Return of the War God

Chapter 6155: Where the **** did he come out of...

Chapter 6155 Where did he come out

"Look! That guy's detection beam didn't respond at all!"

"It seems so! I saw that he had touched three crystals according to the rules, but he didn't even light up!"

"And this? Doesn't this mean that this guy's aptitude, understanding, and physique are so poor that even the lowest white brilliance can't shine??"

"I'm going, this is a piece of trash!"

"Hahahaha! Eye-opening! Look, that guy is probably not a waste!"


Suddenly, a burst of laughter was heard, and countless eyes were all looking at Ye Wuque at the moment, falling on him, and their eyes gradually became playful, joking, contemptuous, sarcastic, and funny!

The laughter grew louder and louder, and then completely ignited the atmosphere between heaven and earth!

Even all the evildoer's spokespersons were disturbed at the moment, and they all looked at Ye Wuque subconsciously, and then they also showed a playful expression.

"Can't even light up the lowest white light?"

"The forest is really big, there are all kinds of birds, this is pure iron waste!"

"I'm afraid it's not the worst in history, how long has it been like this?"

"Anyway, I'm tired of watching. Let's take a look at some funny situations and relax."


At this moment, the eyes of almost all the creatures between heaven and earth were focused on Ye Wuque, as if Ye Wuque had become a joke for all creatures.

The laughter gradually resounded through the sky!

And here Ye Wuque, after the initial stunned, seems to finally understand what is going on, and the eyes looking at the detection light beam at this moment also reveal a touch of helplessness.

"Who is that! Let's go!"

"Yeah! Don't be ashamed!"

"Don't look at it, you are an iron waste! Hurry up!"

"Not leaving yet? Don't you think it's not enough to be ashamed?"

hum! !

Just when many creatures couldn't help booing, the crystal in front of Ye Wuque's detection beam representing "aptitude" suddenly lit up with a cyan brilliance!

Then, without any pause, in the next instant it turned into white Guanhui, golden brilliance, and finally purple brilliance!


The purple brilliance has become incomparably bright, shining infinitely!

It seems that the previous stagnation is for the outbreak at this moment! !

The dazzling purple brilliance is still deepening almost continuously, and gradually it seems to have turned into a little purple sun!

The purple light emitted by this crystal representing "aptitude" directly illuminates almost half of the sky.

Between heaven and earth, it suddenly became dead silent!

All the creatures were stunned!

Their expressions were directly frozen, as if their throats were suddenly strangled by invisible hands, motionless.

And all the evildoer's spokespersons were all struck by lightning at this time, and they all widened their eyes.

Even the gatekeepers on the city gate showed a touch of shock in their icy eyes.

The purple brilliance is still deepening insanely!

The entire void turned purple.

"What, what's the situation??" A living being finally said with trembling subconsciously.

"I know!! His aptitude, his aptitude is beyond imagination, he was digesting frantically before the detection beam, he is not a waste, but the crystal on the detection beam can't bear it at all!"

At this moment, Baihua Fairy's treater suddenly stood up and let out a trembling roar, which was so clear in the dead silence.

The boss of all creatures with their mouths open!

Because at this moment, the purple brilliance on Ye Wuque's "aptitude" crystal has reached a certain limit.

If the purple brilliance detected by Lou Cheng and Zhao Tiankuo before was "Xiaoxi", then the purple brilliance detected by Ye Wuque at this moment is... anger! !

Completely a born and an underground!

Totally incomparable and...

Bang! !

A huge roar resounded and exploded, and Ye Wuque detected the crystal representing "aptitude" in the light beam at this moment... it exploded! !

The purple radiance that filled the sky suddenly dissipated, sweeping across the void in all directions, and then slowly dissipating.

All the creatures between heaven and earth are stupid!

"The detection beam... is it broken?"

A demon spokeswoman trembled subconsciously.

And all the rest of the enchanting spokespersons are also endlessly roaring in their minds! !

But in the next moment...

hum! !

Ye Wuque detects that the crystal representing "comprehension" on the beam of light suddenly lit up at this moment. It was only an instant from cyan to purple, and then the same blazing purple brilliance was the same, illuminating the void!

Exactly the same as the "qualification" crystal just now, it is extremely bright, and finally...

boom! !

This crystal also exploded!

After that, it is the crystal representing "physique", which also repeated the previous two crystals, turning into the most dazzling purple brilliance, like a small sun, and then it exploded! !

The three crystals representing "Quality, Comprehension, and Physique" on Ye Wuque's detection beam were all dazzling to the extreme at this moment, and then they all burst.

The appearance of this scene is as if the world has completely lost any sound!

All the creatures froze in place.

Only two people were trembling wildly, one was Zhao Tiankuo, and the other was Na Loucheng.

Especially Lou Cheng, the body he was sitting upright at the moment was not only trembling, his hands were pinching his thighs tightly, his eyes were staring at Ye Wuque, looking at the three crystals that exploded the detection beam, never again. There is no peace and indifference before.

He never imagined that anyone would be able to do this!

The purple brilliance that Ye Wuque had just lit up from a random crystal was at least ten times more than his! !

"How...there would be such...people..." Lou Cheng's voice was intermittent.

Zhao Tiankuo has been smiling all the time, but at this moment, his small eyes are round and round, like a ghost in the daytime.

And all the evildoers' spokespersons had already stood up from their seats, and they all stared blankly at Ye Wuque at this moment.

"This, this..." The spokespersons also spoke out, completely bewildered.

All the creatures outside the border between heaven and earth are like a ghost in the daytime, they are all frozen in place, their eyes are about to pop out of their sockets!

"There is only one explanation! There is only one explanation!"

At this moment, Baihua Fairy's spokesperson woke up again and let out a trembling roar!

"His aptitude, understanding, and talent have surpassed the upper limit that can be accommodated by the detection beam crystal!!"

"The detection beam can't carry his talent at all!! So it just blew up!!"

At this moment, all the spokespersons were shocked by these words, and they looked at Ye Wuque as if they were looking at a fantastic treasure!

"Monster, monster!"

"Evil is not enough to describe!"

"This is just... a monster!"

"Where the **** did this monster come from??"

The spokesperson of Tianwu Fighting God trembled and roared.

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