Return of the War God

Chapter 6157: run

6157 run

A group of evildoer spokesmen filed in and walked up to the second floor of the restaurant.

But when every evildoer spokesperson stepped into the second floor of the restaurant and saw the tall and slender figure sitting leisurely in front of the window, for some reason, he suddenly felt a sense of convincing from the bottom of his heart!

It seemed that the person sitting there was not Ye Wuque, but a terrifying giant dragon baring its teeth, showing their white teeth, causing their scalps to feel numb.

"This person... is too scary! Why does he give us such a terrifying feeling??" Baihua Fairy's spokesperson spoke in horror, and even couldn't help but stop.

"It's obviously just a genius with amazing potential. He hasn't grown up yet. How can he have such a momentum?? I feel that I don't dare to approach." The spokesperson of Lei Electronics also said tremblingly.

"Within three feet in front of him, he is clearly peaceful, but no one dares to approach him. What is this person...what's the origin??"

A famous enchanting spokesperson was originally full of confidence and prepared to compete fairly, but now all of them involuntarily stopped, only daring to watch from a distance, smug.

You must know that they can become spokespersons, and they are naturally able to talk and dance, but now, they are actually overwhelmed, just glanced at it from a distance.

In addition, outside the second stage, Ye Wuque ignored their invitation, ignored them, and completely ignored them.

For a time, all the spokespersons suddenly came up with the same idea from the bottom of their hearts...

This time, I am afraid that the success of the recruitment is slim!

However, these spokespersons have also experienced strong winds and waves, and they have already arrived here.

"What kind of evildoer's spokesperson, is the pestle there as a pillar?"

"What a plane."

At this moment, although Ye Wuque has been looking out the window, drinking leisurely and contentedly, the power of perception shines through everything, and it is quite surprising to see the strange behavior of this group of evildoers.

Originally outside the second level, if Ye Wuque said that he had completely ignored the solicitation of these so-called enchanting spokespersons, then after confirming that there was the first Taoist fire seed in the second level, Ye Wuque's thoughts changed.

Dao God Fire Seed!

He is determined to win!

However, since he was new to the scene, he was very unfamiliar with everything in the second level, and he couldn't figure out where the Dao God Fire Seed was.

It can't be searched publicly, can it?

Compared with the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon on the Road to the God of Desolation, this is the second level. It is said that there are many evil spirits and geniuses, and they should all have two brushes.

Therefore, in this case, it is better to cooperate with the local snakes here and get what they need.

Of course, he would not be recruited to be someone's younger brother.

Because no one has the qualifications!

It is possible to cooperate with each other.

This is also Ye Wuque's plan.

That's why he deliberately entered the second floor of this restaurant to drink tea leisurely, because he expected that this group of evildoers would definitely come to contact him.

After all, in the previous test outside the second level, he accidentally made a big news!

And the various enchanting geniuses in this second level seem to be thirsty for talents.

But, what's the situation now?

Are these spokespersons being stabbed?


Finally, it seemed that the evildoer spokesmen had made up their minds, and one by one, they took a breath and slowly walked towards Ye Wuque, with a very cautious attitude and... Be careful!

"Ye Wuque, hello."

After approaching, Baihua Fairy's spokesperson was the first to speak in a deep voice, with a trembling tone that could not be hidden.

He seemed to be naturally sensitive and keen, and felt an indescribable fear from Ye Wuque!

I only felt as if I was standing in front of an infinitely terrifying abyss, and it seemed that I was eaten by one bite.

This feeling is terrible!

But he still dutifully continued to speak: "We are the spokespersons for all the famous enchanting geniuses in the second stage, and this time, you have come to know, we want to represent our respective adults, and invite you to choose One of the adults joined his subordinates and became a member, and from now on, the adults will follow the lead!"

"Of course, Ye Wuque, your talent is amazing, and you are outstanding in all aspects. Your lord will give you enough training resources. I hope you can consider it carefully."

Baihua Fairy's spokesperson said this in one breath, and his forehead was covered with sweat at the moment, and his lips were trembling slightly.

The tall and slender figure sitting quietly in front of him was just facing him sideways, but the invisible deterrent it gave him was too great!

The rest of the spokespersons also reacted in the same way, they were all tense!

Ye Wuque, who had been drinking tea and looking out the window, finally turned his head at this moment, and looked at all the spokespersons indifferently.

Check it out!


All the spokespersons only felt a terrifying coercion overflowing from those bright and dull eyes, which seemed to overwhelm everything, and suddenly made their scalps numb, and their hearts suddenly grew endless fear and retreat. .

But here Ye Wuque, there is something in his heart... stunned!

what's going on?

Why are these spokespersons all tense and shivering, their faces are pale like dead parents, looking at him is like looking at a monster, and it was windy last night?

However, Ye Wuque still expressed his attitude and said lightly: "I don't have the habit of being a younger brother to others."

As soon as these words came out, all the spokespersons trembled again in their hearts. They all felt that although Ye Wuque's words were indifferent, it seemed like a thunderous explosion when they landed in their ears!

Haven't thought about being someone else's little brother? ?

Is that a refusal?

Knew it!

How could this terrifying fellow be willing to be recruited?

We rush over like this is completely equivalent to doing something, it will only irritate him.

Look at his eyes at the moment, how terrible is it? How stunning? ?

Look at his tone of voice, how cold it is!


Must run now!


"We'll leave immediately! No other intentions, farewell!"

Baihua Fairy's spokesperson trembled immediately, then gave Ye Wuque a slight salute, then turned around and left without any hesitation, and went downstairs.

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