Return of the War God

Chapter 6197: it's up to you

Chapter 6197 It's up to you

Take a step!

The end of the Step of Courage is one step closer.

He moved forward slowly.

The brilliance of the entire step of courage is also more and more bright!

This brilliance seems to be gradually moving towards Consummation!

Wu Qiankun's whole person also constantly exudes a tyrannical atmosphere. He keeps stepping, and the remaining one-fifth of the courage step is constantly passed by him.

at the same time.

Among the godheads above his head, the part representing "courage" originally only lit up 80%, and now it is moving closer to 90%, 100%, and perfection.

It's an all-around improvement!

The condensed Godhead, a figurative way of presentation, the process of breakthrough, is perfectly revealed.

Ye Wuque watched carefully, constantly gaining insight into the mystery of the ninth rank of Refining God.

"The level of courage did not appear out of thin air, it originally originated from Wu Qiankun himself!"

"Be fearless and fearless, gather courage, and fill your body and mind with faith, and then come out through the body, forming the level of courage!"

"The level of courage is a part of refining gods, and it is the embodiment of self-belief and strength."

Ye Wuque's mind became more and more profound.

He can feel it!

At this moment, Wu Qiankun is moving forward steadily, seemingly stable, but it is actually full of indescribable dangers.

In the darkness below, the terrifying force of destruction is galloping.

In the void of Wu Qiankun's body, there are also countless dangers that cannot be seen clearly.

"The devil is in chaos..."

Ye Wuque saw it at a glance.

But at the moment Wu Qiankun is fearless, moving forward, accompanied only by endless belief...courage!

Ye Wuque realized instantly.

"If you don't have enough courage, you can't manifest the step of courage, and the step of courage is just the starting point. If you want to reach the end of the step of courage and reach completion, you still need enough courage!"

"If you don't have courage, you will be enchanted by inner demons, your mind will be unstable, and then the steps of courage will shake, crack, and even be broken. Once the steps of courage are broken, you will completely degenerate into eternal darkness. At that time, the consequences would be unimaginable, ranging from a complete waste of cultivation, to a direct destruction of the divine personality, and no bones left."

At this time, Ye Wuque understood everything.

Wu Qiankun's footsteps are still firm, and he keeps walking forward, only the last few steps are left from the end of the step of courage.

"The level of courage is the first level of God Refinement, and the difficulty of breaking through is also the easiest..."

"With courage in your heart, you can be fearless and move forward."

"And the next level of strength, the level of soul, and the middle-level and high-level refining gods should be the same."

"This is also 'one-step, one-refinement, step-by-step transformation'!"

"On this basis, the concretization of each level and the consolidation of every power of the godhead represent every transformation, so that under the nine extreme transformations, the life will be complete in merits and virtues!"

"Really condense a godhead completely."

Right now.

On the step of courage, Wu Qiankun went forward, eliminating all distracting demons, dangers and negativity that are ubiquitous in all directions, and once again took a solid step forward!

Next moment!

He finally reached the end of the steps of courage.


The step of courage suddenly shone with infinite brilliance of perfection.

Illuminate Wu Qiankun's whole person.

At this moment, the level of courage and Wu Qiankun seem to be reintegrated, regardless of each other.

Outside, Wu Qiankun, who was sitting cross-legged, also exuded a blazing brilliance!

A fearless courage radiated out, and at the same time, there was a huge wave that surpassed the previous explosion!

Ye Wuque withdrew the power of his soul, opened his eyes at this time, and looked at Wu Qiankun who was constantly shining with brilliance, a faint smile appeared in his eyes.

"Wu Qiankun has been imprisoned for a long time. Although the suffering that has accumulated over time is painful, it has tempered his courage and belief invisibly, which is why he can make his breakthrough so smoothly. One of his moves exploded, one drink and one peck, like a destiny..."

In a trance, Ye Wuque also seemed to sound his own "ten years of silence" at the beginning, and then it also broke out.


Wu Qiankun, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, and his eyes were shining brightly!

The whole person exudes a sky-high aura, sweeping the ten directions.

"Great Perfection!"

"I really broke through to the first-order Great Perfection of Refining God!"

Wu Qiankun felt his current situation, and his face was full of surprise and excitement.

He can feel that he has grown too much strength again!

I just feel like I'm dreaming.

You must know that he has just broken through to the peak of the late stage of the first stage of the refining god, but it is only a matter of seconds!

Immediately, Wu Qiankun saw Ye Wuque standing with his hands up close, looking at his Ye Wuque, and his eyes suddenly filled with deep gratitude and excitement!

"Thank you, Your Excellency... for your kindness in supporting and rebuilding!"

At the moment, Wu Qiankun stood up and was about to kneel down towards Ye Wuque, and spoke respectfully and excitedly.

But a soft and vast force directly stopped Wu Qiankun.

Ye Wuque's faint voice sounded.

"Although the Holy Fruit of Ten Thousand Spirits is mysterious, in the final analysis, it is you who strive for success, and you don't need to thank me."

"Don't call me Your Excellency, my surname is Ye."

The respect in Wu Qiankun's eyes is even stronger!


"Master Ye!"

Wu Qiankun immediately changed his name, but his tone became more and more firm.

As the so-called great kindness does not say thank you.

Wu Qiankun knows that no matter how nice it sounds, it is better to do it.

After figuring out the mystery of the first-level **** refining, Ye Wuque considered one thing to put down. At this moment, he turned around and looked at the unconscious king, his eyes became indifferent.

So next, it's time to pull out all the traces of the "blood ape" from the mouth.


Wu Qiankun took a step forward and slapped the king's face with a slap, which suddenly woke the king up again.

The blood-stained king was very embarrassed and panting, but after feeling that it was Wu Qiankun who slapped him, there was a hint of resentment and disdain in his eyes.

But in the next moment, Ye Wuque's cold and indifferent voice sounded slowly.

"I ask, you answer."

"Do you hear clearly?"

The king was stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing!

"Hahaha! didn't kill asked for me..."

"Bah! Die this heart!"

"I won't tell you a word! Whatever you ask me!"

"Because you've never seen what it's called... true... fear!"

The king seemed to recall something, and there was an indescribable fear in his eyes, and then he laughed wildly again.

Seeing this, Wu Qiankun's expression suddenly stern, and he said directly: "Master Ye, you hand this guy to me! I'll concoct him! Make him spit out everything!"

The king suddenly sneered.

"Don't be so troublesome."

"I like hard bones the most."

Ye Wuque said this directly, and then...


A golden chain suddenly flew out from behind him, binding the king from the ground and erecting it above the void.

The king laughed silently, with endless disdain and mockery.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Even if your strength is unfathomable! So what??"

"It's just you??"

"I'm afraid of you??"

"If you have any means, you can come out!"

"If I frowned your grandfather! It's your grandson! Hahahaha!"

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