Return of the War God

Chapter 6150: Taoist Second Pass

The second level of Taoist God

The ultimate trial of the God of Desolation... The monument of life!

It takes blood on the other side to ignite!

Everything points to the deepest part of the road to the God of Heaven!

Moreover, this is the road that my father has traveled.

At this moment, Ye Wuque, a heart that had been silent for a long time, gradually began to express a trace of excitement and anticipation as he continued to move forward.

According to the old captain, there are ten levels of Taoism and God, each of which is a test, contains all kinds of opportunities and good fortune, and also has terrifying dangers.

Tianjiao bleeds blood, slaughtering and fighting for the front!

Countless evildoers from the past to the present, plus the local evildoers and arrogances in the path of the Heavenly Desolate Taoist God, they paid a huge price in exchange for tyrannical power, and also joined in.

This "Road to Heaven and Desolation" is actually the "Hundred Battles Reincarnation" that has been magnified countless times, but the masters in it are beyond imagination!

Similar to Xuanyuan Ge and "Concubine Shi Yu", they didn't even have access to the door.

In addition to the Hundred Battles Reincarnation, there are also powerful geniuses selected by the two trials of "Raging Fire King Kong" and "Escaped One", and they all gather here.

The next route will not be so simple.

"The Heavenly Desolation Dao's decree, the Big Dipper groove on it..."

"Could it be..."

At this moment, Ye Wuque thought of the seven-star Refinement Dao Box that had been lying quietly in the Yuanyang Ring!

This thing is a mysterious thing that was sealed in the sun, moon and stars together in the past.

The ban is empty.

In the month ban is the Seven Star Refinement Dao Box.

The Seven-Star Refining Dao Box has a certain relationship with the Big Dipper Daoist Sect, and the Seven-Star Refining Dao Box contains many secrets.

Once upon a time, there was that... a red-haired woman related to the Seven-Star Refining Dao Box!

But for a long time, the secret about the seven-star refining box has never been revealed, and the only clue is the corner of the future seen in the past.

Big Dipper!

This is the sign on the seven-star refining box.

And the "Big Dipper groove" on the God's decree this day seems to be similar to the Big Dipper groove on the Seven Star Refining Dao Box!

Ye Wuque's eyes became deeper and deeper.


The crane roared for nine days, and Ye Wuque opened the Heavenly Demon Wings, and the whole speed was extremely fast, almost beyond imagination, and kept moving forward according to the old captain's instructions.

During this period, Ye Wuque did not forget to carefully perceive the awakening degree of the "Eye of Time".

"It's halfway through, the speed is not slow."

Ye Wuque was looking forward to it.

Soon, the initial stage completely disappeared between heaven and earth, and Ye Wuque returned to the desolate area where he came.

Wan Lai was dead silent and lifeless.

But this time, Ye Wuque had a clear goal, that is to bury his head and hurry.

Gradually, Ye Wuque sensed that there seemed to be some life fluctuations in the distance, and it seemed that there were various ethnic groups and tribes.

"These ethnic tribes should be the life area guarded by the old captain's outpost border. If there is no starting point, the devilish energy will permeate, and these tribes will be polluted long ago."


About half a day later, Ye Wuque completely entered the rather strange area, and even let out a light hum.

He felt that he had entered an area with extremely harsh environment, as if it was a hot hell.

There were dark red flames everywhere, burning roaringly, and the terrifying high temperature directly reached an unimaginable level.

Even with Ye Wuque's body, he felt a faint heat.

This terrifying hot environment alone may make countless creatures despair.

After Ye Wuque passed through this hot hellish area, it seemed as if he had entered an extremely cold area.

Terrible low temperatures appeared, freezing everything.

After that...

Thunder Hell, Wind Hell, Earth Hell…

Wait, nine special areas with extremely terrifying environments were staged one after another. Even Ye Wuque, the whole person felt an extremely uncomfortable negative feeling.

And when he finally traveled through the last harsh environment, a huge and endless plain finally appeared in front of him.

Ye Wuque stood above the void, his thoughts moved, and his vigorous blood flowed, exuding high temperature, his whole person immediately returned to normal, and all the negative forces contaminated on his body were suppressed.

"It's no wonder that the initial stage will be gradually forgotten. Just if these nine hell-like areas want to pass through, I am afraid that the general first-level refining **** will be shriveled, and even a little careless may fall into it. ."

Ye Wuque looked back at the direction he had come from, and realized something in his heart.

"Then Ye Langya came back in the opposite direction, that is, he deliberately returned to the starting level and snatched a piece of heaven and earth."

"I am afraid that the effect of this god's order on the desolate way is beyond imagination."

Immediately, Ye Wuque no longer stayed, and continued to advance at a high speed along the plain.

But after only a quarter of an hour, Ye Wuque felt the fluctuations of many lives!

"Many people, in all directions, all seem to be heading in the same direction very fast."

Ye Wuque's perception was powerful in all directions, and under the sweep of the power of the soul, he found a lot of fluctuations.

With the continuous deepening, after crossing the plain, everything between heaven and earth has also changed.

Rolling mountains appeared, the aura shone, and it became suitable for habitation.

However, in the sky and the ground, there are many floating battleships, chariots, and flying shuttles at this moment, all of which are moving forward.

Ye Wuque appeared silently, hiding his figure, but his divine soul power enveloped one floating battleship after another, and suddenly heard a lot of news.

"hurry up!"

"Today is the second level, which is finally opened, so that the creatures outside the level have the opportunity to enter the second level, and you must not miss it!"

"The second level of the Taoist God! The beginning of the road to the God of Heaven, the beginning of a legend, as long as you can enter the second level, you will think of ascending to the sky in one step, and you will have the starting point and the beginning of the road to the God of Heaven and Desolation!"

"It's a pity that not everyone is eligible to enter it!"

"That's natural! Only the outstanding geniuses who pass the test, or... um, have a relationship, are eligible to enter the second level."

"The second level only has an opportunity to open every three months. Every time I don't know how many creatures outside the level want to enter, the failure rate is 60-70%, and only a small percentage of those who can actually enter."

"It is said that in the second level, there are many powerful geniuses and gatekeepers. Once you enter, you will enter a world of another level."

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