Return of the War God

Chapter 6156: The first Taoist fire seed

The first Taoshen fire seed

In the dead silence between the world, hundreds of thousands of living beings outside the customs at this time, after experiencing the most terrifying dead silence, instantly turned into an endless uproar! !

And Ye Wuque, who had been standing quietly, looked at the explosion of the detection beam, and was speechless.

"Accidentally seems to have overplayed..."

"Why did the detection beam explode? The quality is so bad!"

At the city gate, all the gatekeepers also had their eyes rounded at this time, all staring at Ye Wuque's figure below.

I even forgot to announce the next set of creature detections.

And the other nine hundred and ninety people who tested with Ye Wuque also stared at him blankly, as if they were looking at a god.

"Guardian, how do I count this?"

Ye Wuque raised his head and looked at the gatekeepers above the city gate, asking like this.

On the city gate, the gatekeepers were collectively silent, and then the leader slowly opened his mouth and said two words: "Pass... pass!"

Ye Wuxia nodded.

Then, without stopping, he walked slowly towards the gathering place that was eligible to enter the second one, as leisurely as a walk.

The eyes of all the evildoers' spokespersons followed Ye Wuque slowly, and when Ye Wuque walked in front of them, they woke up like a dream, and all of them immediately trembled and shouted excitedly!

"Lord Baihua Fairy's spokesperson, I send you the most sincere invitation!"

"Lord Tianwu Dou Shen's spokesperson, I send you the most sincere invitation!"


All enchanting spokespersons are crazy at this moment!

The endless excitement, joy, and excitement are about to explode! !

They recruit talents, yearn for real genius, and look forward to a peerless monster. As a result, God has given a living monster! !

How can I miss it? ?

Don't miss it! ! !

For a time, a group of spokespersons could not wait to directly pounce on Ye Wuque and surround him.


In the face of the madness of all the evildoers' spokespersons, Ye Wuque seemed to have not heard at all, and walked straight past without even the slightest intention to stay.

The expressions of all the evildoer spokespersons suddenly became stagnant.

As for Lou Cheng, his eyes were always on Ye Wuque's back. At this moment, he subconsciously looked back at the detection beam that had been replaced. Suddenly, he realized something in his heart, his eyes shook even more, and he said hoarsely: " No! No! Three purples... is by no means his limit!"

"Just because the highest detection beam is only purple."

"His limit is definitely beyond...imagination!!"

Lou Cheng's words that seemed to be talking to himself suddenly made a famous enchanting spokesperson tremble again!

The reason why Ye Wuque in front of him has obtained three purple colors.

That's because the highest detection beam is only purple.

It finally exploded!

"For sale?"

"I'm afraid this is the case, this is a monster that can't be met!"

"Fair competition, just see the price!"

"I think about this person, I'm afraid it's not up to you and me to decide, and we must tell the adults behind us!"

"That's the truth, tell the adults, and then you can do your own thing!"

"Trust this person, he wants to sell it for a price."

"It's inconvenient here, we'll follow after he enters the second level!"

A famous spokesperson also forcibly recovered his calm at this moment.

And here Ye Wuque had already reached the gathering place, closed his eyes again and rested, all the other passing creatures moved away automatically, looking at Ye Wuque as if looking at a ghost.

Testing continues.

But after about half an hour, it was completely over.

"This time detected this end."

"Congratulations to the more than 1,000 of you, who have qualified to enter the second level."

At the gate, the gatekeepers continued to speak, announcing the final result.


"After entering the second level, the rules you need to follow are also very simple."

"First, you can't wantonly kill ordinary creatures in the second level."

"Second, if there is any dispute, it must be kept within a certain level, and it should not be turned upside down."

"On these two points, I hope you abide by it."

"All right."

"From now on, you can enter the second level..."


After the voice of the gatekeeper fell, the second gate, which had been tightly closed, slowly opened at this moment.

More than a thousand creatures who are eligible to enter the second level finally showed their expectant and excited smiles at this moment.

They are finally eligible to enter the second level!

This means that they can finally open their "Road to Heaven and Gods"!

In a trance, these more than a thousand creatures seem to have seen their own radiant future, with endless motivation and expectations.

Ye Wuque here, also opened his eyes at this time, looked at the second gate, and then no longer hesitated, slowly walked towards the gate.

The second pass is a majestic tower.

The door is also tall and heavy, giving people a sense of baptism of years.

And those creatures who didn't pass the test could only watch the more than 1,000 winners enter, each feeling sad, unwilling and helpless.

Soon, Ye Wuque stepped into the gate and officially entered the second level. Suddenly, a shining and vast world seemed to appear in front of him.

As he expected, after this second level, there is still an endlessly prosperous area.

Between heaven and earth, there are mountains and rivers in the distance, as well as various buildings, innumerable palaces, and innumerable creatures living in it, multiplying by themselves, like a small world.

Ye Wuque walked slowly.

And behind him, a group of evildoer spokesmen hung from a distance, with fiery eyes.

Just after Ye Wuque walked into the second level, his eyes suddenly narrowed!

Because right now!

He suddenly felt the "God Order of Heaven and Desolation" placed in the Yuanyang Ring. At this time, there was a change, and there was a mysterious reaction in the first groove of the Big Dipper.

This made Ye Wuque feel quite surprised, but his eyes gradually became hot.

Will there be a sudden change in the Heavenly Desolate Dao Divine Order?

There is only one reason!

"I didn't expect that this is the second level of Taoshen, and the first one... Taoshen fire seed appeared!"


Ye Wuque's fiery gaze disappeared, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

So, where is this first Taoshen fire seed hidden in the second level, or which creature is it in the hands of?

How to find it out?

After all, the Heavenly Desolate Taoist Order can determine the approximate location of the Taoist Fire Seed, but it cannot accurately guide the specific location.

Perhaps this is also a test of the Taoist road.

But Ye Wuque didn't seem to be in a hurry, but continued to move forward slowly and leisurely, and finally chose a restaurant with a lot of people. He walked in so generously, went up to the second floor and sat down in a seat by the window. Take it easy.

Soon, almost all the evildoers spokesmen gathered outside the restaurant, their eyes were fiery and eager, their clothes were straightened, their eyes met each other, no hesitation, and they all took a deep breath with a solemn expression. All the brushes stepped into the restaurant and went straight to the second floor.

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