Return of the War God

Chapter 6167: get what you want

Get what you want

The pale-faced second pass enchanting Tianjiao shivered and shivered.

The strong smell of blood is still floating in the void!

The blood of Baihua Fairy was still warm.

But at the same time, in addition to shivering, they couldn't help but feel a hint of happiness and joy in their hearts.

This Baihua Fairy is really an idiot!

Under such circumstances, she even went to provoke Ye Wuque and went against the other party?

How dare you?

I really don't know if she lives or dies, who will die if she doesn't die?

Especially the little witch, she couldn't help but laugh at this moment. Compared with other evil spirits, she, as the old opponent of Baihua Fairy, had already thought about it in her heart.

Fairy Hundred Flowers wanted to do the opposite, using the sameness as the others to express her unusualness and uniqueness, and then make Ye Wuque look at her with admiration.

As a result, it was obvious that she was playing off!

"It's beautiful to think about, but can this terrifying demon king handle it with common sense? Baihua, it's not wrong for you to die at all, you deserve it..."

The little witch couldn't help but sighed in her heart, but her expression became more and more respectful.

And here Ye Wuque, after slapping the Baihua Fairy to death, he didn't have any extra thoughts, he just felt that this person had a hole in his head.

Of course, she forced Lai Lai to be killed only because of the reason, the most important thing was that this group of monstrous geniuses wanted to kill him!

He came to the door this time, just to kill.

Originally, she would never die, and even when her skills were inferior to others, she forced Laila to hate her. It was dishonest, who would die if she didn't die first?

A quiet world is indeed very comfortable.

Ye Wuque took the big dragon halberd and looked at the hidden portal above the void again, and then stepped out, ascended to the sky, and immediately deceived himself to the front.


In the next moment, Ye Wuque felt a faint repulsive force repel him, and there should be an ancient brand that overflowed.

It will take at least a month for the secret gate to open!

"The fluctuation of the ancient prohibition?"

Covered by the power of the divine soul, Ye Wuque sensed everything, and immediately discovered that the portal was hidden because of the existence of the ancient prohibition, which made it virtualized in the depths of the void, and the repulsive force from it was like a source. .

Seeing this, Ye Wuque revealed a sneer.

Want to close the door for a month for an ancient ban?

He directly raised the Great Dragon Halberd!

Below, after seeing this scene, even though they were already prepared in their hearts, they were still full of horror when they saw Ye Wuque take out a broken golden halberd and make a move!

"He, is he really going to open the door to the secret realm??"

Zhenzhen Long was trembling at the moment, and he couldn't care about so much. When he spoke subconsciously, his tone was trembling.

"Crazy! A lunatic! He is not only the great devil of terror, but also a lunatic!"

"I'm not optimistic about his behavior. Although he is indeed incredibly powerful, if you want to forcibly open the gate of the secret realm, it is equivalent to breaking the rules of the secret realm. This requires extremely terrifying magical weapons!"

"The golden halberd in his hand is completely broken, and the terrifying cracks on it seem to have been pieced together. Is such a broken weapon really useful?"

"I'm not optimistic either! Even in front of him, I dare to say that!"


The enchanting Tianjiao of the second level, looking at Ye Wuque's behavior, no one thought he would succeed.


At this moment, an ancient dragon roar rippling from the big dragon halberd, golden light and cold light intertwined, shining in the void!

The halberd crossed the sky and slashed down!

Then, under the stunned and unbelievably horrified eyes of all the enchanting Tianjiao in the second pass, they clearly saw a huge cold light flashing away in the void, as if the void was directly cut into two cut!

The constantly surging repulsion instantly solidified and then collapsed.

The void directly cracked a huge crack, and it fell off frantically on both sides. In the end, an ancient door of light appeared directly and jumped in the void!

Click, click!

The next moment, a crack suddenly appeared from the ancient door of light, and then there was a final bang from top to bottom, and it completely exploded!

From the door of light, Duan shone with strange brilliance, looming, and the body was endless.

But with a kind of confusion.

Because the gate of the secret realm was forcibly cut open, not according to the natural process, it means that the rules were broken.

All the enchanting geniuses in the second level below are numb at this moment!

They stared blankly at Ye Wuque's back standing above the void.

"He really, really opened the door to the secret realm with one halberd??"

Lei Eian stammered, and his voice was intermittent.

"That it really broken?"

The hearts of all the evil spirits and Tianjiao have set off a storm!

They can't imagine what's going on in front of them!

At this moment, Ye Wuque was standing in front of the opened door, looking in, the power of the soul had already poured into it, and he soon issued a light sigh.

"It seems to be a small secret realm, countless times smaller than imagined, eh? This is..."

In the next moment, Ye Wuque's eyes lit up slightly.

In the Yuanyang Ring, the Heavenly Desolate Dao Shen Ling trembled voluntarily at this moment, and at this moment, the first groove in the ring exuded a faint suction force.

"The first Taoshen fire seed, it really is in it!"

There was a hint of joy in Ye Wuque's eyes.

The power of his divine soul was mighty and mighty, and he continued to penetrate deep into it, and instantly enveloped the entire small secret realm.

During the entire process, Ye Wuque immediately sensed a total of twenty-three small sun-like aura light groups shining within it!

In each small light group, there is a strange fruit about the size of a longan shining faintly!

An ancient, thick and mysterious aura emanated from these strange fruits. Obviously, these fruits are exactly that... All Spirits Holy Fruit!

But Ye Wuque's power of perception has already surpassed all the holy fruit of all spirits and directly reached the deepest part of the secret realm.

I saw that in the deepest part of the secret realm, on the wall of the most extreme area, there was a brilliant... fire seed embedded in it!

Just like jade in a stone, the fire is throbbing, exuding faint and strange fluctuations, giving people a kind of fluctuation full of mysterious miracles!

"Tao God Fire Seed!"

In an instant, Ye Wuque determined that this was a Taoist fire seed.

Because the response of the Heavenly Desolate Dao Divine Order has also reached the extreme!

This wave is what you want!

Without any hesitation, Ye Wuque stepped out in one step, rushed directly into the secret realm, and rushed to the deepest part.

Below, after seeing Ye Wuque who rushed into the secret realm, most of the eyes of the enchanting Tianjiao in the second level suddenly moved slightly!

They were still reluctant to act rashly.

But it seems that some kind of decision is being made.

"Everyone, do you think Ye Wuque will bypass us if he comes out smoothly?"

Yinyue Tianjun's voice suddenly sounded, revealing a hint of coldness, but still trembling.

All the evildoers heard the words, but no one made a statement, and no one answered.

They dare not answer!

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