Return of the War God

Chapter 5757: : Be good!

With this movement of King Xuan Tian, ​​the entire sky seemed to tremble.

Countless geniuses immediately widened their eyes, and their eyes flashed with excitement, excitement, and incredible, but more of it was a kind of fear.

"My God! King Xuan Tian is really going to make a move?"

"King Xuantian fights the original king? This, this..."

"The Supreme Great Realm is going to explode!"

"The battle of the myths! This is the battle of the myths!"

But in the crowd, there are more powerful figures, with excited, strong, and hot faces at the moment, and they seem to be looking forward to the next Wang Zhan.

King Xuantian!

The original king!

This is the top five existence among all kings in the Supreme Great Realm.

As the saying goes, the king does not see the king!

In the past, these pinnacle kings did not find a suitable opportunity to fight, and they did not expect that the pinnacle king would soon appear today.

How can I miss it?


Void trembling, King Xuantian blasted out a clean punch.

The whole world dimmed suddenly, only this fist tore through the sky, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, with an irresistible force.

The killing intent is stirring!

The evil spirit is boiling!

Just this time, it has surpassed the ordinary king who doesn't know how much.


In the face of King Xuantian's punch, the original king not only didn't mean to fight back at all, he even stood still and didn't flash.

This stunned everyone!

Was the original Wang crazy?

Even King Xuan Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, but immediately he seemed to realize something, and his face became slightly difficult to look.


Just when King Xuan Tian's fist was three feet away from the original king, a cold, dead, and invincible will suddenly came from above the nine heavens!

The will is turned into light and falls from the sky.

Suddenly, the terrifying punch of King Xuan Tian was suppressed.

There was even a second horrible brilliance swept across, heading straight to King Xuantian!

With a tear, King Xuantian was overturned, and after stabilizing his figure, the corner of his mouth was bleeding.


From the beginning to the end, the original king laughed wildly, with endless joking in the laughter.

This sudden scene shocked everyone!

Countless geniuses have not figured out what happened!

"grown ups!"

"Master Xuantian!"

At this moment, a group of people rushed out of the Spring God Pavilion, they were the warriors under King Xuantian.

"The Supreme Rule!"

"That is the power of the supreme rule, aimed at King Xuantian and protecting the original King!"

"Oh my God! How could this happen? How could the Supreme Rule favor the original king?"

"Something's wrong! There must be some reason for this!"

The countless geniuses around also felt incredible, unimaginable everything in front of them.

At this moment, King Xuantian stabilized his figure, his face expressionless, but his gaze was like a knife, pointing directly at the original king.

The generals under King Xuantian's eyes were also cold at this time, staring fiercely at the original King.


But the next moment, I saw a group of people flying from all directions in the void behind the original king, one by one with the same strong aura, looking at it, their eyes were terrible.

Obviously, these people are the warriors of the original king.

Both sides seem to have put on the crowd!

There will be a battle against soldiers and generals.

The atmosphere became tense again!

"You actually used your precious and incomparable'Supreme Authority' from the past, which not only strengthened the agreement, but also made the Supreme Rule favor you."

"Original King, you really are a good calculation!"

As soon as King Xuan Tian said this, many people were confused and couldn't even understand them.

But the strong among those geniuses, those king-level masters, seemed to understand something, and their complexion had changed at this moment.

"Good steel is always used on the blade..."

The original Wang grinned.

"The'Supreme Authority' is indeed extremely precious. Even if we are in the Supreme Divine Treasure, we will never use each other until we are in a real desperate situation. Therefore, King Xuan Tian, ​​have you seen my determination?"

Originally, the king seemed to have something to say. At this moment, his eyes suddenly turned to Ye Wuque, who had been standing with his hand holding his hand, like an outsider.

But at this moment, the kings under King Xuantian changed their colors one by one, as if they had come to understand completely, their expressions became extremely ugly!

"grown ups!"

"The original king used the supreme authority to influence the supreme rule, so that you temporarily can't attack him outside the supreme god's hiding place?"

A king spoke, hitting the nail on the head.

Countless geniuses between heaven and earth seemed to have finally realized it at this moment, and the eyes that looked at the original king showed a deep sense of fear.

Supreme permissions!

This is a power that can only be used by the "Pinnacle King" recognized by the Supreme Rule among the three veins of the past, present, and future.

The occiput is incomparable, but it is a reward.

Once used, it can affect the Supreme Rule to a certain extent, which can be regarded as a small-scale cheating.

This is also the reward of the Supreme Rules to these pinnacle kings.

Obviously, now the original king used this authority to target King Xuantian.

"The original king, supreme authority is not a loophole, but a choice, and there is a price to pay."

"You temporarily prevented me from attacking you with supreme authority, but how vast is the supreme realm? You can't chase me down."

"Then it means that once you enter the Supreme God's Treasure again, it will be your turn to be unable to attack me."

"In the Supreme God's Treasure, you can't tolerate you running around."

"At that time, you will probably die...very miserable!"

King Xuantian's tone was cold.

Originally, the king smiled again, looking at King Xuan Tian as if he was looking at an idiot.

"You've already said it, it's a choice."

"King Xuantian, you don't really think that I'm here this time to make a difference with you, do you?"

King Xuan Tian narrowed his eyes slightly.

And the original king's voice sounded again at this time!

"From beginning to end, the purpose of my visit was to..."


Original Wang's hand pointed directly at... Ye Wuque!

"As far as I know, this product is the strongest among this batch of newcomers, so his luck, that is, the'novice protection period', is also the strongest!"

"So, I never wanted this dog!"

During the words, the original king's foot stepped on Han Yixiang's head again.

"Of course, King Xuan Tian, ​​now is not the time when you and I finally fight, so don't say I didn't give you a chance."


"I can give you my dog ​​as a compensation for you."

"It can be regarded as giving you a little face."

"After all, it's just you and me swapping two dogs."


"If you don't agree, then don't blame me for being impolite! You can't shoot at me now, and I don't bother to chase you."

"But, your men..."

"If one counts as one, I will tear them to pieces in front of you little by little!"

"So, King Xuantian, do you understand?"

"You promise and you have to agree."

"If you don't have to agree!"

At the beginning, the eyes of the king seemed to burn with a raging flame, which was infinitely terrifying.

Between heaven and earth!

At this moment, it has become silent.

All the geniuses were stunned!

They had no idea that things would turn out to be like this.

The original Wang's purpose turned out to be this way.

this moment.

The expression of King Xuantian finally became difficult to look at!

And at the moment.

Yuan Chu Wang, who was holding the winning ticket, finally turned his gaze and looked at Ye Wuque, who was still standing holding his hand, with a calm complexion, revealing a weird and terrifying but peaceful and greedy strange smile. Penetrating faint laughter sounded.

"Your name is Ye Wuque, right?"

"Look, now your biggest backer is powerless."

"It's so pathetic!"

"So, one thing to trouble you next my dog!"

"Are you willing?"

"If you don't want to, you may be miserable."


"Be good."

"Good dog."

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