Return of the War God

Chapter 6176: Star Promenade

Chapter 6176 Starry Sky Corridor

The writing came to an abrupt end.

But in Ye Wuque's eyes, there were waves.

Earthly beauty!

He did not expect that the person who left this piece of jade bodhi and created this mysterious rhyme would be a worldly beauty.

How could Ye Wuque not remember this name?

This is one of the five names that have been successfully left on the Heavenly Desolate Dao God Monument!

Together with his father and the son of the Ye family, they finally passed the ultimate test of the "Road to the God of Heaven and Desolation", and achieved the eternal glory... the son of the God of God!

But he didn't expect that in such a way, in such a place, the traces he left appeared, intertwined with himself.

Without a doubt!

This "worldly beauty" must be an amazing and dazzling arrogant demon who has become the son of the Taoist god.

The achievements on this "Road to Heaven and Desolation" are comparable to the existence of the young father Ye of the past.

"It seems that I owe this person a favor..."

Ye Wuque's eyes fell on the jade bodhi that had been shattered again.

Leaving this piece of jade bodhi, just want to have fun?

In addition, between his words, there is a kind of ... arrogance that is vaguely revealed between the lines?

Ye Wuque's eyes also revealed a touch of strangeness.

Set foot on the road of heaven and gods, in order to meet good-looking girls?

"This worldly beauty, I'm afraid it's not another wonderful flower..."

Inexplicably, Ye Wuque suddenly thought of another wonderful thing...Brother Chi!

That guy is even more extraordinary, even after so long, when Ye Wuque thought of Brother Chi, he couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his eyes.

"The beauty of the world..."

Ye Wuque repeated the name again.

"Originally, this name sounds like a heartless man."

"Looking now, it's more like..."

But there was still a faint smile on Ye Wuque's face.

In any case, the worldly beauty, he remembered it.

It is a pity that the other party should have already finished the trial of the Taoist Road of Heaven and Desolation, and has left floating, and has no chance to see him again in the Road of Heaven and Desolation.

However, as Chen Shimei's words said, if you have a fate, you will have the opportunity to meet in the future.

Ye Wuque didn't stay any longer, and chose to turn around and leave.

He continued to start the next segment of teleportation.


The ancient teleportation array shone brightly and descended into the starry sky.

Soon, in an unknown ancient starry sky, Ye Wuque's figure reappeared.

And the ancient starry sky here looks a little darker than before, as if even some of the light is gradually being swallowed up.

Dead, cold, cruel.

Walking in the ancient starry sky, Ye Wuque vaguely sensed a completely different aura from before.

"A ray of... tragic meaning?"

"It seems to be accompanied by the mighty killing intent that penetrates the ages!"

Ye Wuque's eyes became attractive.

He looked ahead, and the path of the Heavenly Desolate Dao God under his feet was vaguely sensed, always there, his eyes looking forward.

This terrifying and killing intent seems to be spreading from the distance ahead, which is daunting enough, and a sense of fear can't help but grow in my heart.

Ye Wuque was expressionless and rushed forward, but the speed was even faster!

As he continued to advance, the terrifying and killing intent that rushed toward his face became more and more fiery.

The ancient starry sky is getting darker and darker, and even more piercing chills are surging, Ye Wuque can feel a kind of meaning that seems to originate from the vicissitudes of life that existed long ago.

Suddenly, Ye Wuque's eyes moved slightly.

"Ahead, there are vague battle fluctuations, extremely large-scale, very mighty!"

The power of the divine soul swept across the void and continued to cover it forward. Many scattered meteorites and broken star wreckage appeared in the starry sky in front of Ye Wuque.

Until a certain moment, Ye Wuque, who had been moving at a high speed, slammed his footsteps, and in his eyes looking forward, there was also a touch of shock that could not be hidden!

Ahead, in the dim ancient starry sky, a huge crack that was so vast and terrifying that I didn't know how high and how far was torn apart!

And almost relying on this terrifying starry sky crack, there is an unknown vertical and horizontal ... starry sky corridor!

It is like a winding and bright dragon, boundless, spreading the ancient starry sky, and penetrating along the huge crack!

The entire starry sky corridor exudes a strange and complex brilliance, like an aurora shrouded, transpiring into the void, colorful, magnificent, and infinitely beautiful.

The starry sky corridor and the starry sky crack seem to be intertwined, but there seems to be only a small part of the starry sky corridor that can be seen, and more areas have completely penetrated into the depths of the cracks that do not know where they are going.

The originally dim ancient starry sky was also re-illuminated by the splendid rays of light on it because of the appearance of the starry sky corridor!

It is like a lighthouse in the dark night, bringing a new hope.

"What exactly is this?"

"A starry sky corridor running through a huge crack!"

Ye Wuque's eyes were eye-catching and even more shocking.

The guidance of the Heavenly Desolate Daoist Road at the foot points directly to the past, which means that it must be rushed.

With a swipe, Ye Wuque broke out at an extreme speed and kept approaching.

And the vast starry sky corridor became more vast and vast as Ye Wuque approached.

When Ye Wuque finally came to the edge of the starry sky corridor, the vibration in his eyes became more intense.

"There is an entrance."

In front of the starry sky corridor, a huge entrance stands quietly.

The entrance is dark red, and it seems to be cold and dead. Only the shining brilliance makes the dark red entrance even more dazzling.

In front of this entrance, Ye Wuque was so small that he was inferior to an ant, but at this moment his eyes moved slightly.

"This entrance is not dark red, these dark reds are... blood!"

"Inexhaustible, the blood stained before the long years, forcibly dyed it dark red!"

Ye Wuque could feel a tragic meaning.

And the sense of grief and ancient killing that I also felt before echoed out from the starry sky corridor.

"And the sound of fighting!"

Without any hesitation, Ye Wuque stepped out and rushed directly into the starry sky corridor along the entrance.

In all directions, the interior of the promenade was suddenly filled with dazzling brilliance, illuminating everything and the road ahead.

Soon, Ye Wuque discovered that on the ground of the vast promenade, countless skeletons appeared, the broken armor was broken, and the world was red.

The ancient killing intent and terrifying intent continued to grow stronger!

The starry sky corridor looks magnificent from the outside, but after entering, it is a cruel and tragic meaning that cannot be concealed.

Too many creatures seem to be buried here, and their bones are incomplete.

And Ye Wuque's eyes kept looking forward. This starry sky corridor was like a winding snake, not straight forward, but constantly twisting, so you could vaguely see the part that was clearly far ahead, but twisted and approached. Under the brilliance, it can also be clear.

He saw countless creatures fighting!

It seems to be divided into two sides, one can clearly see that it is the creatures of the major races, most of which are in the state of humanoid creatures, and the human race is also one of them.

On the other hand, the other side of the battle can't really see it!

The only thing that can be seen clearly is that they seem to be covered with...grey mist, covering up their true appearance!

The starry sky corridor seems to be an unimaginable horror battlefield!

Ye Wuque felt a sense of distortion of time and years, and the constant surges collided with pictures of battles, tearing apart the sky, shaking the sky and the ground.

Next moment!

Ye Wuque's pupils suddenly shrank violently!

He vaguely saw a picture at the very front of the Starry Sky Corridor. In the picture, countless creatures shrouded in gray mist tore everything and tore apart opponents, but among them was a tall young figure who was invincible. Suppressing the gray fog creatures, it is extremely powerful, and it continues to kill, unstoppable and unmatched!

Although it's just a shadow!

But let Ye Wuque be struck by lightning!


Ye Wuque couldn't help but let out a low growl.

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