Return of the War God

Chapter 6208: blood ape rebellious

Chapter 6208 The blood ape is unruly

In the next two or three days, nothing special happened in Shengdi Yangzhai, the store opened as usual, and business as usual.

Han Yuguang still fulfilled his status as the second head of the family, and as for "He Long", he seemed to disappear completely.

Time passed little by little.

In an inn, in the elegant room, Ye Wuque sat quietly with his eyes slightly closed, as if he was polishing his cultivation.

Soon, Ye Wuque opened his eyes, and in his left eye, a faint purple light flashed away.

"The Eye of Time, it still takes time..."

Ye Wuque was full of expectations for the complete awakening of the Eye of Time and Eye of the Sky, and he was actually feeling it all the time.

"It won't be long..."

Feeling the degree of awakening of the pupil of time in his left eye, Ye Wuque muttered to himself.

After counting interest.

The door of the room was gently opened, and Wu Qiankun walked in respectfully.

"How about it?"

Ye Wuque looked at Wu Qiankun.

In the past few days, Wu Qiankun has been going to Tianshengdi Yangzhai on his own to check the situation, and he has been closely following any troubles outside Tianshengyangzhai at any time.

"Back to the adults, everything is still as usual, and there is no change."

"This street is one of the most prosperous streets in the entire seventh pass. The source of tourists coming in and out of Tiandi Yangzhai is also very stable every day, which can be called a booming business."

"However, there are no powerful characters, and I have never felt anything about that blood ape."

Wu Qiankun answered seriously.

"After all, Tiandi Yangzhai is their long-running home base. My current identity is 'Zhang Guanzi'. In Han Yuguang's eyes, as long as the blood ape appears unruly, I will be obedient."

Ye Wuque said lightly.

"Sir, aren't you worried that Han Yuguang will take action against 'He Long'? Or please move some powerful existence to find our position?" Wu Qiankun seemed a little worried.

But Ye Wuque was not worried at all.

"With the temptation of the remaining forty-nine blood peaches, Han Yuguang will not act rashly until the blood ape appears unruly."

"Greedy is sometimes the greatest weakness."

Wu Qiankun immediately nodded slowly and understood.

Fifty blood peaches!

This was the biggest temptation Ye Wuque had left behind, enough to hang all the people in the house.

Of course, there was only one blood peach in Ye Wuque's hand from beginning to end.

Anyway, it's bullshit, just blow it and it's over!

"Now, three days have passed. According to Han Yuguang, the blood ape Jieao should be back!"

Wu Qiankun was thoughtful.

"Have you found a place yet?"

"Lord, I have already found it. It is a place extending in all directions, and it is also very chaotic, which meets the requirements of adults."

And here Ye Wuque, the power of the soul is surging, once again linking with the "He Long" in the natural nourishment at the moment.

Born to raise fast, VIP hall.

Since "He Long" appeared three days ago, he has been placed in the VIP room, and as Ye Wuque's spiritual power was drawn out, "He Long"'s body seemed to be dead, sitting on the sofa, not moving at all.

And no one came in the entire VIP room.

But outside, it was heavily guarded, and the surrounding water couldn't get through.

However, with the reconnection of Ye Wuque's divine soul power, "He Long" woke up again.

Opening his eyes, "He Long" looked at the hall door again.

next moment...


The sound of footsteps sounded at this moment, and more than one person was striding forward, and soon greetings came from outside.

The hall door reopened, and Han Yuguang walked in first.

In an instant, Han Yuguang saw "He Long" who had woken up, and a kind smile filled his face again.

"Brother Guanzi, you've worked hard these days."

"I didn't show up for three days, and now it's here again. Has the grown-up returned to the natural way of fasting?"

The voice of "He Long" sounded, and he looked at Han Yuguang with a touch of nervousness and anxiety in his eyes.

After all, Zhang Guanzi is full of awe and fear for the blood ape's rebelliousness!

If you are not afraid, you will expose yourself.


The change in "He Long"'s eyes was clearly seen by Han Yuguang, and a smile appeared in his eyes, and then he nodded directly: "Of course."

Immediately, he saw Han Yuguang turn his body sideways, re-exposed the hall door, bowed slightly, and showed the same sense of awe in his eyes.

Step, step, step!

An unhurried footstep sounded from far and near immediately, and the outside of the VIP hall immediately became dead silent!

It seems that the footsteps contain some kind of mysterious magic, and every step is on the heart, making people tremble.

"Zhang Guanzi, you are very good. I didn't expect that you could give me such a big surprise..."

In the next moment, an indifferent and rebellious male voice came from outside, like a whimpering yin wind.

Before the person arrives, the sound has arrived.

The moment I heard this voice, the atmosphere in the entire VIP hall seemed to stagnate in an instant!

"He Long" looked directly at the entrance of the hall, where a tall and mysterious figure slowly appeared!

A red cloak, spread out, is like a blazing flame!

Under the cloak, the tall body is looming, as if standing on the ground, but although it can't be seen, there is an indescribable terrifying aura blowing towards the face!

Tyrannical, rebellious, primitive!

It was as if it was not a person, but a terrifying beast galloping over the vast land of ancient times, which was daunting.

The blood ape is rebellious!

In the inn on the other side, Ye Wuque's eyes moved slightly at this moment, and there was a faint light of interest in his eyes.

This breath, the source of will, is exactly what he sensed from the blood-colored monkey hair with the power of the soul before, exactly the same!

From this point, it seems to prove the identity of the person who came.

In the VIP hall, the red cloak moves automatically without wind. At this moment, there seems to be a pair of blood-red eyes looming in it. No matter who it looks at, it gives people a lot of pressure!

The blood ape Jieao was staring at "He Long" at this time, condescendingly.

"grown ups!"

"He Long" immediately stood up and stammered.

"Zhang Guanzi, I'm very happy that you can come to the seventh level of the Taoist God alive. To be honest, I thought you would not leave the starry sky corridor alive."

"But anyway, you can show up and complete the task I assigned you, which proves your worth."

"Then the next thing is simple..."

The blood ape took a step forward resolutely, and the blood-red eyes turned inward with a touch of unquestionable domineering.

"I'll be waiting for you in the birthplace."

"Within half an hour."

"I want to see you."

"And, the remaining forty-nine blood peaches."

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