Return of the War God

Chapter 6158: The virtuous dwell

6158 The virtuous live in it

The rest of the spokespersons were a step behind, trembling slightly at the moment, and then they could not care about etiquette, they also turned around, and they all ran away immediately.

In an instant, it was gone!

They scrambled for each other, as if they only hated their parents for having two less legs.

Ye Wuque, who was sitting upright, was a little... stunned looking at all this at the moment!

The word "but" in his throat just didn't have time to spit out, and it was stillborn.

"what's the situation?"

"It just slipped away?"

After being a little stunned, Ye Wuque also felt confused, completely confused about the situation.

Aren't these demonic spokespersons here to recruit him? ?

But he only said half of what he said, and the spokespersons ran straight away, and they fled in embarrassment like a ghost, as if they were scared away alive.

"I didn't look kind enough just now?"

"The tone just now wasn't calm enough?"


Ye Wuque drank another cup of tea.

"However, maybe this is their tentative plan?" But Ye Wuque thought about it and suddenly thought of this possibility.

If this is the case, then the situation of the other party's return may still occur again.

So, he decided to be patient and wait a little longer.

the other side.

A group of evildoers who came out of the restaurant embarrassedly ran non-stop at this time, daring not to stop at all, and went straight to one direction of the second pass.

Golden Years Pavilion.

This is a prestigious place in the second pass, and it is a place dedicated to the famous enchanting genius Tianjiao in the second pass to meet and communicate.

Majestic, rich and dazzling.

And today, a kind of well-known enchanting genius in the second level has also gathered here on purpose.

Because there are good seedlings coming in today, and there are enchanting geniuses who have recruited enough amazing talents!

Lou Cheng!

Zhao Tiankuo!

The appearance of these two good seedlings made all the evildoers and Tianjiao willing to gather together and have a look.

In the Golden Years Pavilion, at this time, dozens of figures exuding a tyrannical aura gathered together. Of course, the differences were clear, but the atmosphere seemed to be quite harmonious.

God of martial arts!

Ray Electronics!

Flower Fairy!

Yinyue Tianjun!

Real Dragon!

Little witch!

A name is in the second stage, and the famous monstrous Tianjiao has appeared here.

Lou Cheng and Zhao Tiankuo were both present at this time, with a touch of awe on their faces, especially Lou Cheng, neither humble nor arrogant.

"Haha, Lei Electronics, I really want to congratulate you this time! I didn't expect Lou Cheng to choose you!"

It was Yinyue Tianjun who spoke, and his voice had a hint of magnetism.

And Yinyue Tianjun was dressed in silver armor, tall and tall, sitting there, like a dragon and a tiger, and his momentum was soaring to the sky.

"This is called fate. Lou Cheng has unlimited potential. Joining my command, I will naturally cultivate it with all my heart, and it will be a great help in the future."

Lei Dian, who had successfully invited Lou Cheng to join his subordinates, opened his mouth with a smile, with an undisguised joy surging on his face.

He is also tall, with a heroic face, and a pair of strange eyes, which seem to contain thunder and lightning, which is extremely attractive.

And between Lei's electronic words, his eyes were looking at the figure in the other seat...

God of martial arts!

Compared with Leidian, Tianwu Fighting God seems to be ordinary and expressionless, but it gives people an indescribable and unpredictable meaning.

In the second level, Tianwu Fighting God can also be said to be one of the strongest evildoers!

Behind Tianwu Dou Shen, Zhao Tiankuo stood quietly.

In fact, each of the enchanting geniuses present at the scene had at least one figure standing behind them.

In addition to the talents successfully recruited, those figures are their... deputy!

In other words, it is the first general under the command of these evildoers!

Follow as guards and shadows, in order to show their own bearing and identity.

And these deputies, all of them are also solemn, with eyes like knives, looking at the rest of the deputies, their eyes are also undisguised coldness.

The atmosphere began to be harmonious, but in fact, it was more... a knife hidden in a smile!

The Road to Heaven and Gods!

Dao God Second Pass!

There will only be blood and chaos.

How can there be peace?

It's just that all parties are competing, and temporarily reaching a certain level of cooperation because of interests will happen.

"Giggle, I thought that this time, 'Lou Cheng' would come out on top, the three-purple Tianjiao, with unlimited potential, but who could have imagined that? In the end, appeared!"

"Monster... Ye Wuque!"

At this moment, the little witch giggled and opened her mouth, her smiling branches trembling.

She has a hot body and is dressed in black tulle, which makes her perfect body looming, enough to drive any opposite **** crazy.

But she is named "The Witch", and she is also the famous enchanting genius in the second stage, so she is not easy to provoke.

And with the opening of the little witch, the eyes of the rest of the enchanting Tianjiao also flickered, and there was a faint desire in their eyes!

Monster... Ye Wuque!

Not long ago, in the pre-test of the second level, this monster was born out of nowhere and made a big news. Who wouldn't care?

It can be said that this is a real monster-level evildoer who is much better than Lou Cheng.

If it can be recruited, it will be even more powerful!

"Real enchanting talents are welcome everywhere."

"It's just that this Ye Wuque seems to be a... thorn head!"

At this time, Zhenren Long opened his mouth with a smile that was not a smile, and meant something.

His head was sturdy, his breath was deep, and he was equally unfathomable.

"Thorn's head is my favorite! Tune|Teach a little brother like this, you have a sense of accomplishment! Otherwise, you good brothers don't rob me?" At this moment, the little witch suddenly showed a look of tears. Appearance, looking at the rest of the enchanting Tianjiao, with a determined expression.

"Talents are like treasures, those with virtue live in them."

"For a monster newcomer like Ye Wuque, the thorn head is the embodiment of his personality. Whether he can impress him or not depends on his ability."

Fairy Hundred Flowers, at this time, also opened her mouth with a faint smile, a hint of holiness appeared on Guose Tianxiang's pretty face, and she looked at the little witch.

"Giggle, Baihua Fairy, why do you always like to go against me?"

The little witch giggled.

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