Return of the War God

Chapter 7826: :joy

This sudden and unruly voice made Ye Wuque stunned again, and immediately his eyes became a little strange and weird.

Good guy's!

This realm king's true godhead indeed contains the inheritance left by its master, and his previous guess was indeed correct. The three drops of true blood were originally called the godhead true blood, and they were deliberately released as a test or trial. But this The prerequisites for inheritance are too exaggerated!

Obviously, Cangwu is the name of the Kaio True God who left behind the Kaio True Godhead inheritance!

He divided the creatures who could obtain his inheritance into two types.

One is that the cultivation level has reached the true **** level, and the other is below the true **** level.

No matter which one, faced with such prerequisites, I am afraid everyone will be stunned!

A true god-level person needs to grab all three drops of the true blood of the godhead released by Cang Wu, and he must be a true **** of the realm like Cang Wu!

Those below the true **** level only need to rob one godhead true blood, but it must be a triple legendary false god!

How difficult is this?

Those who can meet the two conditions are obviously either the powerful Kaio True God with infinite glory, or the triple legendary false **** who is an evil monster.

Strong men and monsters who can meet these two conditions are extremely rare and hard to come by!

Then the True God Kaio needs to be the enemy of the world. He must not miss any drop of the true blood of the godhead. He must draw hatred nakedly and not give any other true god-level existence any chance. Even the True God Kaio is afraid that he will be attacked by a group of people.

The triple legendary false **** seems to only need a drop of true blood of the godhead, but his competitor is a true god-level existence. It is like pulling out a tooth from a tiger's mouth. If you are not careful, you will die, and you are completely seeking death!

Do you really think that everyone is a perverted monster like Brother Ye, who can fight with the weak against the strong?

"Such harsh and almost perverted conditions

, just the respective conditions of the Kaio True God or the Triple Legend False God can eliminate 99% of the creatures! "

"And even if the real Kaio God or the triple legendary pseudo-god comes, I'm afraid he will hesitate, because those who can become the Kaio True God or the triple legendary pseudo-god are probably already relying on powerful enough forces, and there is no shortage of them. There is no need to risk your life for this inheritance with cultivation resources and heavenly skills treasures!"

"In short, it is not necessary for those who meet the conditions, but those who need this inheritance do not meet the conditions."

"Such inheritance conditions are slightly unreasonable."

"It's worthless, tasteless to eat, and a pity to throw away."

Ye Wuque shook his head and sighed.

"It's just that the True God of Cangwu, the Great Perfection Realm King, may have set it up like this on purpose!"

"What he wants is the monster among the strong, or the strong among the monsters."

"You can hear the soaring arrogance and conceit from his tone."

"Mediocre successor, he doesn't need it at all."

"In his eyes, the mediocre are just cannon fodder that uses three drops of divine blood to arrange for qualified inheritors of evil spirits."

"It's just that, having achieved the Great Perfection of the True God with the True God of the Realm, such a strong man is indeed worthy of such harsh conditions."

"Similarly, the inheritance he left behind is definitely strong enough! There is no doubt about it!"

"It's a pity..." With emotion, Ye Wuque looked at the Real Godhead of the Realm King who was very close at hand, with a hint of sigh in his eyes.

"Due to some strange combination of circumstances, this Cangwu fell too quickly. The moment he left behind the true godhood of the Kaiowen was gone, and the arrangements were not put in place, resulting in this Kaiowen's death.

The news of the existence and inheritance of the true godhead did not have time to spread. Instead, the three drops of the true blood of the godhead, which were only used as a test, became an opportunity for countless creatures in the southern region to fight for, and finally fell into the hands of Bai Ran, the leader of the alliance, and three other people. "

"But the most regrettable thing is that over the long years, because the arrangements for the realm king's true godhood were not in place, the inherited power left behind slowly passed away, until now it is almost completely lost."

Ye Wuque can be sure that Cang Wu's inheritance left in the Realm King's True Godhead may be completely extinct. Now even if there are living beings that meet the conditions come, it will be all in vain.

"Maybe this is the helplessness of fate..."

"Man proposes, God disposes."

Ye Wuque sighed, but there was not much reluctance or regret. He had too many immortal inheritances and could not chew off more than he could chew. Just a single Acacia Imperial Technique was enough to sweep everything away.

"On the contrary, the inheritance has been completely lost, but there must still be something left in it that I need now!"

"that's enough!"

After all, the reaction of the Immortal God King Kung is here, and it cannot be wrong.

Immediately, Ye Wuque no longer hesitated, using his fingertips to stir up the drop of true divine blood, and directly began to touch the true divine form of the realm king.


The moment he touched the true godhead of the Realm King, Ye Wuque immediately felt a great terror!

His eyes were fixed, and he had a trembling feeling of imminent death. He felt that he was locked!

Obviously, the will left behind by Cang Wu is not a joke. Unless the conditions are met after the warning, it is really a dead end to approach the Kaio's true godhead without permission!

But Ye Wuque wasn't nervous here. He just stood there, waiting patiently, and just released his true divine karma in his body!

Because he is indeed a triple legendary puppet.


He meets the conditions for being under the true God.


The next moment, Ye Wuque felt a mysterious aura coming from the realm king's true godhead, directly covering Ye Wuque, and began to check carefully.

At the same time, this mysterious aura also covered the drop of divine blood on Ye Wuque's fingertips.

After about three breaths.

Ye Wuque only felt that the locked terrifying and trembling aura disappeared, and at the same time, the drop of divine blood on his fingertips took the initiative to fly into the realm king's true divine blood like a young swallow returning to its nest.

The next moment, the realm king's true godhead bloomed with a mysterious brilliance that became blazing, slowly covering Ye Wuque.

In a flash of light, Ye Wuque disappeared from the spot, turned directly into a stream of light and entered the realm king's true god.

"Here, within the Godhead, is a completely independent small world."

At this moment, Ye Wuque appeared in a small world space of dim light.

Looking around, everything is cracked and destroyed, and it seems that it will completely collapse at any time.

This is obviously because the Kaio's true divine personality has been stretched to the limit, and only a little surface maintenance is left.

Ye Wuque's heart immediately moved. The Immortal King Art in his body had boiled to its limit and pointed in one direction. He immediately rushed over.

Soon, Ye Wuque came to the end of this broken little world, where there was an ancient mottled pool.

From inside the pool, Ye Wuque felt the breath of the divine blood!

The previous drop of divine blood also flew here and re-entered the pool.

"Sure enough, there are traces of the true blood of the Godhead here, far more than just a drop!"

Seeing this, Ye Wuque's eyes showed a hint of joy and he immediately stepped forward.

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