Return of the War God

Chapter 6161: all dead

Chapter 6161 All dead

Ye Wuque's icy and dazzling eyes fell on the eyes of the deputies at this moment, causing them to tremble violently like sharp thorns, feeling that their souls were trembling, and it was full of ignorance and inconceivable!

How could this be? ?

How could this be? ?

Isn't this Ye Wuque just a newcomer outside Guan who has unlimited potential? ?

How could he have such strength? ?

This, this... is not scientific! !

"Let's do it together!"

"Kill this beast!"

But after all, they are the first Tianjiao under the monstrous Tianjiao. After experiencing the initial panic, they still reacted immediately, and immediately understood that only by working together, there may be a chance!


Immediately, dozens of terrifying fluctuations erupted in the void on the second floor, radiating radiance, tearing everything apart, and killing Ye Wuque in unison.

Ye Wuque stood tall, looking at the dozen or so deputies who were surrounded and killed with all his strength, his face was still expressionless, and his eyes were cold.

He just lifted his right hand slightly, and then spread his five fingers wide, and just pressed forward at will!


The dozens of deputies only felt a sudden darkness in front of them, as if all the light between heaven and earth was somehow blocked!

Then, they saw the last scene they could see in their lifetime!

A big hand!

Squeeze the void!

All the way, they directly wiped out the supernatural powers and secrets they released, and then they caught them unabated!

Boom boom boom!

Void suddenly exploded more than a dozen blood-colored fireworks!

More than a dozen enchanting Tianjiao's deputies were directly crushed in an instant, without even a trace of begging and screaming, they were sent to life and reincarnated on the spot.

The endless rain of blood poured out, dyeing the void red.

Only a half-crippled Tian Yao was still rolling wildly on the ground, but at this moment, he also clearly saw the scene of dozens of deputies exploded into blood mist. He was already horrified and even the pain seemed to be forgotten. Endless fear and panic!


At this moment, the sound of footsteps sounded, and a tall and slender figure slowly walked in front of Tian Yao.

Ye Wuque looked down at Tianyao.

Tian Yao's whole body suddenly began to tremble violently, looking at Ye Wuque as if he was looking at a devil!

With a bang, Ye Wuque directly lifted Tianyao from the ground.

Tian Yao didn't even dare to resist!

He was completely frightened and shivered.

"Where are your adults?"

Ye Wuque grinned, his white teeth showing, and a faint smile of harmless people and animals on his face.

The enchanting genius of the second level?

Then let him see... how strong!

Golden Years Pavilion.

The atmosphere still seemed peaceful.

More than a dozen enchanting geniuses sat quietly with each other, either drinking tea or chatting with each other, but the topic of their conversation revolved around the "Sacred Fruit of All Souls", as for Ye Wuque?

No one mentioned it again.

Because in their eyes, Ye Wuque is already a dead person!

A dead man, what else is there to talk about?

It's a pity at most.

However, it is a pity that it is a pity, if you don't want to be an obedient dog, you can only deal with it.

With only two exceptions, their eyes still flicker.

One is Lou Cheng.

One is Zhao Tiankuo.

The two of them had personally seen the huge sensation Ye Wuque caused before the second stage, and they had also seen Ye Wuque with their own eyes.

Especially Lou Cheng, at this moment, he can't help but have a thought...

Will the amazing Ye Wuque really die?

Is he really just a rookie with unlimited potential? ?

"According to the time estimate, the time for the birth of the Holy Fruit of All Spirits is at most one month later. This time, the local forces in the second pass will definitely **** us."

Long Zhenren spoke at this moment, with a hint of leisure in his tone.

"Humph! These local forces have never looked down on us. In their eyes, we are nothing more than bunnies who have sneaked in from outside the customs." Lei Diian sneered.

"In this world, strength is the king's way, and this is the way of the gods, what are they worth?"

"The birth of the Holy Fruit of All Souls is a top priority. In any case, it belongs to us. Therefore, I propose that this time, all of us... cooperate!"

Tianwu Dou Shen spoke at this moment, as if he had made a final decision.

And after he spoke, all the enchanting Tianjiao's eyes flickered, revealing a touch of emotion.

"It's not impossible to cooperate."

"The key is, how will the Holy Fruit of All Spirits be divided?"

Someone asked the most crucial question.

"The Holy Fruit of All Spirits, every time it is born, according to the records, there will be no less than twenty pieces, so this time will be no exception."

"The total number of our people here will not exceed 20, so the guarantee will be one for each person at that time."

"If there are more Holy Fruits of All Spirits, it's very simple, each according to his ability, how about it?"

Tianwu Dou Shen is obviously well thought out.

His answer also made the rest of the enchanting geniuses nodded slowly.

It's up to you!

have nothing to say!

"Then I agree, count me in."

"I will join too."

"For the sake of the Holy Fruit of All Souls, there is nothing wrong with temporarily cooperating."

"Count me in."

All the evildoers, Tianjiao, immediately expressed their attitude, apparently agreeing with Tianwu Dou Shen's suggestion.

In the end, all the demons and geniuses present agreed.

Tianwu Dou Shen looked around, then stood up and nodded slowly: "Okay, since everyone agrees, then for everyone's safety, let's each make an oath of heaven!"

"At least after the birth of the Holy Fruit of All Spirits, we must cooperate sincerely and win-win with each other. What do you think?"

This proposal naturally got the approval of all the enchanting geniuses, and everyone stood up immediately.

Of course, Tianwu Dou Shen continued to speak: "Then let me start to make the oath of heaven..."



An earth-shattering huge roar suddenly exploded!

At the same time, the gate of the Golden Age Pavilion was also blown open. At this moment, it shattered directly as if it was paper, and a huge pit was blown up abruptly.

All the evil spirits and Tianjiao suddenly showed unspeakable anger one by one!

who is it?

What a guts!

Actually smashed the door of their golden years pavilion? ?

Could it be that the local forces in the second level directly and unscrupulously shot? ?

And the next moment!


A half-crippled figure all over his body flew in like a dead dog, smashed to the ground with a bang, and rolled around a few times, and suddenly blood was dripping!


Tianwu Dou Shen suddenly let out an unbelievable low drink.

The rest of the enchanting geniuses were also stunned!

How could Tianyao appear here? And it's still half dead? He is not going to...

In an instant, all the evildoers and Tianjiao's gazes froze suddenly!

At this moment, Tianyao, who was like a dead dog, tried his best to roar in fear like a blood-crying cuckoo!

"Dead, dead!"

"All, all lieutenants...dead!"

"I was killed by Ye Wuque with one move..."

As soon as these words came out, Tianwu Dou Shen's eyes suddenly narrowed!

Almost all the enchanting geniuses shrank their pupils slightly.

Lou Cheng and Zhao Tiankuo jumped from their seats in shock!

Step, step, step!

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps from outside the broken hole, and I saw a tall and slender figure walking slowly, gradually clear in the dust and smoke, followed by a sound without a trace of emotion. Indifferent voice.

"I heard that you are going to kill me?"

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