Return of the War God

Chapter 6160: die

Chapter 6160 Dead

Restaurant, second floor.

Ye Wuque was still drinking tea quietly, sitting casually, choosing to wait slowly.

But the next moment...


Dozens of silhouettes emitting aura came from one direction at high speed, heading straight for the restaurant.

All of them are imposing, extremely cold, with cruelty and ferocity, just like hunters who came to hunt.


Ye Wuque is not afraid.

"This is... a group of people changed?"


Just now, the group of spokespersons didn't even wait for him to finish speaking, they all scared away and almost got confused.

Now if we talk to another group of people, the effect may be better.

Ding Ding Deng!

bang bang bang bang!

There was a sudden roar of broken objects, tables and chairs from downstairs, and then the sound of going upstairs. Soon, a dozen figures came to the second floor, like a dozen tigers, all of them staring at each other instantly. Ye Wuque!

They scattered, but ninety-nine percent of them seemed to be just here to watch the fun, their eyes were amused.

Only one of the men with a thin body but a cold temperament stepped forward and stared at Ye Wuque condescendingly, with a cold and cruel expression on his face.

"You are Ye Wuque?"

A cold voice sounded.

Ye Wuque put down the teacup, and his bright eyes opened lightly, "Who are you?"

"Master Tianwu Dou Shen's deputy... Tian Yao!"

Tian Yao directly reported his name, high above, showing a hint of gloom.

"Deputy? That means it's up to you to talk?"

Ye Wuque's eyes moved slightly, and then he spoke again patiently.

As a result, after he said this, Tian Yao was stunned for a moment, and then laughed out loud, and the rest of the Tianjiao enchanting deputies who were scattered also burst into laughter one by one, and the laughter was full of a deep joke and playfulness.

Tianyao even looked up to the sky and laughed!

"Hahaha! Talk??"

Then Hou Tianyao suddenly restrained his smile, looking at Ye Wuque as if he were an idiot, and uttering three words of disdain!

"You, match, are you?"

"I don't know what to do!"

"Thinking that you have a bit of aptitude to show off your strength?"

"I'm here for one thing..."

Tian Yao seemed to be enjoying this moment, his smile became more and more fierce and mocking.

"That's... borrow your head!"

"You won't lose face, will you?"

Immediately, the rest of the deputies also laughed out loud again, and there was a hint of inexplicable fiery and desire in their eyes.

A peerless evildoer who has unlimited potential and can grow up as long as he is given a certain amount of time will be strangled before his eyes!

What a thrilling thing this is? ?

Ye Wuque, who had been holding the teacup lightly, also slowly shook his head and let out a sigh.

It seems that those monstrous geniuses want his life!

That's why these so-called deputies are sent to do things.



Alive...isn't it?

He really wanted to collaborate.

As a result, they directly wanted him to die!


Ye Wuque sighed again, put down the teacup gently at this moment, and looked at Tianyao again.

"Why bother?"

Ye Wuque's words had no beginning or end, but they fell into the ears of Tian Yao and others, but they intuitively thought that Ye Wuque was asking... begging for mercy!

"Hahaha! Beg for mercy? It's too late!"

"To reward you for the opportunity to be a good obedient dog, you don't want it!"



Tian Yao let out a loud roar, and the whole person rushed towards Ye Wuque like an arrow from the string. The index finger and **** of the right hand were brought together, and a finger light was pointed directly at Ye Wuque's temple!


The void was torn apart immediately, and Tianyao's speed was extremely fast, the suffocating energy was soaring to the sky, and there was no reservation, and he had to directly poke the temple of the perfect leaves!

But Ye Wuque remained motionless, still sitting there, not even raising his hand to resist.

As if scared and stupid, there was no reaction, and Tian Yao was allowed to strike with a killer move.

When the deputies on the side saw this scene, they immediately showed disdainful smiles again.

"What about the capital of the peerless evildoer? What does it count in the face of absolute strength?"

"Potential is just potential, and it is useless until it is transformed into strength."

"What I hate the most are these guys with peerless qualifications. They are self-righteous, look down on others, and deserve to die!"

All the lieutenants chatted and laughed, admiring the impending killing.


Tianyao's killing finger stabbed on Ye Wuque's temple smoothly, but it made a strange roar, as if stabbed on a mountain made of fine iron.

The bloodthirsty expression on Tian Yao's face instantly solidified!

His finger clearly poked on Ye Wuque's temple, but it didn't even scratch the skin.

The deputies could see clearly, Tian Yao's index finger seemed to be just lightly tapped there, motionless, and suddenly a little dissatisfied and strange.

"what's the situation?"

"Tianyao, are you playing on purpose?"

"What's so good about this... kacha!!"


The roar of shattering bones was accompanied by Tian Yao's grief and pain, and an unbelievable howl sounded instantly!

I saw that starting from the **** that he poked on Ye Wuque's temple, every inch was shattered at this moment, and a little bit burst into blood mist!

Then the whole hand, the forearm, the big arm, and finally completely exploded into a blood mist, and the terrifying anti-shock force continued to erupt, and Tianyao's whole body was directly shaken out, the blood mist spurted, in the void Half of the body exploded, and finally smashed directly to the wine table not far away, smashing it into a thousand holes, and then began to roll wildly and howl on the ground!

"Me, my hand! My arm! Aaaah! No!"

Tianyao, who had been showing off his might just a moment ago, was wailing like a dead dog at this moment.

All the remaining lieutenants were stunned!

For a moment, they only felt that their scalps were numb, and their pupils were shrinking violently!

The deputies who are enchanting Tianjiao, their eyesight is naturally not bad.

"Tianyao didn't... deliberately release water!"

"He, he was directly... abolished by the anti-shock power emanating from this person's body!" A deputy let out a trembling roar.

All the deputies were cold and shivering!

Who is Tian Yao? ?

The first general of Lord Tianwu Dou Shen!

The strength is definitely not weak!

But under the full force of the attack, even Ye Wuque's skin was not smashed, but was directly half-crippled by the opponent's anti-shock force!

How terrible is this? ?

At this moment, Ye Wuque, who had been sitting quietly, finally stood up slowly.

As Ye Wuque got up, the deputies only felt that the person standing up was not a person, but an infinitely terrifying ancient beast!

It seemed that as Ye Wuque got up, the entire void was squeezed out. He seemed to have turned into an irresistible terrifying shadow, which instantly reflected on the faces of every deputy, making them feel boundless despair.

At this time, Ye Wuque was expressionless, and his eyes were... cold.

With a sincere heart, he wants to cooperate with the enchanting Tianjiao in the second level.

As a result, what he waited patiently for was the killing of him by the other party.

So... what else is there to say?

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