looks to the other end...

The eyes of all the geniuses between the world and the earth are almost condensed together!

"one person??"

The other end of the chain was unexpectedly tied to a person's neck!

But that person, instead of standing, was lying on all fours, crawling over in the void, following the original king, as if...

A dog!

Led by the original king.

"No, it's wrong!"

"That's... Han Yixiang?"

"Han Yixiang, one of the newcomers!"

The sharp-eyed genius exclaimed, and suddenly there was a dead silence between heaven and earth.

The person who was led by the original king like a dog turned out to be Han Yixiang!

All the geniuses were stunned!

The original king, who came from the void, stopped and stood freely, but Han Yixiang, who was crawling behind him, immediately crawled over like a needle stabbed, crawling under the feet of the original king, trembling all over his body. trembling!

And his limbs were bloody, very miserable.

Han Yixiang’s face was embarrassed, his face pale and dead, and he could not see any emotions. Only a pair of eyes were filled with intense fear, humiliation, madness, unwillingness, fear, and despair!

He just lay in the footsteps of the original king.

Don't dare to move!

This scene really brought a lot of impact to countless geniuses between heaven and earth.

"I just raised a dog in the past two days, but it's not very obedient, so I have to bring it out and tame it."

"King Xuantian, see you outside, right?"

The original Wang Xiaohe's voice sounded.

"Come on, say hello to King Xuantian..."

Shaking the chain lightly, Han Yixiang suddenly roared as if it hurt his bones, but he didn't dare to scream at all. Instead, he raised his head tremblingly and opened his mouth to King Xuantian...

"Wang, Wang, Wang..."

Han Yixiang actually barked!

This is how the original king greeted him.

Between heaven and earth, there is dead silence at this moment!

Quite a few geniuses were silent, all tense, and the eyes that looked at the original king showed trembling and horror.

But more geniuses clenched their fists subconsciously.

Between the deadly world, Han Yixiang made intermittent, husky dog ​​barking, which made his scalp numb.

The originally expressionless King Xuan Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, the sharp color in his eyes turned into a touch of intrigue, and the voice with a hint of deep meaning slowly sounded.

"Killing but nodding!"

"Original King!"

"You are also a destiny myth anyway! There are many masters in the supreme realm!"

"Doing such a thing, such an insult!"

"Don't you think you are losing your status?"

In the last sentence, the voice of King Xuan Tian carried a roar like thunder, the coercion came to the dust, and it was infinitely terrifying.

The original king... laughed.

His eyes looked at King Xuantian seemed to be a little funny, and he said with a weird laziness: "King Xuantian, King Xuantian, you still like to engage in these awe-inspiring things so much, so hypocritical..."

"Tsk tusk, there is really no improvement at all!"

"You have to figure out one thing. It is this dog's... blessing to be held in the hands of this king!"

During the words, Yuan Chu Wang stepped directly on Han Yixiang's head, with a devilish look on his face.

His right foot was crushed slightly to the left and right, and Han Yixiang let out a painful growl.

There was only one pair of fists clenched tightly, it seemed that the nails were all buckled into the flesh, blood dripping.

But Han Yixiang still didn't dare to move at all!

What is worse than a pig and a dog?

What is life better than death?

Nothing more than that!

"Do you see it?"

"This dog, he is very happy to be stepped on by me!"

"Because he should have been pinched to death by me."

"But I didn't, because he was still useful, so if he spared his life, it would be tantamount to saving his life!"

"Then the life-saving grace has to be a cow or a horse, and a dog or a pig in return."

"I did this?"

"Is it wrong?"

The smile on the original Wang’s face seemed to make his scalp numb, like the words of a devil, but his whole body exuded a faint sense of peace. He looked at King Xuan Tian and continued with a smile: "The King Xuan Tian, ​​actually Ah, you and I have no different ideas at all. What kind of courtesy corporal, what allies, what sincerity, all just bullshit!"

"Don't you also want this guy to be an obedient dog under your feet?"

Yuan Chu Wang pointed to Ye Wuque directly, and named him by name.


A burst of shouts rang out from King Xuantian's mouth, like a thunder and explosion, and even a monstrous horror aura radiated from King Xuantian's body!

I saw King Xuantian stepping out and dancing wildly, and the whole person revived like a lion, shaking Tianye.

"Original King!"

"The God of War is my honorable guest!"

"You not only humiliate people first, but also provoke discord!"

"court death!"

King Xuan Tian was angry, and the terrifying aura exuding from his body had tore through the sky, causing countless geniuses to face wild changes and their scalp numb.

Originally, the king looked at the angry King Xuantian, not surprised but delighted, instead he showed a look that he didn't know if it was a mockery or a joke.

"Why? I got it right? Turned into anger from embarrassment?"

"You want to fight me?"

"Are you sure... you want to fight me?"

Originally, Wang Chang laughed out loud.

King Xuantian's face was cold, and he strode directly towards the original King, only four cold words in response!

"Kill you today!"

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