Return of the War God

Chapter 6196: One refinement one transformation

Chapter 6196 One refinement and one transformation

The ninth level of refining gods!

At first, it was Ye Wuque who learned about the next big realm of the three legendary realms from Jianchan's mouth, but unfortunately, Jianchan didn't have time to finish.

This made Ye Wuque only know the existence of the ninth-order Refining God.

Later, in the Reaper Reef, Ye Wuque got an admission ticket, and when he went to the Hundred Battles Samsara with Palace Master Guangwei and others, he heard a little more about the popularity of Palace Master Guangwei on the way.

The ninth level of Refining God is divided into Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.

In Ye Wuque's mind, the popular science of the Guangwei Palace Master appeared again...

"The first order... the order of courage!"

"Second order... Order of power!"

"The third order... the order of the soul!"

"Combined in one place, from one to three, it is the first-level refining god!"

"As for the specific content of the first three levels, how to practice, how to step into it, let's talk about it when your cultivation realm has officially reached the great perfection of the gods, and you can really see the ghost of your own godhead!"

"All you need to know is..."

"The phantom of the godhead is the starting point! It's also like a black spot on a white paper!"

"And the creatures with the phantom of the godhead are not real gods!"

"One level, one refinement, one refinement and one transformation!"

"The meaning of the existence of the ninth-order **** of refinement is to truly refine this godhead phantom from the illusory... godhead!"

"Let the life be completed under the nine extreme transformations!"

Ye Wuque recalled the words of Palace Master Guangwei.

His eyes gradually deepened.

He rushed out of the human realm and entered the Reaper Reef by chance, and then it was the reincarnation of a hundred battles, until now on the road to the heaven and the gods.

Therefore, the "Ninth Rank of Refining God" has always been in a foggy and half-understood state.

But now that he has broken through to the one-step Saint King, the 90th Divine Spring is still bulging, his combat power is increasing every moment, and his strength has reached the realm of Refining God. He naturally wants to know more about Refining God. The true mystery of God.


Ye Wuque gave the king another slap, which was very crisp. Suddenly, the king was knocked unconscious by the neat fan, and lay motionless on the ground.

As for Wu Qiankun, as he took a Myriad Spiritual Fruit, the whole person immediately began to emit a mysterious breath.

"It seems that this Holy Fruit of All Spirits is useful to him..."

Ye Wuque nodded slightly, but immediately felt a little helpless.

The Holy Fruit of All Spirits has no eggs for him, otherwise, it would be great.


After a few breaths, a huge mysterious aura emanated from Wu Qiankun, who was sitting cross-legged, covering ten directions.

Under the influence of this mysterious atmosphere, Wu Qiankun's cultivation realm at the late stage of the first stage of refining gods began to improve again!

That's an improvement that breaks through the small realm!

You know, according to common sense, this is almost impossible.

By comparison, how long has Wu Qiankun just broke through?

But this is the mysterious power of the "Sacred Fruit of All Spirits", which can directly improve the consumption of living beings to a small realm, and there are no side effects, so they will be robbed in the second pass of Taoist God.

And the birth of the Holy Fruit of All Souls is inseparable from the influence of the power of the Taoist Fire Seed.

The Taoshen Fire Seed has the power of mysterious evolution!

The terrifying wolf **** in the starry sky corridor before proves this.

"Breakthrough begins..."

Ye Wuque watched Wu Qiankun's changes, and immediately sensed the fluctuation of Wu Qiankun's cultivation. Immediately, he did not hesitate, and the power of the soul suddenly poured out mightily, covering Wu Qiankun's whole person.

At this moment, Ye Wuque's eyes also showed a faint hint of sigh.

once Upon a time.

When he was still in the Godly Desolate World, he met Mu Daoqi, and he also used his breakthrough to find out what he wanted to know when Mu Daoqi broke through.

Now it has almost the same purpose, but it has long been a different person.

Such thoughts flashed in Ye Wuque's mind, and he immediately began to perceive them carefully.

Wu Qiankun naturally couldn't feel the shroud of Ye Wuque's divine soul power. He was refining the holy fruit of all spirits wholeheartedly, but even if he knew it, he probably wouldn't have any objection.

After all, Wu Qiankun has fully expressed his trust in Ye Wuque by being able to directly choose a breakthrough in front of Ye Wuque in a place like the Starry Sky Corridor.

"Courage, courage everywhere!"

Almost instantly, Ye Wuque felt blazing courage from Wu Qiankun!

It was an extremely strong belief that radiated from all parts of his body and mind, everywhere.

With the deepening of Ye Wuque's spiritual power, his thoughts moved, and he seemed to directly enter Wu Qiankun's body, and even more into Wu Qiankun's current "perspective" level.

Ye Wuque suddenly saw endless...darkness!

In this darkness, he soon saw the existence of Wu Qiankun.

He is standing in the eternal darkness of nothingness, and the reason why he can stand in the darkness of nothingness is because of the stairs that his feet are stepping on right now!

Exudes a faint brilliance, becoming the only light source in this eternal darkness.

It is precisely because of the existence of this "ladder" that Wu Qiankun seems to be able to "live" well.

The stairs are like a long single-plank bridge, lying across the darkness, forming a big "one" character.

At this moment, Wu Qiankun has walked through the four-fifths of the ladder, and in front of him, only the last one-fifth is left.

"Is this the 'step of courage'?"

Ye Wuque "looked" at the stairs, and could feel the endless courage from it.

"Endless courage, a ladder formed by condensation..."


The next moment, Ye Wuque noticed that in the eternal darkness below the Step of Courage, there seemed to be an indescribable death crisis. The boundless fear was like a huge mouth of the abyss, and he wanted to swallow Wu Qiankun at any time. Lose!

"Only with the help of the 'step of courage' can we stand above the darkness, move forward and move on."

At this moment, Ye Wuque's understanding of the ninth rank of Refining God finally entered a deep level.

He raised his head suddenly and looked upwards with the help of Wu Qiankun's vision!

There, above Wu Qiankun's head, Ye Wuque clearly saw a strange thing!

Just like a light source.

Like a little sun.

But this little sun is dim, and it is evenly divided into nine parts.

At this moment, only one of them lights up about 80% and becomes bright.

"This is... Godhead Phantom!"

"Wu Qiankun is now the peak of the late first-order stage of the refining god, so only the part of his godhead that represents 'courage' is 80% bright."

"After he reaches the first-order Great Consummation of Refining God, the 'courage' that condenses one of the nine powers of the Godhead will also be consummated, and he will completely refine it."

This is also the first time Ye Wuque has seen the "Godhead Phantom" of the existence of Lian Shen with his own eyes. He hangs above each Lian God's head, originating from the Destiny Godhead, but it has already undergone a qualitative change. The way of cohesion.

"One level, one refinement, one refinement and one transformation!"

"That should be the process."

"Courage, strength, soul!"

"If you can completely refine these three powers, it means that you have the realm of the first-level **** refining."

"And the so-called 'the meaning of the existence of the ninth order of the gods is to really refine this godhead phantom from the illusion to create a godhead', which refers to this process."

At this moment, with the help of the power of the Holy Fruit of All Spirits, Wu Qiankun's breakthrough has been fully launched.

He originally stood motionless on the "Step of Courage", but at this time, with the infusion of the power of his limbs and the mysterious power of the Holy Fruit of All Spirits, he began to take firm steps forward!

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