Return of the War God

Chapter 6179: Ok

Chapter 6179 Well

once Upon a time!

Father Ye's back has always been the existence that Ye Wuque could only look up to.

However, at this moment, it is already close at hand.


Ye Wuque was like a burning meteorite that fell to the ground, instantly piercing through countless gray fog creatures.

The gray fog creatures in this place are already much stronger than the previous ones!

However, under Ye Wuque's Reincarnation Immortal Beheading, he was still defeated by Tian.

This void suddenly exploded, bursting endlessly, and countless gray fog creatures were slain into nothingness.

They immediately noticed Ye Wuque, who was coming from a strong attack, and separated a lot of them.

However, he didn't even have the qualifications to approach Ye Wuque, and he was directly blown away by the purple divine phoenix that was about to fly!

Ye Wuque flickered the demon wings, blazing at an extreme speed, slamming all the way, his eyes kept falling on the same place where the sky and the earth were torn apart not far ahead!

Ye Wuque's bright eyes were already filled with excitement that could not be concealed, and he had even vaguely seen the tall and majestic back!

Divine Phoenix chirps!


Reincarnation realm!

Shine in all directions!

Ye Wuque's powerful attack almost instantly tore apart the protective circle of the gray fog creatures, and also disrupted their plan to surround and kill Father Ye.

And Ye Wuque's speed was extremely fast, the power of the power of reincarnation was so terrifying that it was completely unreasonable, and the gray fog creatures were directly restrained, and they were not even qualified to resist.

Ye Wuque is getting closer and closer to Father Ye!

Thousands of miles away, but it was crossed in an instant.

But also at this moment!

On the starry sky corridor in all directions, the strange brilliance of the chaotic years and the chaotic fluctuations of the power of time and space also rose to the limit, even overshadowing the gray fog creatures, spreading silently in ten directions.

Everywhere you go, everything is twisted!

In a trance, it seemed that a picture appeared in it, and then collapsed in an instant.

But at this time, Ye Wuque didn't pay attention to the changes in the starry sky corridor at all, and his eyes were already firmly on Father Ye.

At this moment, the distance between Ye Wuque and Father Ye is already less than a thousand feet!

However, the countless gray fog creatures within it were densely packed, layer upon layer, and attacked Ye Wuque madly.

Even if the power of reincarnation shines and destroys, but the number is too large, it was temporarily stopped for a while.

However, Ye Wuque broke out, and the gray fog creatures were constantly overwhelmed and destroyed.

However, under Ye Wuque's emotional agitation, he seemed to have overlooked something wrong...

That is, there is only a distance of about 1,000 feet between him and Father Ye, why hasn't Father Ye found him yet?

Deceiving yourself without being noticed?

is it possible?

At this time, the expression on Ye Wuque's face was already very excited, because as he continued to move forward, he finally saw Ye Father's face clearly!

At this moment, his father's appearance finally fell into Ye Wuque's eyes clearly.

The endless gray fog is surrounded by creatures!

Father Ye's fists are invincible, sweeping the sky and the ground.

He didn't seem to have displayed any earth-shattering magical powers and secrets, just a pair of fists flickering with a faint brilliance, but there was a sense of greatness and destruction!

Punch out, blast the void!

Countless gray fog creatures were not killed by the gorgeous and invincible supernatural power secret method, but were violently smashed by Ye Father's seemingly ordinary, ordinary fist!

Simple and rude!

I am invincible!

It also exudes a fiery domineering meaning that impacts the hearts of others.

Ye Wuque's gaze fell on Father Ye's face.

That's a handsome face!

Just by looking at it, Ye Wuque knew that his appearance was almost four-pointed with his father.

The father at the moment was very young, almost the same age as him.

Sword eyebrows and star eyes, sharp edges and corners.

The face is cut like a knife, and it is also a black hair that is scattered, extremely wild, and even more unruly!

Especially a pair of eyes.

Bright and piercing, deep and domineering, it seems to contain boundless stars, and it is more like a golden lamp shining, making people dare not look at it!

Calm down!


These are the eight words that Ye Wuque couldn't help but emerge in his heart at this time.

It seems that in front of the young father Ye, there is no existence that can make him look at him, he himself is... invincible!

The tall body is tall and straight, the shoulders are broad, and the stalwart is extraordinary.

But compared to Ye Wuque's fair-skinned and handsome appearance, Father Ye is undoubtedly more masculine, with the strong hormones of an iron-blooded man!


Father Ye kept punching, he stood in the void, kept punching, and kept moving forward.

No matter how many gray fog creatures are besieged and attacked, they will be directly blown up by Father Ye in an instant!

Leisurely strolling, the world is unparalleled!

Ye Wuque trembled slightly with excitement at this moment.

Even if he knew that the father in front of him was what he looked like when he was young, not the father he had seen in the past.

It is impossible for the current father to know him.

But it is precisely because of this that this feeling is even more wonderful.

Come to think of it, throughout the ages, if any son had the opportunity to meet his father when he was young, and face his father in his twenties, his mood should be incomparably wonderful.


At this moment, the years and the power of time around the starry sky corridor have been chaotic to the extreme, radiant and transpiring into the void.

Ye Wuque opened the domain of reincarnation, constantly radiating the sky and the ground, and countless gray fog creatures were destroyed at this moment.

At this moment, Ye Wuque actually hesitated.

The young father is close at hand!

It's as if there is a more timid feeling near nostalgia.

Only in front of close relatives can Ye Wuque show rich emotions, and he is no longer the cold and fearless Ye|Force|King.

Finally, Ye Wuque took another step, stepping on the debris of endless gray fog creatures, and the distance from Father Ye was finally less than a hundred meters.

It was at this moment that Ye Wuque, who was agitated, still noticed the changes in the starry sky corridor!

The interweaving of the boiling power of time and the breath of the years has enveloped everything, making the fights in all directions almost hazy.

Ye Wuque's power of reincarnation shone into the void at this time, as if it had collided with the power of time and space, causing strange ripples to spread out over the years.

Right at this moment!

A hundred feet away, Father Ye, who swept the invincible all the way, suddenly raised his head slightly and seemed to look around.

"Space-time and time collide and disorder?"

The young father Ye's voice is sonorous and powerful, with an indescribable magnetism.

But the next moment!

Father Ye seemed to feel something again, and turned his head suddenly, a pair of domineering eyes abruptly turned to the back, and landed on Ye Wuque who was a hundred meters away!

In a trance, Ye Wuque and Ye Father's eyes finally collided at this moment!


A light sigh fell from the mouth of the young father Ye, and then a faint surprise appeared in those deep and domineering eyes for the first time.

"This breath..."

"Supreme power?"

"The prototype of the Dao Fruit of the Invincible?"

"This is... reincarnation?!"

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