Return of the War God

Chapter 6183: Father to the left, Son to the right

Chapter 6183 Father to the left, son to the right

"Huh? The power of time in the starry sky corridor begins to collapse?"

On the other side, the young father Ye immediately noticed the changes in the surrounding starry sky corridor, and then his eyes moved suddenly, he seemed to understand, and his expression became infinitely surprised!

"You really have more fiery achievements!"

"Can you not even bear the power of time and years?"

The young father Ye's perception was extremely amazing, and he immediately understood that the invisible future creature in front of him still had an unimaginable foundation hidden on his body.

An unprecedented expectation and excitement exploded in the young father Ye's heart!

It's almost like he's never had!

Because he has always been invincible!

Invincible peers!

Invincible at the same level!

Invincible in the same age!

But at this moment, intuition tells him that it seems that he can finally meet an opponent of sufficient weight, even if it is not the same age.


In the next moment, the power of the years in the Starry Sky Corridor completely collapsed, and the original chaos turned into a riot.

The young father Ye saw that the power of the riotous years slowly radiated light.

But the young father Ye's own picture at this time began to distort and blur!

Ye Wuque on this side, at this time, the brilliance from all over his body shone out, pouring into the years, and spreading to the past.

I saw a blazing brilliance suddenly appeared in front of the young father Ye on the other side!

Accompanied by the brilliance, there is also a group of light that is full of mystery and inconceivable!

The moment this light group appeared, the entire starry sky corridor on the side of the young father Ye shook completely, and the power of the years began to explode!

And the young father Ye, who has been concentrating on watching, saw the brilliance and the light group, and his whole body finally trembled!

In those domineering and deep pupils, the pupils contracted violently at this time, and the light in the eyes almost spurted out!

"Such brilliance, this breath..."

"This is…"

A few years ago, Father Ye's voice at this time finally brought an unprecedented solemnity, as well as a kind of incomprehensible incomprehension.

"Extreme... realm!"

Finally, the young father Ye slowly spit out these two words, extremely solemn.

"You are... an extreme realm creature!"

The young father Ye looked at the direction of Ye Wuque from afar. The hand he had been suppressing the gray fog creatures couldn't help loosening at this moment, which showed that the young father Ye was agitated at the moment.

On this side, Ye Wuque was full of brilliance, his eyes filled with excitement, and his heart was filled with the same excitement and surprise.

The father actually recognized the extreme realm in one sentence!

The young father also knows the existence of "extreme realm"!


On the other side, in the starry sky corridor where the young father Ye was located, the power of the years, which exploded every inch, began to collapse and destroy to the limit.

At this moment, the originally clear picture of the young father Ye began to distort and began to shatter.

The figure of the young father Ye began to blur.

The years of extreme power are hard to hide, and it is even more crowded. At this moment, the power of the years of the starry sky corridor is difficult to maintain and begins to destroy.

The two colliding time nodes began to collapse respectively, and they were about to shatter and collapse.

At this moment, the young father Ye didn't care about it, his eyes were staring at the brilliant light above the void, which was shrouded in the radiance of the extreme realm, and seemed to be perceiving with all his strength.

The next moment, the young father Ye's eyes burst into a brilliance that was enough to pierce Jiuxiao!

"This is... the mortal cleansing extreme realm!"

"You were in the World Cleansing Realm and achieved the ultimate realm that is invincible for eternity!"

The young father Ye spoke out in great harmony, but his voice had begun to stutter, and Ye Wuque could only barely hear it.

But the eyes of the young father Ye are no longer domineering and deep, but as if a flame is burning!

Even though the power of the years has been lost, and the young father Ye's figure is already distorted, Ye Wuque still clearly perceives the heaven-defying fighting intent that exploded from the whole body of the young father Ye!

This has never happened before!

It is a pity that the power of the years of the Starry Sky Corridor has been completely destroyed, and it has begun to collapse. The time node of the two has begun to peel off.

Ye Wuque's eyes showed reluctance!

On the other hand, the young father Ye also felt this, and there was a deep pity in his eyes.

I saw the young father Ye suddenly rushed forward again. He seemed to want to get closer to this future creature that was close at hand, but separated by thousands of years, and then shouted again!

Ye Wuque was already rushing forward at this moment, and also seemed to want to get closer to his father after the ages.

Immediately, the intermittent voice of the young father Ye finally came!

"The future...the...single...extreme"


"My name... Ye Zhengrong..."

"The avenue...the pinnacle...the road..."


The sound came to an abrupt end!

The picture of the young father Ye was completely exploded, and the time-space reflection picture he formed, Ye completely exploded into the brilliance of the sky, never to be seen again.

Only a huge beam of time-space time shattered toward the left front swept away, and wherever it passed, countless gray fog creatures were instantly slain.

And the space-time beam still continues to move forward along the left front of the starry sky corridor, and it seems to never stop.

Ye Wuque's body trembled slightly, and there was reluctance and sadness in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared, replaced by a kind of joy and happiness, and then the smile became bright.

Father's last words are the recognition and invitation to him!

I hope that the road to the peak of the avenue, he can also set foot to the real end!

In the eyes of the young father, he was just a creature in the future. After showing his own heritage, he was recognized by the young father.

That surging war intent is the best proof.

If conditions permit, Ye Wuque can be sure that his father from a few years ago will definitely fight him!

At this moment, how could Ye Wuque not be happy in his heart?

In his heart, a strange and playful thought suddenly popped up...

"I don't know if the current father knows about this. If he does, does he know that the future creature he saw at that time is me..."

When we meet again in the future, if I tell my father about this, what kind of expression will my father have?

Come to think of it, it seems like it would be interesting.


Ye Wuque slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and the reincarnation field around him was still shaking, destroying countless gray fog creatures.

Looking at the space-time light beam rushing to the left front again, Ye Wuque's eyes showed a hint of firmness.

"Father, we will meet again! Definitely!"

Immediately, Ye Wuque didn't stop, he continued along the path of the starry sky corridor under his feet, and the path under his feet was along the right front.

from afar.

The space-time beam blasted by the young father Ye.

Ye Wuque continued to move forward firmly at this moment.

It's like the starry sky corridor...

Father to the left, son to the right.

There seems to be an eternity in the middle.

Ye Wuque's speed became faster and faster, and the power of reincarnation shone brightly, destroying countless gray fog creatures.

He didn't stop for a moment, and kept killing deep.

There are more and more gray fog creatures, and the starry sky corridor is almost covered!

Suddenly, Ye Wuque paused, and he looked forward, where there was an ancient monument.

Ancient handwriting is engraved on the monument.

"The Starry Sky Corridor, it's halfway through."

"The taboo ahead, there are options."

"If you go back the same way, you can take a detour and re-walk the ten passes."

"If you kill through the starry sky corridor, you can reach the fourth pass of the Taoist **** and go directly to the seventh pass of the Taoist god."

"Choose carefully, life and death are up to the sky."

After seeing these writings on the ancient monument, Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly shone with blazing brilliance.

As long as you kill the starry sky corridor, you can directly reach the seventh level of Taoist God?

Forget the four intermediate passes?

Obviously, this is the test of the starry sky corridor, and it is reserved for every creature who has set foot on the road to the heaven and the gods.

Without any hesitation, Ye Wuque rushed over and made a choice!

He wants to... kill through the starry sky corridor!


As the ancient monument behind him became farther and farther away, Ye Wuque broke out at an extreme speed, and more gray fog creatures rushed forward.

Ye Wuque's expression was icy cold and fearless, he pushed open the Samsara Realm and slammed into it directly.

But the next moment!

Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly turned to Ning Wu, he saw the area in front, and the phantom image of space-time reflection appeared again, but this time, it was easy to find that it was a fleeting phantom, which was different from that of the young father Ye before.

And there are many of these phantom pictures, which is the experience of those enchanting geniuses who also chose to kill the starry sky corridor before.

Just as Ye Wuque looked at one of the pictures at will, his eyes were once again condensed!

In that picture, there are five figures fighting countless gray fog creatures!

One of the most ferocious, tall and humanoid, but covered with blood-colored fur!

It is an unpredictable and tyrannical blood ape!

Keep going!


These five figures are exactly the five people who had touched his blood ape in the mouth of the star consciousness before!

The last material needed for the three-headed and six-armed supernatural powers is 3,000 weak water, which is on the body of the blood ape!

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