Return of the War God

Chapter 6214: Smelly fish and rotten shrimp

Smelly fish and rotten shrimp

In front of the gate on the first floor of the Sky Martial Arts Arena, Gui Li's cruel and giggling voice echoed at this moment.

On the ground, the blood of Tianmen is still warm, and it is still trickling.

At this moment, even if there are dozens of creatures who have successfully entered the first floor of the sky martial arts arena with a punch from Tianmen, the eyes of most of them are filled with fear that cannot be hidden!

Even looking at the ghost Li's eyes revealed a touch of fear!

One punch!

Directly blasted the gate of heaven!

You must know that they are very aware of the strength of Tianmen, and it is impossible to ask themselves.

The power of this ghost Li is completely above the Tianmen.

Killer on purpose!

Simply a monster!

Moreover, this person's words and deeds are arrogant, arrogant, evil and terrifying, and his behavior is completely arbitrary and wanton.

Who is not afraid of such a monster?

Wu Qiankun frowned slightly when he looked at this Gui Li at the moment, his eyes were not good!

Deliberately targeting the killers under Heaven's Gate!

Even more directly provoking Lord Ye?

What a big dog!

"It seems that in addition to heroes and heroes, there are also some disgusting smelly fish and rotten shrimps who enter the sky martial arts arena."

At this moment, Wu Qiankun spoke directly, mercilessly targeting Gui Li, his tone was cold and incomparably attractive, and it was like a thunderous explosion in the dead silence of the world at this moment.

"Hey Hey!"

Hearing the words, Gui Li did not refute, but he laughed louder, and his eyes stared at Wu Qiankun, as if he saw a fun toy.

"Is this your dog?"

Then, Gui Li looked at Ye Wuque and opened his mouth like this.

He didn't seem to have any intention of talking to Wu Qiankun at all, or in other words, he directly ignored Wu Qiankun and didn't take Wu Qiankun in his eyes.

And here Ye Wuque, since Tianmen was beaten to death by a punch, there was no expression on Bai Xijunxiu's face, but his eyes fell on Gui Li's body.

In the same way, Ye Wuque didn't have any intention of having a dialogue with Gui Li's successive openings.

Here, Gui Li instantly noticed Ye Wuque's eyes looking at him!

Those eyes are not so terrifying, and there is no excess anger, just a kind of indifference.

It was as if... looking at a dead person.

Gui Li's body trembled violently!



Gui Li suddenly burst out laughing wildly, his tall and thin body was constantly rising and falling, and the whole person seemed to be crazy.

Such a crazy appearance fell in the eyes of the others, making the fear in their eyes even more intense.

"Sixty-four of you, come with me."

The commander's icy voice sounded, and after glancing at Gui Li, he took the lead to the door on the first floor.

A group of sixty-four people followed immediately.

As they entered, from the gate on the first floor, several people dressed as servants rushed out, rushed to the corpse of Tianmen, and began to clean it up quickly.

After stepping into the door of the first floor, except for the man who was as cold as mysterious ice, almost everyone else had a shock in their eyes!

They felt as if they were not stepping into a gate, but an extremely luxurious, extremely gorgeous, and extremely splendid hotel lobby.

A vast hall appeared, the roof was adorned with countless strange crystals, and the splendid brilliance shone down.

The ground is as smooth as a mirror, and the jade board with clear mirror, walking on it, there is a kind of extreme enjoyment.

However, Ye Wuque, who walked forward with his hands behind his back, clearly felt that this seemingly magnificent hall was surrounded by many ancient restrictions from the moment he entered the door, ready to go. If there is no leader to lead the way, these ancient restrictions will be completely useless Hesitantly attacked the sixty-four of them.

At this moment, right in front of everyone, there was a slender, middle-aged man dressed in a well-cut and gorgeous service.

Standing there, this person is full of etiquette, looks handsome, and even a single hair is combed without any mess.

"Butler Long, this is a new batch, handed over to you."

The leader who led the way spoke to the middle-aged man at this time, with a hint of politeness in his tone.

"There is Lao commander, and then it will be handed over to me."

The middle-aged man known as Steward Long nodded slightly, showing his etiquette.

Then the commander nodded and walked in the other direction, and soon left.

"Welcome to the sky martial arts arena!"

"My surname is Long, and Tim is the big housekeeper on the first floor, responsible for everything here."

"Everyone has been able to enter the first floor of the sky martial arts arena, which has proved your strength, so everyone has the right to live on the first floor temporarily."

"My sky martial arts arena has always been aimed at providing all services to martial artists."

"I know the desires in your hearts, but the way of civil and martial arts is relaxed."

"You have just passed the test and entered the sky martial arts arena, so it is better to rest and relax, and slowly adjust your state to the peak."

"And the next round of the battle arena on the first floor will take almost three days to start."

"So, for the next three days, you can rest as much as you like."

"And my sky martial arts arena, any living facilities, living needs, everything, please allow me to introduce you one by one..."

Immediately, under the leadership of Butler Long, all sixty-four people clearly saw the... luxury of the sky martial arts arena!

As Butler Long said, there is really everything on this floor.

There are elegant restaurants with exquisite decoration, theaters that can accommodate many people to watch the play, mysterious and quiet bathing places, and wild and hot cocktail parties...

There are only places that people can't think of, no places that don't exist.

Along the way, almost all of the sixty-four people who came in were gradually attracted!

Especially when passing by the "Fengyue Street", many people couldn't help but stop and take a few more glances.

This is a beautiful and quiet special street, very narrow and long, but on both sides of the street, there are various houses of wind and moon standing in an orderly manner.

Some are elegant and refined, some are primitive and rough, some are delicate and mysterious, and some are naturally charming...

And in front of each house, there are extremely beautiful and moving women standing, or sitting quietly, or smiling like flowers.

Whenever someone's eyes look at them, they will reveal an incomparably soft and innocent smile.

Among the sixty-four people, many people are already ready to move, their eyes are shining.

"Desire makes people young and makes people return to spring."

"Everyone, here, you can do whatever you want, because you are the distinguished guests on the first floor, and you should enjoy all high-standard treatment."

"There is only one rule..."

"Except on the martial arts platform, no one is allowed to do it in private. Violators...kill without mercy!"

Butler Long said with a smile, full of etiquette.

At the moment, more than a dozen people came out with a big smile and walked towards the House of Wind and Moon, as if they couldn't wait.

But most people didn't stop.

Passing by the tavern, someone stopped, passing the bath, someone stopped...


Ye Wuque and Wu Qiankun chose to enter the bathing place.

Since I came to the sky martial arts arena, I naturally have to follow the rules of the sky martial arts for the time being.


Inside the bath, a warm breath rushed towards the face, and there were special waiters serving.

Soon, Ye Wuque and Wu Qiankun entered a huge bath and soaked them all.

The water splashed and swelled into waves.


Wu Qiankun, whose whole body was soaked in hot water, with only one head exposed, couldn't help but let out a soothing voice!

Ye Wuque was also soaked in the pool, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Indeed, I haven't been so relaxed in a long time.

But right now...

With a clatter, the entrance door to the bath suddenly opened, and a tall figure walked in slowly, it was the black ice-like man!

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