Return of the War God

Chapter 6213: really sloppy

Chapter 6213 Really sloppy

"Finally it's the adults' turn!"

Wu Qiankun, who was on the next number, showed a faint smile in his eyes at this moment.

At this moment, Ye Wuque slowly walked towards the stairs.

His appearance did not attract too much attention, because many people were already numb, and because Ye Wuque was not a familiar face.

Only Wu Qiankun here, and the black ice-cold man who had been standing on the right with his arms crossed, his eyes fell on Ye Wuque at this time, and there seemed to be a little more fluctuation in his eyes.

Soon, Ye Wuque stood opposite Tianmen.

His face was calm, but his dazzling eyes looked at Tianmen, and there was no superfluous emotion. Instead, there was a faint sense of appreciation that flashed away.

This Tianmen looks silly, but in fact it should have a pure heart, which is relatively rare.

Moreover, the previous punches, in fact, every punch has been reserved in this day, and my hands are merciful.

Those who seemed to be blasted out, bleed into the void, and finally fainted, were actually not seriously injured, they just looked scary.

From this point alone, it can be seen that the Tianmen looks extremely strong, but in fact, the control of his own power has reached the level of perfection.

Coupled with this sturdy big muscle...

"A good seedling with physical cultivation..."

This was Ye Wuque's first feeling. He noticed that Tianmen's body refining talent was quite outstanding.

It's a waste of time to see the door.

Or, is this deliberately done by the Sky Martial Arts Arena?

"excuse me!"

Tianmen looked at Ye Wuque in front of him, raised his fist directly, and slammed it over!


The terrifying storm erupted directly, tearing the void apart, and the millet-sized fist seemed to be able to blast everything!

Ye Wuque's hair was blown by the fist wind, but he still stood there, and at this moment, Tianmen, who punched later, suddenly found the meaning of cherishing talent in Ye Wuque's eyes that flashed away.

"It's such a pity if half of the body is shattered, which is a rare talent for training with the heart of a child..."

Ye Wuque, who originally planned to stand still and let a punch hit, suddenly raised his palm slightly, his fingers wide open!


The next moment, after a slight roar sounded, an unimaginable terrifying storm entered Ye Wuque's chest, spread out from his back, and swept across ten directions.

But the small eyes of Tianmen, who had been smiling all the time, were rounded for the first time!

His fist stopped!

Because it was so lightly resisted by a palm that was too small!

Looking from a distance, Ye Wuque's open right hand just caught the punch from Tianmen.

Between heaven and earth, it instantly became a dead silence!

The trembling newcomers, who were originally uneasy and shivering, almost all had expressions of disbelief at this time!

"One, one hand so lightly blocked this punch from Tianmen??" Someone's voice was trembling.

The commander on the side was also shaking at the moment, and his eyes looking at Ye Wuque also showed an unprecedented light.

And the mysterious ice-like man who didn't need to resist Tianmen's punch, there was a flash of waves in the eyes of Ye Wuque at this time, and then he seemed to mutter to himself.

"It's not so boring anymore..."

Only Wu Qiankun was here, his face was taken for granted, and there was no accident.

At this moment, Ye Wuque also fluttered back his right hand.

Tianmen, whose face was shaking, looked at Ye Wuque in a daze at this time, and then seemed to have a clear understanding. He looked at his unharmed right fist, and at Ye Wuque's tall and slender body. Under the stunned eyes again, Tianmen actually clenched his fists towards Ye Wuque and gave a slight salute.

Ye Wuque didn't say much, just smiled faintly.

The big man in front of him is worthy of the heart of a child, and he is naturally sensitive, but he can detect his kindness.

The reason why he stretched out a hand to block Tianmen's punch was naturally that Tianmen's punch would hit him.

But Ye Wuque was not afraid that he was injured by the punch from Tianmen.

Instead, I was worried that Tianmen would be directly shaken by the anti-shock force of his own body, and his fist would be shattered, his arm would be shattered, and finally half of his body would explode directly!

In this case, it is a pity that such a person has suffered heavy losses.

"No. 762345, successful, qualified to enter the sky martial arts arena, please stand with him."

The commander's voice also sounded at this moment, breaking the dead silence, announcing Ye Wuque's result, and at the same time pointing at the man who was as cold as mysterious ice.

Ye Wuque naturally walked over and stood upright.

"Next, number 762356."

The commander announced the next one again.

"It's my turn!"

Wu Qiankun stepped forward with a smile on his face at the moment.

"excuse me!"

Tianmen also punched out!

Wu Qiankun's eyes flashed, and he also punched out, blocking it head-on!


The huge roar suddenly exploded, and the endless anti-shock force continued to shine, sweeping across the ten directions.

Immediately, until this moment, many people who were still immersed in the shock brought by Ye Wuque woke up, and then they saw the shocking picture again!

Ding Ding Deng!

The terrifying Tianmen actually took a few steps backwards at this moment before regaining his footing.

As for Wu Qiankun, he stood still, withdrew his fist and smiled faintly.

Here at Tianmen, he immediately clenched his fists and bowed to Wu Qiankun.

Wu Qiankun nodded and smiled.

That's right, Wu Qiankun also showed mercy.

"No. 762345, successful, qualified to enter the sky martial arts arena."

The leaders then announced the results.

This time, almost all the creatures were stunned again!

Another success? ?

It even slammed Tianmen back out!

Two people in a row made it!

Almost incredible!

"Next, number 762347."




Next, another long elimination.

But among them, there are still many successful ones, and the probability is much higher than before.

The team of Ye Wuque and Wu Qiankun gradually grew stronger!

Several of them were equally powerful, and they also drove Tianmen back!

However, no one is as big as Ye Wuque's impact!

Because no one is as light as Ye Wuque without a hint of fireworks.

The eyes of many creatures all looked at Ye Wuque.

No surprises!

Ye Wuque has become the first attention of all newcomers entering the sky martial arts arena this time!

It's like a supernova!

And time starts to fly by so fast, until a certain moment...


"Next, and last."

"Number 762546."

Finally, with the commander's announcement, only the last person was left.

This is a tall and thin man. He keeps his hands in his pockets and bows his head as if he was dozing.

After hearing his name at this moment, he finally raised his head, revealing a somewhat pale face.

This person looks a little evil, especially a pair of eyes, which seem to be covered with dark clouds.

After hearing his name, he yawned a lot!

"Is all the waste in front finally over?"

"waste time!"

As soon as the words of impatience and contempt came out, all the people who passed through frowned slightly!

With a swipe, the man jumped up the steps, staring at the gate of heaven.

Tianmen laughed.


Tear... bang! !

The Difficult Evil Man is the first to punch out!

Under everyone's horrified eyes!

This punch is approaching the extreme, and the power is also terrifying to the extreme, and it slammed directly on the eyebrows of Tianmen!


The head of the big Tianmen exploded directly, and it was blown to pieces!

The blood rain rose into the sky, dyeing the void red!

Everyone was instantly horrified!

The commander's pupils also contracted violently!

"There is no need for crap."

The evil man looked at the headless corpse that fell from Tianmen, and smiled cruelly, then looked at the commander on the side and said, "Hey, there is no rule that you can't kill him??"

The commander's eyes flickered and he gritted his teeth, but there really was no such rule, and in the end he could only spit out two words coldly: "Pass!"

The evil man smiled, then turned his head to look at the dozens of people who were also qualified, his eyes swept over one by one, as if ignoring them, and finally only fell on Ye Wuque and the mysterious ice-like man. Brutal smile again.

"Except for the two of you, the rest are not even trash."

"My name is Guili."


"Because of your two lives, I made a reservation!"

"As for why?"

"Hey Hey…"

"I don't know, I just want to unscrew the heads of the two of you."

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