Return of the War God

Chapter 6151: All Souls Fruit

Chapter 6151 All Spirits Sacred Fruit

"Not only that, in the second pass, there are unimaginable places of good fortune, many of which are arrogant and have the qualifications to go further and go to the third pass, but they do not go, in order to absorb more opportunities for good fortune. , especially the legendary... All Souls Holy Fruit! This is the most famous in the second level, and it is also regarded as the most incredible treasure of heaven and earth!"

"Hey! Holy Fruit of All Spirits!"

"It is said that you only need to take a Holy Fruit of All Spirits, and you can immediately break through a small realm without any hindrance! And there are no sequelae! Instead, it will consolidate the foundation and make oneself stronger. "

"It's worthy of the name of the holy fruit! You must know that in the ninth level of refining gods, it is the condense of the godhead. Every small realm is not easy."

"Early stage, middle stage, late stage, late stage peak, great perfection, the five small realms are also very different from each other! Being able to directly break through a small realm, even for the arrogant demons, I am afraid it can save months or even A year and a half of penance."

"Oh, it would be great if I could get a Holy Fruit of All Spirits!"

"Dead this heart! I don't know how many arrogant demons in the second level are staring at the Holy Fruit of All Spirits, plus there are powerful local forces in the second level, and they are also staring at the Holy Fruit of All Spirits, you and me. Such a small character is also qualified to intervene? Let’s first think about how we have the opportunity to pass the trial this time. If you can enter the second level first, you will already be burning high incense!”

"You said that! People always have dreams, right? What's the difference between no dreams and salted fish??"

"At least salted fish can be eaten. What can you dream of? Eat it as a meal? Wash and sleep!"

Under Ye Wuque's perception, the whispers of many creatures were all understood one by one, causing his eyes to flicker.

"It seems that this divine pass is more ups and downs than imagined..."

Many arrogant demons entrenched?

Holy Spirit?

Strong local power?

Sounds like a lot of fun!

So, in the second level of the Dao God, is there... the Dao God fire seed?

Ye Wuque filled his speed and followed these floating battleships to the second level of Taoshen.

Gradually, the environment between heaven and earth is getting better and better, and there are more and more various floating battleships, and finally it seems that locusts are passing through.

It is obvious that there are countless creatures outside the pass, and they all want to enter the second pass and open their own path to heaven and gods!

until a certain moment...

Ye Wuque, who had been flying all the time, finally moved his eyes slightly, looking towards the sky and the earth in front of him, and there was a touch of shock in his eyes.

An ancient Xiongguan finally appeared at the end of his sight.

If the starting level where the old captain is located is ancient and mottled, riddled with holes, and if it is alone, then the heroic level in front of you, in terms of momentum and scale, surpasses the starting level by a factor of ten... more than!

Dao God Second Pass!

The second pass lies between heaven and earth, giving people a daunting sense of awe, as if it is not a city pass, but a lurking terrifying beast!

The whole body is gray and black, with a splendid brilliance shining on it, the ancient prohibition is galloping, and many ancient inscriptions are also depicted, which is full of brilliance and full of visual impact.

After seeing the majesty of this second level, the creatures on the countless floating battleships all became quiet, and their eyes were full of deep yearning, longing, and burning.

"The first level is just a lonely outpost border, and this second level, there is obviously a more prosperous area inside."

Ye Wuque restrained his mind, turned his eyes, and looked before the second level.

There, I don't know how many young creatures have already gathered there, all coming from all directions, wanting to pass the trial today.

Roughly looking at the past, there are already hundreds of thousands.

Quietly, Ye Wuque finally came to the second level, slowly descended, and suddenly felt the boiling between heaven and earth!

Hundreds of thousands of young creatures, even if they are clearly separated from each other, gathered in one place at the moment, the atmosphere is difficult to calm.

Ye Wuque was in it, and there was no fluctuation in his body, as if he was an ordinary mortal, and he was not eye-catching.

As time went on, more and more creatures from outside the customs came, and the accumulated number became more and more, almost approaching the 200,000 mark.

However, Ye Wuque noticed that most of the eyes of all the creatures who came from outside the gate were all focused on the forefront outside the second gate!

There, they were divided into dozens of small groups, each of them seemed to have representatives sitting there, both male and female, most of them looked indifferent and rebellious, and seemed to be aloof, and their sitting positions also exuded a completely different vastness. breath.

"I don't even see it. Many of the famous arrogant and evil lords in the second stage have sent their spokespersons to screen the seedlings that are of sufficient standard!"

"Attracting talents and strengthening oneself, this is the most correct way!"

"I don't know what kind of talents are standard enough this time to be seen by these spokespersons!"

"Wow! I saw the spokesperson for 'Yinyue Tianjun'!"

"'Fairy Hundred Flowers!' The spokesperson of Fairy Hundred Flowers also appeared this time!"

"I also saw the spokesperson of 'Lei Electronics'!"

"Whose spokesperson is that?? Why haven't I seen it?"

"Let me see! Hiss! That's... 'Tianwu Fighting God'! That's the spokesperson of Tianwu Fighting God! Lord 'Tianwu Fighting God', who is known as one of the most famous in the second stage, even sent a spokesperson this time?? "

"This is going to turn the sky upside down! Our chance is here! If we can perform well this time and be seen by these spokespersons, it means that we have entered the eyes of those monstrous adults. Since then, it is equivalent to ascending to the sky and changing our destiny!"

"I can't wait!"

Countless creatures outside the gate are gearing up at this time, all looking at a famous spokesperson in front of the second gate with warm eyes.

At this moment, many spokespersons are very different from each other, and they are also observing hundreds of thousands of creatures outside the customs.

"I hope this time, some good seedlings will appear."

"The current situation is severe, like cooking oil on fire. If there is enough potential and aptitude for Tianjiao, it will soon grow into an instant combat power!"

"The Holy Fruit of All Spirits is about to be born! At this time, the more experts, the better! Sir, we need help!"

"Just look at this time! We must collect enough good seedlings!"

A famous spokesperson looked expressionless, but in fact his eyes were flickering, each with his own little abacus.

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