Return of the War God

Chapter 6185: As a token of appreciation, I will cut you with a knife

Chapter 6185 Appreciate it, cut you with a knife

In an instant, Ye Wuque's eyes became a little hot!

There was even more surprise in my heart.

A moment ago, he was still thinking about whether he would lose the chance to get the fire seed of the Taoist God if he walked through the starry sky corridor.

"It seems that the many tests on the road to the Taoist God have already been arranged." Ye Wuque showed a smile in his eyes.

But Ye Wuque also found that the second Dao God fire seed is inside the skull of the white bone skeleton, which is not easy to find. Even if ordinary creatures see it, if they don't see the Tao God fire seed, they may mistake it for this white bone. The soul of the skeleton.

But Ye Wuque had seen the Dao God Fire Seed before, and his perception was astonishing, so he could tell right away.

A bone skeleton blocked the way, preventing him from continuing to move forward, but it made Ye Wuque quite happy.

"So, the gray fog creatures disperse temporarily on their own, because there is a powerful one!"

Ye Wuque's eyes also became attractive, looking at the white bone skeleton with burning eyes.

Now it's not that he's being targeted, it's that he's staring at the bone skeleton!

He is determined to win the second Dao God Fire Seed!

At this moment, his eyes slowly fell on the white bone knife held by the hands of the white bone creature.

The white bone knife looks ordinary and flawless, as if it was polished from a piece of white jade. Other than that, there seems to be nothing special about it.

But at this moment Ye Wuque remembered that in the picture he had seen before, there was a life that was cut into two pieces by a sharp sword light, and the corpse was buried in the void, dripping with blood.

Now it seems that the master who cut off the snow and sword light is probably the bone skeleton in front of him.

At this moment, the starry sky corridor was dead silent.

Ye Wuque stood quietly, as if he was far away from the white skeleton in front of him. About ten thousand feet away, a hazy aura wafted out, with an indescribable chill.

Looking at the white-boned skeleton without any fluctuation, Ye Wuque's eyes became more and more interested.

He continued to step out, breaking the dead silence first and walking towards the throne of the white skeleton.


Ye Wuque's footsteps were so clear in the dead starry sky corridor.

But although Ye Wuque had already moved, there was still no response on the throne of the bones, as if it was really a dead soul, only the bones were left.

And Ye Wuque continued to move forward, at the moment when Ye Wuque was only ten thousand feet away from the white bone skeleton...


On the White Bone Throne, a pair of white bones and skeletons suddenly lit up a cold flame in his caved-in dark eye sockets!

This is the real ghost fire. At this time, it is like a pair of eyes that have turned into a bone skeleton, beating constantly!

Ye Wuque, who was walking forward, immediately felt an extremely cold gaze coming towards him.

Next moment!

The white-boned skeleton who had been sitting quietly cross-legged stood up so slowly at this moment.

As it got up, an indescribable sword intent exploded from its body, rushing straight into the sky!

The white bone knife in its hand also shone with a faint light at this moment, as if it had recovered from a deep sleep, and its edge appeared again.

In the void of the ten directions, there is some kind of ear-piercing mourning at this moment, that is because the endless knife is intended to evolve, and the five methods of the void are carried, and the next moment will be broken!

It seems that the end of the world is coming, the world is crying, and an infinitely terrifying demon **** in the sword seems to have returned against the sky.

"Will it recover at a distance of ten thousand feet?"

Ye Wuque's eyes flickered.

"This white bone skeleton was a tyrannical sword cultivator before his death, and the sword intent he cultivated is almost indestructible! Even if it has passed away and only the remains are left, the sword intent is still condensed and not scattered, attached to the bones. , really amazing."

Ye Wuque sighed softly, revealing a hint of emotion.

This white bone skeleton guards here, enough to make countless gray fog creatures retreat temporarily, which shows that the terrible power it possesses is completely equivalent to a death **** blocking the way.

At the same time, Ye Wuque also discovered the speciality of this white bone skeleton.

Although it is in the state of bones, it does not have the slightest negative evil power all over its body, and its existence seems to be specially refined.

In other words, the power of reincarnation has no effect on this bone skeleton.

This made Ye Wuque feel even more interesting.

With the bone knife in hand, the white bone skeleton is already walking towards Ye Wuque at this moment!

The ghost fire beating in the eye sockets is filled with coldness. At this moment, under Ye Wuque's perception, it seems that there is an extra one... Pious City and Fanaticism!

"What about the nostalgia for the knife... Even if the body has already decayed, the faith will remain forever!"

Faith is like a knife!

Live long after death!

This is a belief that can only be possessed by being completely sincere to one's own sword and to one's own way of the sword.

Such a sword repair, every one is extremely terrifying!

They only have the knife in their eyes, and nothing else.

And such a sword repairer is bound to have incredible combat power and sword intent.

"A real sword repair!"

"It's a pity that I couldn't see you before you died..."

A hint of pity flashed in Ye Wuque's eyes.

After death, only the bones are left and the sword is still indestructible. If there is flesh and blood, how bright should it be?

Right now!


The white-boned knife Xiu who stepped forward hurriedly charged at the balloon and slammed towards Ye Wuque.

The white bone knife in its hand is even raised at this moment!


In an instant, a fierce and fierce, as if countless stars exploded, in the sky and the ground, there is only one knife left!

"Star Sword!"


A cold and vague shout resounded from the bone skeleton at this time, echoing Jiuxiao.

The sword is immortal, and the cry is still there!


In the next instant, an extremely sharp blade of light was born, slashing ten directions.

This starry sky corridor is illuminated by this bright sword light, which is earth-shattering.

Ye Wuque's face was also illuminated, and he looked up at the void.

Wherever his eyes can reach, Ye Wuque has seen countless stars and countless long knives!

The whereabouts of the sword light, if the Milky Way falls for nine days!

At this level, the first-order mid-stage peak of Refining God!

Ye Wuque's eyes showed a hint of admiration, no matter the battle strength, he only looked at the sword intent, and immediately sighed again.

Pure knife repair...

"As a token of appreciation, I will cut you with a knife."

Ye Wuque opened his mouth, then raised his right arm, raised his five fingers together, turned it into a long knife, and then gently cut it out!


A blue-yellow saber light was born, turned upside down, and annihilated the sky!

Sword Intent is like an ancient torrent, mighty, unrivaled, peerless!

Qianqiu God Sword!


When the sky reached the scroll, countless stars and long swords were destroyed, and only the vast yellow sword intent was left, annihilating everything.

When everything calmed down again, the white-boned skeleton stood silently, but a crack had opened between its eyebrows.


The white bone skeleton began to shatter, and its eyebrows were completely cracked, and the Dao God fire seed within it immediately flew out, beating in the void.

Standing with his hands behind his back, Ye Wuque immediately stretched out a hand and grabbed the second Dao God fire seed.

The Taoshen Fire Seed seemed to have sensed it, and immediately fled towards the front of the starry sky corridor.

But how did it escape the hands of Ye Wuque?

In an instant, the multicolored giant hand evolved by Ye Wuque grabbed the Dao God Fire Seed!

But in the next moment, the shock changed suddenly!


There was a roar from the front, and there was a huge terrifying sharp claw suddenly attacking at this moment, and it grabbed Ye Wuque's colorful giant hand!


This is clearly to **** this Taoist fire seed!

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