Return of the War God

Chapter 6207: big fish hooked

The big fish took the bait

Han Yuguang spoke quickly, quite anxious, but at this moment, a hint of suspicion flashed in the depths of his eyes as he looked at "He Long" in front of him.

He vaguely felt that something was wrong!

The whole "He Long" in front of him seems to have any questions...

"Reason?? Are you still denying it now?? You still have the face to ask me the reason?? Good! Fortunately, I have thought of this a long time ago!"

"You want a reason!"

"Then open your eyes and see clearly!"

"He Long" roared again, interrupting Han Yuguang's thoughts, and then flipping his right hand, a bright red radiance suddenly shone from his palm!

A blood peach was taken by "He Long" at this moment.

Han Yuguang was stunned for a moment, his eyes were rounded!

"Blood peach!?"

"You, you really cultivated blood peach??"

In an instant, Han Yuguang also recognized the blood peach, but that made it even more shocking and incredible, his voice became sharper, and even the blood peach remained in his eyes at the moment.

Obviously, Han Yuguang seems to know the value of blood peach!

And at this moment, the slightest suspicion about "He Long" that had surfaced in his heart disappeared in an instant!

If it wasn't for Zhang Guanzi himself, how could he possibly get the blood peach? ?

This blood peach, only the four of them and the adults know about it!

The reason why Zhang Guanzi was left alone in the Starry Sky Corridor, apart from the fact that he was seriously injured at the time, was the order given to him by the adults, and he had to obey.

In Han Yuguang's eyes, he didn't think Zhang Guanzi would succeed at that time, and the adults were simply waste.

But now, Zhang Guanzi has really succeeded? ?

He really cultivated blood peach?

Fulfilled the request of an adult? ?


Simply incredible!

In an instant, Han Yuguang's expression became extremely solemn and pleasant.

The value of blood peach is inestimable!

But in the next moment, Han Yuguang once again felt the murderous sneer in the eyes of "He Long" in front of him, and immediately calmed down, he just pulled out a smile that was almost flattering: "Zhang Guanzi, you must believe me!"

"I really didn't send anyone to kill you!"

"You believe me!"

"I'm Han Yuguang, you don't understand!"

"Not to mention... do I dare??"

"There is Lord Jieao! You say, what am I??"

At this moment, Han Yuguang could not wait to dig out his heart and lungs, and he directly moved out of the blood ape Jieao.


Immediately, Han Yuguang noticed a change in "He Long"'s expression. He seemed to think of Lord Jieao, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes.


"Han Yuguang, no matter what you say, the person who killed me has nothing to do with you!"

"He Long" is still fierce, but his tone has also softened.

This was noticed by Han Yuguang, and Han Yuguang immediately chased after Chen Sheng and said solemnly: "Zhang Guanzi, you and my brother, although I don't know why someone intercepted you and slandered me! But don't worry, I will definitely do this. Let me give you an explanation! I will definitely find out the whole thing! I swear by Han Yuguang!"

Han Yuguang swore directly, and his expression became very solemn.

At this moment, "He Long" was holding a blood peach in his hand, staring at Han Yuguang, and Han Yuguang also looked at him without any hesitation.

After a few breaths, "He Long" sat down again holding the blood peach.

And as "He Long" sat up again, a surprise flashed in Han Yuguang's eyes, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that this was Zhang Guanzi's relief, and he immediately sat down.

"Come here, arrange a banquet immediately! I want to entertain my life and death brothers!"

Soon, a good banquet was placed in the VIP hall.

Han Yuguang sat with him.

"He Long" sat down and started eating without any scruples.

And Han Yuguang continued to toast with a smile on his face.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of dishes, the atmosphere seems to have become extremely harmonious.

"Brother Guanzi, take the liberty to ask, this blood peach..." Han Yuguang couldn't help but ask.

"He Long" put down the empty wine glass, and showed a sneer, stared at Han Yuguang, and finally opened his mouth with a sneer.

"Han Yuguang, do you know why I'm still willing to come to you?"


"Because I don't believe in you, but I still believe... my lord! As long as my lord is there, I still have confidence. What's more, this time I came with merit. The things that my lord told me to do, cultivate blood peach, I've done it very well! I'm here to return all the blood peaches I planted to the adults!"

As soon as these words came out, Han Yuguang's face was shocked!

"So, have you really cultivated enough blood peaches?"

"He Long" didn't say anything, just raised a hand and spread out five fingers.

"Fifty...50!?" Han Yuguang couldn't believe it!

"He Long" looked pale, and he looked at Han Yuguang and said coldly: "What are you waiting for? Haven't you invited the adults? Or, it's you, Han Yuguang, who have the final say in raising a vegetarian diet??"

"It's okay for you to vote, whether it was you who killed me, I believe the adults will give me an explanation."

"the most important is…"

"Fifty blood peaches, I will only hand them over to your lord!"

"I will not give it to anyone except adults!"

"He Long"'s statement is extremely tough.

Hearing this, Han Yuguang suddenly showed a wry smile and said, "Brother Guanzi, of course I understand what you think, and I have already reported the situation! But now, the adults are not born to be fasting at all!"

"My lord has gone out, and he won't be back in at least two or three days."

Han Yuguang doesn't seem to be hiding anymore.

"He Long" suddenly stared at Han Yuguang with a smile and said, "I said, I only trust adults, I will not give blood peach to anyone except adults!"

"Since the lord will come back in two or three days, then I will leave this flesh-and-blood puppet here and wait here, waiting to meet the lord."

"At that time, as soon as your lord shows up, I will tell you my true body and where the remaining forty-nine blood peaches are!"

"As for this one..."

"It's cheaper for you!"

Immediately, "He Long" threw the blood peach in his hand to Han Yuguang, and then the whole person slumped on the spot, motionless.

The power of the soul has obviously disappeared.

Han Yuguang, who was sitting on the opposite side, was staring at He Long, the fleshly body opposite, with his brows furrowed, but he still grabbed the blood peach with one hand.

at the same time.

On the second floor of another restaurant, Ye Wuque, who was sitting upright, also opened his eyes again, and his eyes were deep at this moment.

"Sir, how's it going?"

Seeing this scene, Wu Qiankun immediately asked curiously.

"The bait has been sprinkled, and then, just wait for the big fish to take the bait..."

Ye Wuque smiled faintly.

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