Return of the War God

Chapter 6174: die

Chapter 6174 Death


The star's consciousness light group trembled wildly, and then wriggled weirdly. In the end, it seemed that a mysterious thing was squeezed out of the deepest part of the light group!

It was a...


Blood red hairs!

Ye Wuque glanced at it and immediately concluded that it was a... monkey hair!

This blood-colored monkey hair is thick | big firm | strong, although it is only half a finger long, but when it appears, it exudes a primitive, majestic, tyrannical, and fierce aura!

In a trance, it was as if an ancient blood-colored giant ape roared the heavens and the earth, tearing apart the sky, and its imposing manner was extremely fiery.

"A **** ape..."

Ye Wuque's eyes flickered, his mind moved, and he immediately took the blood-colored monkey hair in his hand, feeling the surging evil spirit inside, and his eyes gradually deepened.

"Three-headed and six-armed supernatural powers are originally a powerful inheritance of the ape tribe, and it is also the iconic supernatural power of the ape tribe!"

"If this creature's body is really an ape, then everything makes sense..."

Only those apes and monkeys who are determined to obtain the "three heads and six arms" will collect the two seemingly irrelevant heaven and earth treasures such as Longevity Tianmu and Sanqianluoshui.

"This blood ape is probably also equipped with three heads and six arms, and has cultivated to a very deep level, and Changsheng Tianmu and three thousand weak waters can be freely taken out to enlighten the consciousness of the stars."

"Either its three-headed and six-armed supernatural powers have been cultivated to the point of extreme perfection, and these two treasures of heaven and earth are no longer needed."

"Either, it has an extremely large number of longevity Tianmu and three thousand weak waters, and it is more afraid of consumption."

"These two points, no matter which point, to me, can be regarded as one... good news!"

"The road to the God of Heaven is really not easy. The arrogance of the ape tribe with three heads and six arms has already shown traces!"

Ye Wuque's heart was slightly agitated and eager again.

Intuition tells him that this blood ape, who has awakened the consciousness of the stars, is definitely not simple!

And it is very likely that they are not native creatures in the Taoist Pass, but just like him, they have successfully passed the three major trials before embarking on the road to the Taoist God!

Fire King!

Escape one!

It is very likely that it came from one of these two trials.

"The road to the gods of the heavens and the gods also has no concept of time. Perhaps, the three thousand weak waters that I lack, hope will fall on this blood ape."

"And, in addition to this, the digital creatures who walk with this blood ape are probably also powerful monsters, and they should not be simple!"

Ye Wuque pinched the blood-colored monkey hair, looked at Xingchen again, and said, "How many of them are there?"

"I need to know clearly about their appearance and appearance."

Ye Wuque's indifferent words fell on the ears of the star consciousness, causing it to shiver uncontrollably. As the consciousness born from the stars, its consciousness is very keen, and it can clearly perceive the horror emanating from the entire human race in front of it. Breath, not only strength and combat power, but more seems to be a kind of suppression from the origin of life and detachment from the level of life!

too terrifying!

"There are... five of them!"

"Master Blood Ape is just one of them!"

"And the other four look like..."

The star consciousness did not dare to conceal the slightest, and roughly said what it knew about the appearance of the five arrogant creatures.

Ye Wuque immediately remembered it in his heart, and the blood-colored monkey hair naturally took it over.

"This blood-colored monkey hair is a kind of imprint, but it is also a kind of restriction. With a faint will, maybe this monkey hair can be used..."

Ye Wuque's eyes were deep, and thoughts gradually appeared in his heart.

"Sir! Spare my life! Spare my life!"

"I don't want to die! I'm willing to be your slave! Don't kill me!"

Xingchen consciousness begged for mercy frantically at this time, extremely afraid of death!

Because he felt Ye Wuque's cold and indifferent eyes, and looking at it, it was as if he was looking at a dead person.


For a moment, Xing Chen's consciousness recklessly drummed up all his strength, and fled wildly into the distance, desperate to find a way.

Ye Wuque looked at this scene, and there was no emotion in his icy eyes.

The birth of consciousness of the ancient star of life and the evolution of spiritual wisdom are something that can be encountered and unattainable. If it can be completely transformed to the limit in the future, I am afraid that it can really turn into a stunning and brilliant creature!

Unfortunately, for the sake of self-evolution, this star consciousness directly swallowed up all the creatures on the ancient star without hesitation, and strengthened itself.

Even his own people, his own children, devoured them without hesitation. Such a star consciousness will do whatever it takes to evolve, and it will be extremely crazy.

Once escaped by it, there will be success in the future, and in the future, there will be endless bloodshed, swallowing up living beings, swallowing up the heavens and the earth, and infinite terror.

Ye Wuque was not a saint, but since he met him, he would not let him go.

not to mention!

He has not forgotten the killing and sneak attack that this star consciousness launched against him just now!

If it weren't for him being strong enough, then it is estimated that even the bones and scum have been swallowed up by this star consciousness!


A terrifying wave of will swept across the void, like a peerless storm, coming first, covering the entire void, and directly giving the consciousness of the stars to the brain.

"Ah ah no!"

"That lord will not bypass you!"

"I am the creature enlightened by the adult! He leaves a mark, if you kill me, he will not bypass you!!"

The star consciousness let out a desperate roar.

In the next moment, a pale flame jumped out like a throbbing elf...

Eternal flame!


Eternal Yan immediately burned the void, and the consciousness of the stars immediately began to resist frantically, trying to put out Eternal Yan, but unfortunately, it was in vain.

In the end, the eternal flame directly burned the consciousness of the stars, and the ashes of the burning disappeared, dissipating the void.


And as the consciousness of the stars was completely destroyed, the entire broken star immediately roared like destruction again.

Originally this was the Death Star, but at this time it has completely begun... Silence!

After Ye Wuque destroyed the consciousness of the stars, he no longer stayed, his figure flashed, and he came directly to the ancient teleportation formation buried in the collapsed mountain range.

The rocks were lifted, and the ancient teleportation formation reappeared, exactly the same as the teleportation formation in the second level.

"This seems to be an ancient teleportation formation made of great mana and great power. It cannot be destroyed, but it seems to be... one-way..."

"An ancient teleportation formation, connecting the starry sky, constantly leads to the depths of the road to the heaven and the gods..."

After Ye Wuque glanced at it, he stepped into it one step at a time, and Yuan force surged into it.


The ancient teleportation array was instantly activated, and the strong brilliance of life shone out, covering the ten directions, and immediately, Ye Wuque's figure disappeared from it again.

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