Return of the War God

Chapter 6187: The third **** of fire

Chapter 6187 The third Taoist fire seed

In the void, the fly ash left by the terrifying human wolf slowly dissipated for a while, dissipating into nothingness.

And here Ye Wuque, the power of the soul has already spread out, and he perceives the ten directions. After finding that there is no living creature watching him for a while, his mind moved, and the Taoshen Fire Seed and the Heavenly Desolate Taoist decree suddenly appeared in his hands.

At this moment, the second groove of the Heavenly Desolate Dao Divine Order has begun to show the same power of devouring and desire, and the Dao God Fire Seed is still struggling desperately.

Ye Wuque immediately placed the second Dao God fire seed in the same way.


The second groove representing "Tianxuan" immediately swallowed the Dao God Fire Seed, and it was useless to let the Tao God Fire Seed struggle.

In the end, the second Tianxuan groove on the decree of the Heavenly Desolate Dao was also fully inlaid.

At this moment, the two Taoist fire seeds seemed to have become two perfectly inlaid gems, each of which shone with a faint brilliance and was beautiful.

"Five left..."

Ye Wuque stared at the groove of the Big Dipper on the entire Heavenly Desolate Taoist decree, and his eyes became deep again.

Seven Star Refining Dao Box.

Heavenly Desolation.

Is it really just a coincidence that the pattern of the Big Dipper is so almost identical...

Ye Wuque can't be sure, and there is no conclusion for the time being.

But he understands that the deepest part of the Heavenly Desolate Road, the real end, he now has too many reasons to reach it.

The words of the purple-haired man before his sacrifice!

The content requirements of the Ultimate Trial of the God of Desolation!

The road my father has traveled!

Ye Shizi also traveled the road!

All kinds of reasons.

Immediately, Ye Wuque restrained his mind, put away the Heavenly Desolate Taoist Order again, and looked ahead again.

The road ahead is hazy, and the starry sky corridor is unknown for miles.

Ye Wuque didn't stop anymore, broke out at an extreme speed, and continued to move forward.

At this moment, he had a little anticipation in his heart.

Will there be a third Taoist fire seed in the rest of the starry sky corridor?

What is waiting for him in front of him?


Ye Wuque smashed through the hazy mist, and the path ahead of the starry sky corridor gradually became clear, and after a dozen breaths...


In all directions, gray fog creatures appeared again, they came again, and after seeing Ye Wuque, they came to kill again.

Ye Wuque's face was calm, and he directly propped up the reincarnation domain.

The power of reincarnation boils, and the purple brilliance once again shines on the heavens and the earth, destroying everything.

Countless gray fog creatures are like moths fighting a fire, and the moment they touch them, they disappear again.

However, the gray fog creatures are still not afraid of death.

Soon, Ye Wuque found that the strength of these gray fog creatures that reappeared has increased again!

The power has increased to a certain extent.

It's not because of Tian Ke. Although the power of reincarnation is still infinitely powerful at this moment, with the increase in the strength and number of gray fog creatures, Ye Wuque's speed of pushing forward has been affected to a certain extent.

This was naturally something Ye Wuque didn't want to see, so the solution was simple.

"The Bodhisattva is extinct!"

The solemn voice of the treasured image rang out, and behind Ye Wuque, a bodhisattva appeared in the sky, sitting cross-legged in the void, compassionate and compassionate, to save all beings.

One of the six shocking gods!

Ye Wuque displayed the magical powers of Buddhism and Taoism.

Pure glass fire!


A wisp of pure white, crystal clear, transparent and compassionate flames emerged from the sky, burning roaringly, spreading the void, instantly blending with the water and milk of the reincarnation domain, and radiating away in all directions.

The domain of reincarnation plus the pure world glass fire!

The two forces united, and an incredible power suddenly emerged.

The whole void is illuminated once again!

Purple brilliance!

Crystal clear fire!

In an instant, all the gray fog creatures that passed by were instantly purified and dissipated into the void.

In just a few breaths of time, all the gray fog creatures within a radius of 10,000 miles with Ye Wuque as the center were completely wiped out.

The vacuum reappears, Ye Wuque's body revolves around the power of reincarnation and the pure glaze fire, the treasure is solemn, and the stalwart is invincible. Continue to move forward, and once again open the road of extreme speed and horizontal push!

I have to say that the power of reincarnation and the pure glazed glass fire are really a perfect match in a certain sense. When they are together, it is really more effective.

The rhythm of the fast horizontal push appeared on Ye Wuque once again.

No matter how many gray fog creatures blocking the road ahead were slaughtered, they would be eliminated in an instant.

Ye Wuque's forward speed has been increased several times again!

Sweeping all the way, as if on an outing.

And as Ye Wuque continued to go deeper, he immediately discovered that in these areas, there was no longer the humanoid creatures who fought against the gray fog creatures before, and their power seemed unable to reach here.

And more and more gray fog creatures can no longer stop Ye Wuque's footsteps!

That is, there is no shortage of leaves!

The power of reincarnation and the fire of pure glaze can be used to push horizontally all the way as if walking on the ground.

If it is replaced by other creatures, unless they are stunning and invincible to a certain extent, they will be swept away by force, such as the former young father Ye, and the rest of the creatures, the ones who have killed here are probably already scarred.

After all, many ants kill elephants, how many nails can they drive when they are covered in iron?

Of course, if Ye Wuque didn't use the power of reincarnation and the Jingshi Glass Fire, he could still fight all the way, but it would be a waste of time.

Don't you see the area on the ground where Ye Wuque, who was walking along the court, walked on the ground, from time to time, there would be a lot of wreckage and bones scattered everywhere.

This is exactly the creatures who chose to kill through the starry sky corridor in the past, but they all hated it, buried their bones here, and ended miserably.

Finally, when Ye Wuque swept out for a quarter of an hour, the gray fog creatures that were advancing one after another suddenly weakened again at this moment, until they disappeared again inexplicably.

This made Ye Wuque's eyes move slightly again.

"Is the main event coming?"

The starry sky corridor area in front became hazy again.

Ye Wuque moved forward slowly.

Soon, at the end of his gaze, an empty stone platform appeared, and on the stone platform, lined up, stood seven statue-like figures.

They all look young and horned, and they are obviously not ordinary characters.

They were wrapped in strange chains all over their bodies, which seemed to be a kind of imprisonment.

Just one by one motionless, eyes closed.

When Ye Wuque approached, the seven figures opened their eyes almost in unison.

The eyes are cold and crazy, the kind of pain and resentment that seems to be trapped for a long time.

"How long has it been...Finally, another pass-through creature rushed here..."

One of them spoke, his voice hoarse.

He stared at Ye Wuque, as if looking at perfect food.

Everyone looks like this.

"If we kill you, we will be able to regain our freedom and continue to embark on the road of heaven and gods..."

"You kill us, you can move on, and at the same time, you can get it!"

The chains swayed, and as one of them spoke, he pointed behind him.

Ye Wuque immediately followed his fingers to look at the past, this look, his eyes condensed again, and there was a faint surprise inside.

I saw that on the stone platform behind the seven people, there was a strange stone. In the center of the strange stone, there was something inlaid. It was brilliant and mysterious, and it was another...

Dao God Fire Seed!

Even Ye Wuque did not expect to see the third Taoist fire seed so quickly!

It's just incredible!

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