Return of the War God

Chapter 6165: Is she always this brave?

Chapter 6165 Is she always so brave


Murder is boiling!

Outside the golden years pavilion, a boiling slaughter was staged.

Dozens of evildoers and arrogances are desperate to kill, like a tiger entering a flock.

And the local forces are also fierce and not afraid of death.

The two sides are simply fighting to death, with me and without you!

Such a battle broke out in an instant, covering ten directions, and countless creatures were alarmed, and then one by one was horrified.

"My God! The enchanting Tianjiao and the local forces are fighting?"

"Is this an official tear??"

"That's... Ye Wuque??"

"Why is he standing there alone and no one dares to approach??"

"Get out of the way! If you are affected, you will definitely die!"

Countless creatures shivered as they watched.

It can be said that the most leisurely is Ye Wuque.

But gradually.

The fighting between the two sides poured out.

The evildoer Tianjiao has the upper hand!

Before, they had some scruples, but after Ye Wuque smashed the ancient ban of local forces with one punch, and with Ye Wuque, the terrifying demon king, they were already unpredictable, so how could they let the local people die before they died? Better strength? ?

Even if they die, they will be pulled together as backs!

It has to be said that although these monstrous arrogances are as fragile as paper paste in Ye Wuque's eyes, in front of the local forces, they are powerful and incomparably powerful.

They are like tigers entering the flock, and their slaughter is overwhelming.

Each and every one of them showed a tyrannical combat power!

The head of the family with local strength has been seriously injured and coughed up blood, and then he was brutally killed!

When a patriarch fell, the balance immediately fell.

Killing, began to one-sided.

And Ye Wuque here, at this time, his eyes turned to look at the distant city gate. Above the city gate, a group of gatekeepers were standing there, watching coldly.

Obviously, the gatekeepers always keep their intentions to stop them.

However, the leader of the gatekeepers seemed to have noticed Ye Wuque's gaze at this time, and his eyes froze for a while. In the end, he showed Ye Wuque a smile that was uglier than crying.

Attitude is obvious...

The rest, whether they are evil spirits, arrogance or local forces, are nothing, only this one is... Lord!

You can't mess with it!

Another half an hour passed.

This war has finally come to an end. A group of demons and arrogances are so interested that they have wiped out almost all the homeowners of the native creatures. They pursued the victory and began to exterminate all the native creatures.

As for Ye Wuque, who was watching the play, his eyes flickered at this time, but he was looking in the direction of the third pass of Taoist God...

He didn't want to waste any more time.

The second level of this **** is so disappointing to him!

After finding the Dao God Fire Seed, leave directly.

"Do not!"

With the last tragic howl, the patriarch of the last native creature was also cut into two pieces after drinking hatred.

The war is finally over.

Although all the evildoers were injured, none of them died!

They just feel very happy, and they can't wait to scream in the sky!

But the next moment, when they suddenly remembered that Ye Wuque was still watching them from below...

One by one, their whole body trembled violently, and they hurriedly fell down, turning into shivering good babies again in front of Ye Wuque.

Ye Wuque's indifferent gaze swept across them, and suddenly said, "Tao God Fire Seed, who knows?"

As soon as these words came out, all the evil spirits and Tianjiao were confused again, and their faces were dazed.

Seeing this, Ye Wuque frowned slightly.

Haven't heard of these enchanting geniuses?

But the little witch said cautiously at the moment: "Master Ye, we don't know the fire seed of the Taoist god, but we know the birthplace of the holy fruit of all spirits, we know that we can guide you, about a month later, the holy fruit of all spirits will be born. will be born!"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Wuque was stunned for a moment.

Then I sensed the Heavenly Desolation Dao Divine Order in the Yuanyang Ring. At this moment, the Heavenly Desolation Dao Divine Order still exudes a faint desire, and Ye Wuque's eyes flickered.

"Sacred Fruit of All Spirits...Tao God Fire Seed..."

"Could it be..."

A flash of light suddenly flashed in Ye Wuque's mind.

"Lead the way ahead."

Ye Wuque spoke indifferently.

The little witch was instantly overjoyed. She was not afraid of being scolded, but she was afraid of being worthless, because if she had no value, she would die!

Immediately, a group of demons and geniuses began to lead the way.

Soon, in a hidden place in the second level, in front of a spiritual river, he stopped.

"Master Ye, the secret realm of the Holy Fruit of All Spirits is above the void of this Linghe!"

The little witch said obediently.

At this moment, in the void above the Linghe, there is light flickering faintly.

Ye Wuque could sense that there was a portal there.

However, the portal was blocked by a force!

It seems to take a while to fully open.

"Master Ye, it only takes a month for this secret realm to be completely opened. At that time, we will help you find all the holy fruits of all spirits back!"

The little witch made a respectful statement again.

But Ye Wuque frowned.

Wait a month?

What are you kidding?

Where does he have time to wait?


I saw Ye Wuque's right hand pulling the void, and the Great Dragon Halberd suddenly appeared in his hand, looking at the brilliance above the void.

Don't open the door, right?

Then just cut the door down, right?

Seeing this, all the monstrous arrogances became stupid again!

They could naturally see that Ye Wuque was trying to forcibly break into the secret realm of the Holy Fruit of All Spirits? ?

This, this is to... the overlord is hard to bow?

Too rude!

It's crazy!

And Ye Wuque has already raised the Great Dragon Halberd at this moment, but at this moment...

"Ye Wu Que!"

"What are you doing??"

"You want to forcibly open the gate of the secret realm??"

"Are you crazy??"

"Why did you do this?? You are like destroying the entire secret realm! In the future, how can people in later generations get the fruit of all spirits??"

"You are too domineering!"

"No mercy at all!"

I saw that Fairy Hundred Flowers opened her mouth again with righteousness and sternness, accusing Ye Wuque, and the whole person was holy like a saint.

All the evildoers are dumbfounded once again!

Even the little witch was dumbfounded!

This Hundred Flower Fairy, has she lost her mind? ?

How could she dare to speak to the terrifying demon king over and over again? ?


At this moment, no one could see that under Baihua Fairy's righteous and awe-inspiring face, a smile flashed in the depths of her beautiful eyes.

"What do you guys know?"

"People like Ye Wuque, such a monster of a monster, what he hates the most are those who are obedient, and what he likes most are the beauties who go alone, don't give him face, and sing the opposite of him!"

"Only in this way can I impress him, and I can become the most special one!"

"Even if it is temporarily committed to this person, it is not impossible. He may be able to take me across the dangerous area and go to the third level of Taoist God. After the third level, I will find a way to get rid of him!"

Fairy Hundred Flowers looks holy, but there are many little Jiujiu in her heart.

But at this moment, the words in her mouth still did not stop, she was righteous, still staring at Ye Wuque, and the speed of her speech was amazing.

"Ye Wu Que!"

"I thought you were an amazing master!"

"I didn't expect you to be just such a person, I misjudged you!"

"Can't you try to change yourself? Make yourself a better..."

Click! !

A big hand fell from the sky, directly pressing Baihua Fairy's head!

Blood rushed out, dyeing the void red.

The headless body of Fairy Hundred Flowers swayed, and then fell backward weakly.

Ye Wuque slowly retracted his palm with a speechless face.

The world is finally quiet...

At the same time, Ye Wuque couldn't help but look at the pale-faced monster Tianjiao who was already horrified and puzzled.

"Doesn't she know I'm better than her?"

"Is she always this brave?"

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