Return of the War God

Chapter 6147: This thing, when gifted to you

Chapter 6147 This thing should be given to you

"I declare that under the power of Lord Ye, the eye of the sea of ​​devils has been filled up again, and we... victorious!"

As the old captain spoke like this, all the white-haired soldiers in the entire city gate cheered!

Old tears!


All the white-haired soldiers cried!

The joy of victory stirred up, as if suffocating the evil spirit of eternity, it was finally possible to relax.

Immediately, without any hesitation, the veterans held a banquet at the gate.

One by one, they got drunk and sang aloud.

At this moment, Xiaohu and Xiaofeng finally regained their children's nature. They were dancing, making noise, and being extremely happy.

Ye Wuque and the old captain sat side by side, looking at a famous white-haired soldier with deep emotion.

"For a long time, I would like to thank these great warriors. Without their perseverance from generation to generation, perhaps the city gate would have been broken long ago." The old captain drank a rare drink.

Ye Wuque listened quietly.

"Your Excellency Ye, I'll give you a toast."

Ye Wuque raised his glass in response.

At this moment, on the sky above the city gate, because of the destruction of the demonic energy, the clear night sky reappeared, and the sunset glow appeared, dyeing the sky like a flame, gorgeous and beautiful.

"Your Excellency Ye, do you know that before Ye Zhengrong left, the general at that time actually gave him something, do you know what it is?"

The old captain suddenly smiled and said to Ye Wuque.

This made Ye Wuque's heart move.

He was naturally curious about what his father could choose to accept.

"This is it…"

Between the words, the old captain flipped his right hand, and a strange... token suddenly appeared in his hand!

"The Heavenly Desolation Dao Divine Order!"

I saw that the Heavenly Desolation Daoshen made the whole body gray, and it looked like an ordinary iron lump, very mottled.

But the strange thing is that on the surface of the token, there are seven dark... grooves!

These seven lacquered grooves are united together, and it is exactly...

"The Big Dipper?"

Ye Wuque blurted out.

"Yes, it is the Big Dipper. This is a special feature of the Heavenly Desolation Dao Divine Order, and my outpost border has a total of three pieces of 'Heavenly Desolate Dao Divine Order' issuance authority." The old captain continued to speak with emotion.

Ye Wuque's expression had become serious at this time. He knew that the old captain was going to tell him some important information next.

"Your Excellency Ye, the real name of this outpost border pass where we are located is... Taoshen Pass!"

"And here, it is actually the first hurdle of the 'Road to Heaven and Desolation'!"

"If I'm not mistaken, Your Excellency Ye, you are the invincible arrogant who wants to cross the 'Road of Heaven and Desolation', right?"

Ye Wuque nodded slowly without hesitation.

"That's right!"

"For a long time, the road to the Gods of Heaven and Desolation has run through this realm. Here, it is not only the outpost border guarding against the 'devil', but also the starting pass of the Gods Pass!"

"The 'Road to Heaven and Desolation' is not a road of trials that can be arranged, but a terrifying road of no return that has gradually formed in this realm over the years!" Speaking of which, the old captain's His expression became solemn and solemn.

"Throughout the ages, I don't know how many monsters and arrogances have gathered here, embarked on the road of heaven and gods, and wanted to go to the end of this road, obtained the earth-shattering creation, sharpened the body, and achieved the eternal glory... The title of Son of the Dao God!"

"For this reason, **** ancient roads, slaughtering the sky, going forward and succeeding, but never stopping."

"In the beginning, in our initial stage, we can still see the enchanting Tianjiao who stepped out of the gate. They have obtained the qualifications and come from outside the sky."

"The initial stage also shoulders the ability to screen."

"Three pieces of 'Tianhuang Dao Divine Order' were given, which can be given to three Tianjiao evildoers who have been recognized by the starting level."

"But later, with the passage of time and the changes of the years, the world of this realm has changed greatly. The starting level I am in has gradually become cheaper. The position in the Taoshen pass is too pre-test."

"Gradually, the beginning pass was forgotten, and no more arrogant demons passed by here, and their beginning was also transferred to the second pass of Taoshen."

"And the direction of the second pass of the Taoist God should be in the opposite direction when you came, Your Excellency Ye."

Hearing this, Ye Wuque's eyes flashed instantly!

He entered on the ancient road before, and at first he really couldn't tell the direction. Later, he heard the battle of the Chuanshui ethnic group and followed, and finally came here.

According to the words of the old captain at the moment, the correct route should be the diametrically opposite direction...

Dao God Second Pass!

"The last piece of Heavenly Desolation Dao Divine Order passed to me has now found its final owner, Your Excellency Ye, please accept it." The old captain looked at Ye Wuque and handed over this piece of Heavenly Desolation Dao Divine Order, And he continued to speak.

"Your Excellency Ye, this thing should be given to you, and please accept it."

"If you are interested in the path of the God of Heaven and God, and the son of God of God, then you must keep this piece of God's decree."

"Because of this token, it is related to whether you are successful and qualified to go to the deepest and the end of the road to heaven and gods!"

Ye Wuque immediately listened attentively.

The old captain continued slowly: "I also got these messages from the generals at that time. They are very important. I thought I would never have the opportunity to tell others. Now that you are here, Lord Ye, I naturally know everything. Words are endless!"

"The Road to Heaven and Gods!"

"The initial part is actually composed of... Taoshen passes!"

"The beginning of the entire road to the Taoist God is to cross one after another Taoist gate."

"And as far as I know, there are at least 10 Taoist Passes!"

"There may be more in the depths, but I am no longer qualified to know."

"Every enchanting creature who has set foot on the road of the Heavenly Desolate Dao and God must go down one level at a time."

"But this road, with the threat of life and death, may even be buried here forever, so it is extremely dangerous."

"And as the Taoshen Pass gets deeper and deeper, the concept of time will be lost there, and the past, present, and future will be infinitely intertwined, and it will become unbelievable!"

"And this 'Desolate God's Order' has a vital role in the beginning of the road to the God of Desolation!"

"Only if you have the 'Tao Deity Order' and find seven 'Tao God Fire Seeds', make them inlaid into the groove of the Big Dipper, and make it complete, can you be qualified to open the Dao Only the route after the God Pass is qualified to enter it.”

"In other words, if there is no such thing as God's decree, the Daoshen Pass will be the end, and it will no longer be possible to go deeper!"

"Unfortunately, for a long time, this initial stage has been forgotten, and the arrogant demons have never appeared here again, but they don't know that here, there is actually the divine order of the heavens and desolations they have longed for!"

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