Return of the War God

Chapter 6175: my name is earthly beauty

Chapter 6175 Lord is called earthly beauty

When the end of the teleportation array arrived, Ye Wuque found that he had landed on a star again.

Like the previous one, this is a death star.

But this Death Star has already weathered as a whole, and there is no star consciousness born on it, only the fragmented bones scattered in all directions, the remaining traces of the aftermath of the battle, telling the glory of the past.

Soon, Ye Wuque found the ancient teleportation formation again at a place on the Death Star. He did not stop and stepped into it.

Next, for several days, Ye Wuque was in constant transmission.

There are ancient teleportation formations, dead stars, but among them, there are also several stars with life, but they are still in their original form, and only life in the form of ape-man is born, and the hair drinks blood.

"Death and life, destruction and rebirth, are like a cycle of reincarnation, and the cycle begins and ends, and the prosperity is orderly..."

Along the way, Ye Wuque felt a lot of emotion. He walked past the stars, and he did not experience danger in the past few days, but he saw a lot of scenery he had never seen before, and his heart was faintly touched.

On the fifth day.

Ye Wuque came to a star of life again, which was also a star in its original form.

There are no human races or monsters on it, and the rest of the races are only some animals that drink blood.

But this star of life is extremely special, very beautiful, and it seems to be born extraordinary. All kinds of scenery in the sky and underground actually contain an indescribable mysterious rhyme, which makes him quite surprised!

So he stopped temporarily and came to a place in front of the sea of ​​​​spirits.

At this moment, it is the sunset of this life star, the red clouds are all over the sky, and the entire sky seems to be burning with fire and clouds, which complement each other with the sea of ​​​​spirits, which is indescribably magnificent and moving.

The sound of the tides kept surging.

Ye Wuque sat cross-legged on the edge of the Linghai Sea, looking at the magnificent scenery between heaven and earth, feeling the ubiquitous mysterious Dao rhyme.

The mysterious Dao rhyme expands the void, as if it were everywhere.

Ye Wuque pursued the mysterious Dao Yun and wanted to find its source, but, even with his current spiritual cultivation of the great perfection of the black hole, he did not find the source of it even after trying his best to capture it.

It's as if it's everywhere, and it's as if it's right in front of you.

Ye Wuque did not find out the source of this mysterious Dao rhyme, but Ye Wuque was not annoyed, but gradually relaxed, making his mind gradually immersed in this mysterious Dao rhyme.

Not long after, Ye Wuque's whole person, spiritual will, miraculously resonated with this mysterious rhyme.

In a breath and a breath, Ye Wuque's body shone with a strange aura. He only felt as if an indescribable spiritual wave was rushing down from the sky, making his mind feel ethereal and comfortable like never before.

It's as if the brain fields are expanding.

This feeling is amazing!

Ye Wuque opened his eyes, he seemed to see thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, and the magnificent scenery on this star of life.

This feeling is somewhat similar to the state of enlightenment, but it is completely different. It seems that oneself is integrated into the heaven and the earth. With the blessing of Taoism, one can carefully feel the origin of all things.

"Heaven and man are one..."

"The way of the law is natural..."

Ye Wuque murmured to himself at this moment if he understood something.

The sound of wind, rain, insects and birds!

Time, years, orderly change.

Everything around him seems to have become very slow, but it has become very fast, as if he has one mind and controls everything.


At this moment, in the desert in Ye Wuque's body, the ninth golden fountain bulged out, and the speed was out of thin air... double!

And it's getting faster and faster!

A wave of new strength continued to breed, scattered into Ye Wuque's limbs and bones.

Ye Wuque's combat power immediately improved at a speed visible to the naked eye, much faster than before!

But from the appearance, Ye Wuque, who is sitting quietly at the moment, seems to be completely integrated into the world. If you close your eyes, you will not be able to perceive that there is a person sitting in front of you, but it is like a tree, a stone, Full of vitality, the world is natural.

Squeak squeak!

At this moment, there was a burst of squeaking sounds from behind, and I saw more than a dozen monkeys sprang from the jungle behind. They were extremely fast, extremely sensitive, and their eyes were vigilant. water.

But Ye Wuque was clearly sitting there cross-legged, and these monkeys also saw it, but despite some doubts in their eyes, they were not afraid, because the instinct of animals reminded them that what was in front of them was not a human race, but a tree.

Suddenly, a monkey rushed over and jumped directly above Ye Wuque's head, looking at the Linghai in front of him, his eyes still vigilant.

A few more monkeys also climbed onto Ye Wuque's shoulders, smeared with trimming monkey hair.

Ye Wuque at this moment, in their eyes, is a part of the natural world, and he is completely integrated into it.

Even an alert and vigilant animal like a monkey instinctively wants to approach.

Ye Wuque, who was sitting cross-legged, slowly revealed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth at this moment, and even contained a faint rhyme.

Integrate with nature, travel around the six virtual worlds, keep the heaven and earth in one mind, and control all things with one's own mind.

The fusion of Ye Wuque and the mysterious Dao rhyme is getting deeper and deeper.

It seems that Ye Wuque himself has become a part of Dao Yun, but because of this, he finally vaguely perceives the source of this mysterious Dao Yun.

Soon, the sunset completely slanted west, and dusk fell.

A group of monkeys also left, and the aura of Ye Wuque's body gradually began to fade.

And he also felt that the mysterious Dao rhyme seemed to gradually start to dry up, as if it had reached its limit.

After half an hour.

The aura around Ye Wuque's body completely disappeared.

The mysterious rhyme also disappeared completely.

Ye Wuque's tightly closed eyes slowly opened, and there was a deep inside, and then it turned into a touch of joy.

As soon as he thought about it, the Holy Dao battle gas surged around him, and a majestic wave of battle power overflowed, sweeping across the ten directions!

"My combat power has taken a big step forward! This mysterious Dao rhyme is so magical that it actually increases the speed of the ninth Dao's divine spring bulging several times!"

"Early stage of the second-order refining god?"

"Now, I have completely surpassed it!"

Ye Wuque was in high spirits.

In the desert in the body, the bulge of the ninth divine spring continued, but the speed returned to its previous state and became slower.

"Shenquan has bulged out by almost two-thirds, and there is still one-third left."

"My combat power can continue to increase."

Ye Wuque was overjoyed, and even more surprised.

He did not expect that he would encounter such an opportunity to enter this life star, the appearance of the mysterious Dao Rhyme, let him perceive, and then freed his combat power.

Although the 90th Dao Divine Spring will eventually bulge out completely, it may be able to bulge one more time earlier, so that the combat power will be enhanced a little more, which will undoubtedly save time and make itself stronger!

That's a huge gain!

Immediately, Ye Wuque stood up and looked at a place in the stars of life, with a faint light in his eyes.

"It's time to go to the source of the mysterious Dao Rhyme..."

Having just blended into the natural Dao rhyme, Ye Wuque finally discovered the source of the mysterious Daoyuan.

In front of an ordinary cave, Ye Wuque's figure appeared, and then he entered it, and he continued to go deeper.

In the end, he walked to the end of the cave, and a stone platform appeared. On the stone platform, there was a strange... Jade Bodhi!

But at this moment, this jade bodhi has dimmed, and there are cracks on its body. It seems that all the strength has been completely exhausted, and it has just broken.


The strange and mysterious Dao rhyme originated from this jade bodhi.

And right next to this jade bodhi, Ye Wuque actually found a few lines of dragons flying and phoenixes dancing, unrestrained and unrestrained, as if they were handwriting.

After he looked over, his eyes suddenly narrowed!

"Being able to find this place and discover Jade Bodhi shows that you are completely integrated with the rhythm of Taoism, and you understand Taoism naturally. You have something!"

"Jade Bodhi was left by me, just to be happy."

"What kind of **** is the road to Taoism and God, there is a lot of waste along the way, and the key is that there are not even a few good-looking girls."

"It's so unlucky, it's so boring!"

"Oh, by the way! You don't have to thank me. If you have a chance to meet in the future, I haven't hiccupped, and you are still alive, so let's have a drink together."

"My name is Chen Shimei."

"Let's do this first, I'll go ahead and take a look, and slip away."

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