Return of the War God

Chapter 6146: The true... source of the eye of the sea of ​​demons

Chapter 6146 The true source of the eye of the sea of ​​devils...

The old captain rushed down in a hurry. At this moment, he suddenly came over. His Excellency Ye in front of him even suppressed the demonic energy. The sea of ​​demons might not have any effect on him at all, so he felt relieved again, but still Watching Ye Wuque carefully to prevent any accident.

Ye Wuque's hand on the eye of the sea of ​​demons shone with a faint brilliance at the moment, he enveloped the power of reincarnation with the power of the soul and slowly probed into the eye of the sea of ​​demons at this moment.

Ye Wuque had a question in his heart!

That is, since the father made a move in the past, and he also filled the eyes of the sea of ​​devils, why didn't he completely pull out this trouble?

After a long time, the eye of the sea of ​​devils has recovered again?

According to his understanding of his father, his father either does not do it, and once he does, he will do it to the end, even if it is a young father, it will be like this.

"Or, it's not that the father doesn't want to, but... can't?"

This is the thought that was surging in Ye Wuque's heart at this moment.

Therefore, he chose to investigate at this moment.


At this moment, as Ye Wuque's spiritual power continued to overflow, he closed his eyes, and the power of perception continued to descend along the eyes of the sea of ​​demons, and immediately touched the endless residual demonic energy, which seemed to overflow from the infinite depths of the ground. Yes, but because of the repression of the power of reincarnation, the demonic energy at this moment has completely dissipated.

Ye Wuque's spiritual power kept going down, down...

To the depths of the earth, to unimaginable areas...


Ye Wuque's eyes became slightly solemn.

He felt that the breath of demonic energy had begun to change, and he even sensed the power of the terrifying space fault.

And it's not a simple space fault, it's more like...

At this moment, Ye Wuque felt that his spiritual power was suddenly interrupted, as if the touch was directly annihilated!

From this, even the current Ye Wuque felt a kind of... great terror!

The power of reincarnation is still there, fearless, but his own power is not enough!


Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly opened, revealing a touch of surprise.

"This is not the power of space faults, this is... the power of planes!"

"The real source of the eye of the sea of ​​demons is not in this plane, but in another plane?"

"This eye of the sea of ​​demons is equivalent to a plane channel that has been completely destroyed by pollution?"

Ye Wuque muttered to himself, but his amazed eyes slowly became more vibrating at this moment.

Because at the moment when his divine soul power was annihilated, he finally sensed a trace of power from the opposite side, and this power actually had a faint sense of... familiarity!

It's the power he once experienced and felt...

"Holy Emperor!"

Ye Wuque slowly spit out these three words in his heart at this moment, and his eyes gradually became strange and deep.

In the past, he was in the gods, in the ancient alliance of the gods, and the final confrontation was... the emperor of the holy secluded!

And in the Emperor Shengyou, Ye Wuque saw the power of the high plane, and he broke through because of this.


At the deepest source of the eye of the sea of ​​devils, Ye Wuque once again felt the same aura of power.

In other words, the true source of power of this sea of ​​demons is actually...

"Jiuyou Great World!"

Ye Wuque's eyes became sharp and attractive.

Jiuyou Great World!

Similar to the original Holy Nether Emperor, but only a "three-star tester" in the great world of Jiuyou, and now, he once again felt this unforgettable breath.

"Is this eye of the sea of ​​demons also a certain layout of the old world of Jiuyou? Or was it left by a certain tester??"

"It's just that this passage has been polluted and destroyed, and it is impossible to cross the living beings. However, the demonic energy that permeates from the Nine Nether World cannot be stopped. For a long time, it has been passing through this sea of ​​demons. The eyes overflowed, transported to this place, and transported to the outpost border area where the 'Road to Heaven and Desolation' is located..."

At this moment, Ye Wuque's eyes kept flickering slightly, and he thought of many, many things.

At the same time, he finally understood why his father didn't completely solve the eye of the sea of ​​demons in the past, he could only fill it up temporarily.

Because this overflowing demonic energy cannot be completely solved!

This demonic energy originates from the Nine Serenity Great World!

In other words, if you want to solve it completely, you cannot succeed unless you completely destroy the entire Nine Nether World and stop it from the source.

Although the father at that time was equally tyrannical, but he was still relatively young, I am afraid that he could not do it.

Even Ye Wuque knew very well that he couldn't do it now!

The power of the high plane!

The power of the source of the nine secluded world!

It is still not something he can touch now, and the great terror he just felt is the best proof.

Once upon a time, when he was in the ancient alliance of the gods, he felt the horror of the nine secluded world.

Now, he is too much stronger, but once again he touches the aura of the Nine Nether World, what he can feel is more terror and unknown!

The nine secluded world is unfathomable and unimaginable.

"But no matter what, now I have completely filled the eye of this sea of ​​demons with the power of reincarnation. The demonic energy that overflows from inside and outside will only make it more difficult to break through the blockade of the power of reincarnation."

"At this outpost border, you can get an extremely long period of peace..."

Thinking of this, Ye Wuque temporarily put down his thoughts about the Great World of Nine Netherworld, he slowly stood up again, and looked at the old captain beside him.

Without hesitation, Ye Wuque told the old captain the truth about the "Eye of the Sea of ​​Demons". Of course, he abandoned the part of "The Great World of Nine Netherworld", and just told the situation that the Eye of the Sea of ​​Demons was blocked.

After all, the old man in front of him has been carrying the safety of this place for too long!

He is so tired!

It's time to take a break now.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for letting me know!"

"So, the eye of the sea of ​​devils may one day recover again?"

But after the old captain digested the news, he quickly spoke in such a deep voice.

Ye Wuque nodded slowly, but immediately said: "But don't worry, the old captain, it is estimated that it will be a long, long time later, perhaps, it may not recover."

"As long as there is a slight possibility, it cannot be taken lightly."

"What's more, if there is no order to retreat for one day, we must stick to it for one day. This is... the fate of soldiers!"

"This is also my mission, Your Excellency Ye, in any case, thank you...for the grace of life-saving creation!"

The old captain bowed again and thanked him.

This time, Ye Wuque did not refuse.

Because he knew that this was the old captain's obsession.

Immediately, Ye Wuque and the old captain returned to the city gate again.

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