Return of the War God

Chapter 6177: kill a cycle

Kill out a reincarnation

Father Ye's back!

How could Ye Wuque admit his mistake?

He had seen it in the past, and it was forever imprinted in the depths of his soul.

Although the tall figure in the picture in the starry sky corridor in front seemed very young, it was still recognized by Ye Wuque at a glance.

That would only be Father Ye!

Even if it was a young Father Ye, his temperament and stature would not change much.

At this moment, Ye Wuque's heart was extremely agitated, and it was difficult to calm down!

He knew that in the way of Heaven and Desolation, time temporarily lost its meaning, and the past, present, and future were intertwined.

Even if my father's road to heaven and gods has already ended, but the father's back in front, in case it is true...

Ye Wuque's cultivation base broke out at this moment, and the whole person was like an exploding thunder, rushing forward, almost like a teleportation.

He just wants to rush over now!

Rush to father's side!

In almost a few hours, Ye Wuque penetrated into a large part of the area.

But at this time, in the starry sky corridor in front of him, a gray fog creature suddenly appeared, and a humanoid creature appeared, and the two sides fought!

It seems that they have been fighting at this time, and the killing is fierce, and Ye Wuque is like a third party who has forced in.

"Grey mist...ominous?"

Ye Wuque's eyes fell on those creatures whose true colors were obscured by the gray mist, and their eyes became cold!

These gray mists touched Ye Wuque's memories!

Most likely, these gray fog creatures are ominous!

If it is ominous, then it is the enemy he must kill!


Ye Wuque ripped apart the sky, shuttled through the starry sky corridor, and finally killed both sides!

He could see that those humanoid creatures were wearing very old clothes, which did not seem to be from this era.

They are all slaughtering, their eyes are blood red, it seems that there are only gray fog creatures in their eyes, and no one retreats!

The appearance of Ye Wuque finally attracted the attention of the gray fog creature, and immediately a gray fog creature rushed out and killed Ye Wuque.

In that gray fog, Ye Wuque could vaguely perceive a cold and gloomy gaze, without any temperature, only endless evil and killing!


The gray fog creature seemed to be shot in one shot, and a gray storm swept over immediately, a huge gray fist imprinted with the meaning of destruction, destroying the void.

Killing intently!

Evil boils!

Ye Wuque's expression was stern, his eyes were equally cold, and he was also throwing a fist!


The overbearing dragon roar was born, and a golden dragon spread its teeth and danced its claws and roared in the void, and its overbearing and terrifying fist crushed ten directions!


The gray fist print was directly blown up!

There was also the gray fog creature that was blown up together.

"The strength is not high, Kankan has just entered the early stage of the first step of refining God!"

Ye Wuque's heart was bright, he noticed the range of strength displayed by the gray fog creatures, and his eyes suddenly showed greatness.

Longyin is earth-shattering!

Ye Wuque squeezed out the True Dragon Fist, and the whole person immediately rushed towards the group of gray fog creatures that gathered the most in front of him.

They also happened to block Ye Wuque's way forward!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Dragon fist is unparalleled in the world, and the fist is all over the world!

This group of gray fog creatures didn't even have time to resist, and they were directly blown up by Ye Wuque!

The golden dragon roared into the void, mighty and invincible, and it was so ferocious that it fell under ten sessions with one force.

And as Ye Wuque made a punch, the group of ancient humanoid creatures who had fought against the gray mist creatures seemed to be freed up.

But they did not hesitate, and rushed directly to the rest of the gray fog creatures.

The gray fog creatures are mighty, submerging the world, and they continue to shoot out from the starry sky corridor, as if endless.

Ye Wuque was surrounded by golden dragons, the holy way was boiling, and his hair was turbulent, which immediately attracted the attention of more gray fog creatures.

But at this moment Ye Wuque didn't look at them at all, and his eyes continued to pursue his father.

I saw that in the depths of the starry sky corridor, the picture of my father was still galloping, but it was a little blurred.

Father Ye was also surrounded and killed by countless more terrifying gray fog creatures at this moment, but he was unstoppable, and the killing energy was soaring to the sky, which was amazing to the extreme!

Seeing this scene, Ye Wuque's heart was agitated, and the blood in his body was already boiling!

One of the reasons why he embarked on the road of heaven and **** is because this is the road his father has traveled!

He followed in his father's footsteps and rushed in.

Now, in this starry sky corridor, he once again saw the picture of Father Ye!

To a certain extent, Ye Wuque at this moment, and Father Ye, are equivalent to... fighting side by side!

One after the other.

Both father and son face the same enemy!

For Ye Wuque, this was an experience he had never had before, which made him feel extremely excited, and there was only one thought left in his heart!


Keep moving forward!

Kill all the gray fog creatures!

He is going to kill his father!

He has so much to say to his father!

He has too many longings and admirations to express to his father!

Even the young Father Ye!

But at this moment, Ye Wuque's emotions are agitated, and he can't control so much!

The endless gray fog creatures rushed towards them, and they seemed to have discovered Ye Wuque's strength and wanted to besiege them.

Ye Wuque's eyes were cold, and the True Dragon Fist continued to wave!

The golden dragon roared, destroying all creatures that blocked the gray fog!

Void roar!

The starry sky corridor here is now illuminated by brilliant golden light!

But after a group of gray fog creatures were killed, more gray fog creatures continued to slaughter.

They seem to be inexhaustible, inexhaustible.

Ye Wuque didn't care, but kept rushing forward.

"Well, the strength has become stronger?"

Soon, Ye Wuque noticed the changes of the gray fog creatures. They became stronger, even if they were only a little stronger, but they still couldn't escape Ye Wuque's keen perception.

"The deeper you go into the starry sky corridor, the stronger the power of these gray fog creatures will be?"

Ye Wuque made an inference, but his waving fist did not stop.

However, more and more gray fog creatures continue to charge!

At this moment, Ye Wuque's eye-catching eyes flashed a hint of strength!

He has no time to get stuck here!

Then, there is only one way to clear the field!


In the next moment, Ye Wuque's whole body rippled with a mysterious purple light, illuminating the void and striking the sky and the ground.


Ye Wuque directly activated the power of reincarnation, turning it into the domain of reincarnation, covering the whole body in ten directions of void.

"If these gray fog creatures are really ominous, or have something to do with ominousness, then the power of 'reincarnation' is the best restraint!"

Pushing open the domain of reincarnation, Ye Wuque stepped out in one step, bursting out at an extreme speed, the whole person resuscitated like a reincarnation emperor, rolling forward!

The endless gray fog creatures rushed forward!

Look from afar!

Ye Wuque is like a husband who is in charge of ten thousand husbands!

Go straight ahead with your own power!

Kill a cycle!

kill kill kill!

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