Return of the War God

Chapter 6184: The second **** of fire

Chapter 6184 The second Taoist fire seed

In the picture, although the five figures are advancing side by side in orientation, they are fighting each other, and their strength cannot be underestimated.

Especially the humanoid blood ape, its body is very tall and has a sense of standing above the ground.

The big hand covered with blood-colored hair spreads out into the void, like a blood-colored giant axe. Wherever it passed, some gray fog creatures were directly crushed.

And even through the illusory picture, Ye Wuque could feel the cold bloodthirsty emanating from the humanoid blood ape.

This is definitely an extremely terrifying enchanting creature!

"Is there such a branch of the ape tribe that is covered in blood and hair, exuding extreme ferocity and cruelty..."

Ye Wuque's face was calm and his eyes were deep.

The blood ape and other five people seem to go deeper and deeper, constantly wanting to kill the depths of the starry sky corridor, want to kill the starry sky corridor, and reach the seventh pass of the Taoist gods.

But soon, Ye Wuque saw that this picture became blurred and distorted, and the figures of the five blood apes also became blurred.

It can only be vaguely found that the killing power of the five blood apes is becoming more and more monstrous, and the terrifying suffocation begins to permeate, and the five creatures seem to have encountered difficult and terrifying enemies!

It's a pity that Ye Wuque couldn't see clearly what the five of them encountered through the blurry picture at the moment.

"Blood and wounded!"

The picture is constantly distorted, Ye Wuque's eyes are like golden lights, and he observes carefully, he soon finds that some of the five living beings are injured, and the blood is dripping and spilling.

And when the picture was about to shatter and was about to reach its limit, Ye Wuque vaguely determined that except for the blood ape, all the other four creatures were already in terrifying injuries, and their bodies began to stagger, and it seemed that the situation had become a bit tragic. stand up!

However, they are still moving forward, constantly killing forward.

The next moment, that picture was completely shattered and dissipated in the starry sky corridor, like a flashing meteor.

At this moment, there are other pictures shining.

There are all the creatures who choose to kill through the starry sky corridor in a blazing killing spree.

Ye Wuque looked in the distance, and immediately saw a lot of tragic pictures!

Some living beings are covered in blood and their hair is dripping blood, but they are still staggering forward and never give up.

There is a living being with a strong brilliance, holding a long ge in his hand and slashing into the void, but in the next moment, an infinitely shining snow-bright knife light slashes in front of him, immediately severing the crossing creature into two pieces and splashing. Drifting blood rain!

There was a living being struggling frantically at this time, constantly punching, but a huge and terrifying claws were vaguely clasped on his body, and it was crushed in place with a puff!

There was a living being roaring in place, like a madman, the whole person was hysterical, randomly chopped the weapon in his hand, and his face was twisted.

Some creatures were full of fear, their broken arms were injured, and they madly wanted to go back the same way, with strong regret and unwillingness in their eyes, but the next moment they were covered by a terrifying shadow, and they died.

A picture after another constantly shines in the void on the starry sky corridor in front, complementing each other, showing an extremely cruel and tragic scene.

These pictures are the time-space reflection fantasies left behind by those creatures who had chosen to kill through the starry sky corridor. At this time, they were also presented to Ye Wuque.

Let Ye Wuque instantly understand how difficult it is to "kill through the starry sky corridor"!

In those pictures, almost 99% of the creatures have failed!

And what is the fate of failure?

That is really a dead body, even if you want to die, it's terrible!

What is even more terrifying is what the terrifying enemies faced by those who break through the barriers in the picture are. Not a single one can see the true face, only a scale and a half claws!

Huge terrifying claws!

Brilliant knife light!

Terrible shadow!

The fear of the unknown is always the most terrifying and difficult to calm.

At this moment, Ye Wuque stood here, looking at the front of him, the reincarnation field constantly shining, destroying countless gray fog creatures in all directions, and he did not move, but there was no fear in his eyes, still deep and powerful.

"The remaining half of the starry sky corridor really doesn't look that simple."

Ye Wuque was not surprised by the terrifying sobriety that the creatures who chose to break through the gates experienced from the cruel picture.

Because he understands that the back half of the starry sky corridor that can directly deduct the four Taoist gates is so easy to pass?

Otherwise, what is the gold content of the road to the gods?

After all, it was a small number of powerful monsters who succeeded, most of them fell halfway, died without a whole corpse, and died with regret.

"Then what about Dao God Fire Seed?"

Ye Wuque thought of this again. If he chooses to kill through the starry sky corridor instead of going through the God Pass, how can he obtain the fire seed of the God God?

From the seven grooves on the Heavenly Desolate Taoist Token, he only got one Taoshen Fire Seed, and there are still six missing. According to previous experience, the Taoshen Fire Seed should be hidden somewhere in the Taoshen Pass.

"However, since the ancient monument appeared and let the pass-through creatures make a choice, it should be arranged in advance."

In the end, Ye Wuque no longer hesitated, and he started to move on.

Under the suppression of the reincarnation domain, countless gray fog creatures couldn't even get close to Ye Wuque within a hundred meters, and they immediately disappeared.

Ye Wuque moved forward very fast, but within a hundred meters of his body, it was like a vacuum, which looked really incredible.

It has to be said that Ye Wuque, who possesses the power of reincarnation, is walking on the starry sky corridor. Facing countless gray fog creatures, it is completely unreasonable.

This is unimaginable for any other creatures who break through the barrier!

When others are beaten to death, they have to pay the price of blood in order to move forward, but Ye Wuque...

Relaxed as if on vacation.

The gray fog creatures who are not afraid of death will never give up.

And Ye Wuque, who was moving at a high speed, gradually discovered that the starry sky corridor in the second half did not seem to be the same as the first half.

The void in front of him began to slowly become hazy, shrouded in mist, and it seemed impossible to see it.

But this did not hinder Ye Wuque's sight. Under the power of the soul, he could still control everything.

But after about half an hour, a change suddenly appeared.

The gray fog creatures that had been attacking frantically suddenly gradually weakened, and they even spread out in all directions, as if they sensed something and did not dare to continue to move forward.

This made Ye Wuque feel a little surprised.

But the next moment, Ye Wuque's eyes moved slightly, looking forward.

I saw a white bone throne standing quietly in the starry sky corridor in front.

On the throne, there is a human-shaped white bone skeleton sitting impressively.

It was three feet high, and the whole body was shining with a strange brilliance. He dragged his hands together in front of him, and under the palm of his hand, a strange white bone knife stood.

Cold and deadly, blocking the way forward is like bringing a hell.

But when Ye Wuque looked at the white bone skeleton blocking the road, his eyes suddenly condensed!

Because just within the eyebrows of the white-boned skeleton sitting here, within the skull, something like a fire is faintly beating.

It is precisely because of this beating fire that this bone skeleton seems to be illuminated, which is very miraculous.

But how amazing is Ye Wuque's eyesight?

Almost for a moment, he felt that the fire was a little familiar.

Just after looking at it for the second time, Ye Wuque's heart was slightly shocked, and he reacted!

If a faint flame burns!

Teng Teng beat!

Isn't that just a... Taoshen fire seed? ?

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