Return of the War God

Chapter 6178: Father, here I am

Chapter 6178 Father, here I come

With Ye Wuque's movement, the power of purple reincarnation is like a boiling sun, illuminating the void, everywhere!


A group of gray fog creatures were directly squeezed out!

Under the light of the domain of reincarnation, the gray fog shrouded in the gray fog creatures suddenly resembled snow under the scorching sun, and began to melt rapidly, making a roaring roar!

The charred black smoke suddenly spread out, dyeing the void.

When the gray fog was lost, these creatures immediately perished, and even their true bodies were too late to see clearly.

"The power of reincarnation is useful!"

Seeing the power of reincarnation showing its might, this was not beyond Ye Wuque's expectations, but at this moment, Ye Wuque, who was in the forward charge, frowned slightly.

The gray fog creatures are indeed restrained by the power of reincarnation, but this restraint is only conventional restraint, not the kind of terrifying deliberate restraint shown before when facing the real "ominous".

"These gray fog creatures don't seem to be truly 'ominous', but are just weird creatures contaminated with evil power."

The realm of reincarnation continued to shine, and the power was earth-shattering.

Countless gray fog creatures came one after another. From a distance, Ye Wuque seemed to be a drop of oil mixed in the water. It was so out of place. The purple reincarnation field that was stretched out was even more eye-catching, like a blazing lamp in the dark night. .

But with the power of reincarnation, Ye Wuque is still unstoppable!

The starry sky corridor is incomparably vast, winding and deep, following the huge crack, gradually deepening.

With Ye Wuque's frantic progress and constant deepening, he could feel that the gray fog creatures that were besieged and killed were getting stronger and stronger!

The gray fog on them seemed to be getting more and more intense.

In all directions, there were also humanoid creatures who fought against it, and they also showed their tyrannical combat power, surpassing those behind their companions.

Ye Wuque always pays attention to the position of the screen where Father Ye is in front!

There, Father Ye had reached an unimaginable depth, and he could no longer see his back, and was drowned in countless gray fog creatures.

However, even though Father Ye's back was no longer visible, all the time, the creatures of gray fog exploded, destroying nothingness.

The young father Ye is really strong to the extreme!

No matter who the opponent is, no matter how many opponents there are, they are so invincible and unparalleled!

At the same time, Father Ye's advancing speed was also extremely fast, just like a bulldozer, and a long distance was reached in the blink of an eye.

Ye Wuque's heart surged when he saw it.

"I'm not fast enough!"

In an instant, the sharp light in Ye Wuque's eyes flashed away, and a strange and unparalleled aura suddenly surged!


Crane roars for nine days!

Heavenly Demon Wings!

Behind Ye Wuque, a bunch of celestial demon wings spread out, and the dazzling black and dazzling demon wings spread out, and an endless storm suddenly rolled up, causing his speed to skyrocket several times again out of thin air!

If the previous Ye Wuque opened the Samsara Realm like a flash of purple lightning, then at this moment, when he opened the Heavenly Demon Wings, it seemed that he had truly become a beam of... light!

Countless gray fog creatures burst open!

The realm of reincarnation is boiling, covering the sky and the sun, everywhere.

Behind Ye Wuque speeding past, it has turned into a clean vacuum, not a single gray fog creature is left, and all are destroyed.

In front of him, there are endless gray fog creatures attacking, and the cold and gloomy aura is overwhelming.

Suddenly, an earth-shattering roar exploded from the front, and a giant shadow suddenly appeared among the countless gray fog creatures!

This is a huge gray fog creature. The gray fog on its body is extremely thick, like a storm cloud, and the hand transformed by the gray fog is holding a terrifying blood-colored giant axe!

It seems to be a powerful existence among the gray fog creatures, and Ye Wuque's strong impact, crushing and destruction finally caught its attention.

dong dong dong!

The void was shattered, and the huge gray fog creature came with an axe, and the blood-colored axe swept the void and slashed towards Ye Wuque!


The void is torn apart, and the blood-colored axe is like the blood-colored glow that covers the sun and the moon, covering the world immediately!

Ye Wuque suddenly felt a fiery and brutal aura coming towards him!

This huge gray fog creature is much stronger than the rest of the gray fog creatures!

But Ye Wuque had no expression on his face, his eyes were sharp and cold, and he didn't have any intention of stopping to fight.


The high-pitched and loud Feng Ming resounded in the ten directions, and a **** was born out of nowhere, its wings spread wide, and it merged with the domain of reincarnation, exuding terrifying fluctuations that destroyed the world!

Reincarnation is immortal!

Ye Wuque directly displayed the extreme supernatural powers, which was a move that would be unfavorable to deal with evil forces.

Blazing purple radiance covers everything!

What a **** axe!

What a huge gray fog creature!

At this moment, under the reincarnation undead slash, the same assimilation turned into powder, and it was directly destroyed by ashes, and the void was scorched into black smoke.

The countless gray fog creatures in front were directly swept away, and a vacuum was just killed!

This place in the Starry Sky Corridor seems to be the first time such a situation has occurred.

But soon, more gray fog creatures reappeared ahead, and they continued to kill without fear of death.

These gray fog creatures seem to be really indestructible and inexhaustible.

And they reappeared, even more terrifying and more powerful!

Ye Wuque had already reached a deep enough place, he kept going, accompanied by the realm of reincarnation, and the celestial demon erupted so fast that he was almost invisible!

In the face of endless gray fog creatures, Ye Wuque's internal cultivation base is boiling!

He is fast!


So, the simple and crude method is extremely fast...

"Reincarnation is immortal!"

Ye Wuque broke out the Samsara Immortality Slash again, bursting continuously without any pause.


Feng Ming shook the sky!

One after another, Feng Ming continued to resound!

Heads of Divine Phoenix evolve into the void, intertwined with the domain of reincarnation, covering the sky and the sun, releasing the aura of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, continuously slashing forward!

In the blink of an eye, dozens of divine phoenixes slashed the sky and the ground, intertwined into a huge net of purple light. Wherever they passed, all the creatures of the gray fog were immediately wiped out!

The gray fog creatures in a large number of areas in front of Ye Wuque were completely flattened at this moment!

Not one left!

Not one left!

Only the humanoid creatures suddenly lost their opponents, and was a little stunned for a while.


Ye Wuque passed by, causing a storm.

His series of extreme explosions directly killed the gray fog creatures, making the starry sky corridor become Yuyu clarification Wan Lie!

This scene is truly invincible to the extreme.

It also seems that only the power of reincarnation, the supreme power that overcomes the negative power, can do it.

The heavenly demon wings fluttered, and in front of Ye Wuque, there were no more gray fog creatures blocking the way.

The twisted paths of the starry sky corridor were rushed by him in an instant, and he was almost at an unbelievable level!


On the same day, the demon wing slammed again, the void roared, Ye Wuque came first, and in front of him, a whole new batch of gray fog creatures who were killed to the fault finally appeared.

And this group is the group that is besieging Father Ye!

At this time, Ye Wuque was less than ten thousand miles away from Father Ye!


Close at hand!

Ye Wuque's mind was agitated, he could clearly see that in the central area besieged by countless gray fog creatures, there was a tall and majestic young figure like a **** and a demon, sweeping forcefully and suppressing everything.

But at this moment, Ye Wuque did not notice the starry sky corridor in all directions because of his emotional agitation. At this time, there was a faint strange brilliance.

It seems to be the flow of time, and the power of time is intertwined with the chaotic collision atmosphere.


Feng Ming shook for nine days, wearing gold and cracking stones.

Ye Wuque's hair was turbulent, and the phantom of the Divine Phoenix intertwined with the reincarnation domain, uniting with him, causing a fiery boiling wave, slamming into the gray fog creatures in front, and slammed into it from the rear with a bang!

"Father, here I come!"

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