Return of the War God

Chapter 6188: That's it

Chapter 6188 That's it

You must know that he just got the third Taoist fire seed not long ago, and now the third one has just appeared, and it is close at hand.

However, Ye Wuque was fearless. No problem was naturally good. If there was a problem, he would speak with his fists.


At this moment, the chains wrapped around the seven imprisoned figures all began to rattle, surging with infinite terrifying suffocating energy, all of them looked at Ye Wuque with frantic and red eyes, as if the desire for life and freedom had reached their goal. Extreme!

And here Ye Wuque, his eyes shifted from the third Dao God fire seed to the seven figures, but he was not looking at them, but the gray chains wrapped around them.

These seven chains entangled them, and the source of the chains was linked to the surrounding starry sky corridor, and they continued to make noises with their movements.

Seven terrifying evil spirits and desperate madness are galloping!

Life is precious, and love is more expensive. If it is freedom, both can be thrown away!


This is the ultimate goal that all creatures are chasing, and the seven of them seem to have lost their freedom for too long.

"The seven of you, in the past, were all creatures who broke through the barrier. You killed all the way here before you were imprisoned."

Ye Wuque suddenly spoke like this.

The seven figures did not deny it, they all stared at Ye Wuque, because Ye Wuque's life was their only chance to get out of here.

Ye Wuque continued: "Just because of these chains, you can't think of a way to break them?"

As soon as these words came out, the seven figures all showed expressions of sarcasm or anger.

"shut up!"

Some of them roared loudly again!

This man is tall, with beards dancing wildly. His clothes are already tattered, and his muscles are strong and powerful. Obviously, his body is extremely powerful.

He glared at Ye Wuque and couldn't help but said, "You don't know how terrifying this chain is. I have thought of many ways to break it! However, the strength of this chain is beyond the limit! Look at how many magical weapons are on the ground. The wreckage was broken by the chains!"

With the force of the man's right foot, the dust on the ground was lifted up, regularly revealing more than a dozen divine weapons that had been broken and destroyed.

There was deep pain in the eyes of the seven people.

There was indeed a hint of interest in Ye Wuque's eyes.

Are these chains strong?

"Are you ready to die?"

Someone spoke again, his tone was cold and terrifying!

"Don't blame us, you can only blame your bad luck!"

Although the seven people have been imprisoned, their cultivation is still there, and their combat power has not been damaged. Now they are even more fierce and crazy, which will only be more terrifying!

Terrifying murder is spreading!

The atmosphere became stagnant, and the sword was drawn!

But here Ye Wuque, at this moment, suddenly pulled his right hand into the air.

The Great Dragon Halberd was taken out and held in his hand.

Seeing this scene, the seven people didn't change their expressions at all, not to mention that the person in front of him just took out a golden halberd, even if it was an earth-shattering supreme weapon, they couldn't care less!

For their freedom, they can give everything!


An ancient dragon roar suddenly resounded, and Ye Wuque, who was holding a large dragon halberd, suddenly disappeared in place. The speed was so fast that the eyes of the seven people who were originally fearless were all slightly condensed!

In the next moment, Ye Wuque, who was like a ghost, appeared beside the genius who was crazy with beard and hair, making the other party look dignified, and his whole body was tense, and he was about to punch Ye Wuque!


But at this moment, the cold light was shining, and the big dragon halberd in Ye Wuque's hand had already been cut off. With a bang, it directly rubbed the person's body and slashed it firmly on the chains that imprisoned him, and the ground was immediately cut open. a huge crack.

The seven were stunned!

Ye Wuque was accidentally... cut crooked?

Only the beard and hair-crazy creature stared at Ye Wuque at this time, and sighed: "It's useless, this chain has been tempered and indestructible, it's not at all that the broken halberd in your hand can do anything about it!"

But here Ye Wuque, at this moment, he lifted the big dragon halberd lightly again, and then a look of disapproval appeared in his eyes: "Indestructible? Thousands of tempers?"

"That's it?"

The man with beard and hair was about to say something, but he was stunned in the next moment!

Immediately, he seemed to have discovered something, and his whole body began to tremble wildly, and finally his right hand was raised violently!


The crisp and roaring sound of the chain slipping slammed into the air, but in an instant, the chain wrapped around him and imprisoned him for an unknown period of time fell completely, and there was no chain on him anymore.

"This this…"

The beard and hair-crazy man could hardly believe his eyes, he still stared blankly at the large pile of broken chains on the ground.

The source of the break was exactly where it was cut off by Ye Wuque with the Great Dragon Halberd.

The remaining six people were also struck by lightning at the moment, and they were all dumbfounded, unable to believe their own eyes.


At this time, Ye Wuque raised the Great Dragon Halberd again, and slammed towards the chain slashing area behind the remaining six people along the same angle!


Sparks splashed, the earth roared, and endless dust and smoke exploded, and when the dust and smoke calmed down again, the chains on the remaining six people began to slip off completely because of the rupture.

The seven people who had shouted and killed the moment before, all froze in place at this moment, their bodies trembling, their expressions trembling, and finally five of them couldn't help shouting.

"Ahhh! Freedom!"

"I'm free again!"

"Damn chains!"


The emotions of the seven people boiled to the extreme, and almost all of them shed tears.

God knows the excitement and stormy waves in their hearts at this moment.

On the side, Ye Wuque put away the big dragon halberd and looked at the seven people who had regained their freedom.

He is not a virgin who spammed good hearts. The reason why he took action this time was to understand that these seven people, like him, were all creatures who chose to enter the starry sky corridor.

These seven people were trapped here for a long time, but they still did not give up. From this point of view, it was enough to prove their inner strength.

Compared with shouting and shouting, raising a hand at will, or it is more meaningful.

Anyway, for Ye Wuque, this is not even a little effort.


But in the next moment, the two of them jumped up almost in unison, and they rushed forward frantically without looking back, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Seven people, only five people remained in an instant.

The remaining five were also stunned and seemed quite surprised.

Don't say thank you, just run away like this?

And the man who was the first to be cut off by Ye Wuque's chains and beards and hair was crazy, but at this moment he strode out, looked at Ye Wuque, took a deep breath, and bowed deeply towards Ye Wuque with his hands clasped together!

"Wu Qiankun thanks your Excellency for helping out!"

"Please worship me three times!"

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