Return of the War God

Chapter 7827: :All in one go!

In the mottled pool, there was blood-colored light shining continuously. Ye Wuque squatted down and finally saw clearly the true face inside.

It can be seen that the bottom of the pool is almost dry, and has been exhausted by the passage of long years, but in the depth of the light, there is still a bright red mass of blood, about the size of a fist, intertwined, exuding an unparalleled aura!

"This is the remaining true blood of the godhead, at least a hundred drops left!"

Ye Wuque couldn't help but grin, feeling excited.

For him, just these hundred drops of the true blood of the Godhead are already the biggest blood-earning harvest. Even if there is nothing else and everything disappears, it doesn't matter!

"The Immortal God King Technique can finally go a step further. The power contained in a hundred drops of the divine blood is enough to allow me to open up all the new divine orifices in the emergence stage!" Ye Wuque is very confident about this.

"True blood of the godhead, true blood of the godhead... unheard of! At the very least, none of the true god-level beings I have seen or known about have it."

“Perhaps this is unique to the existence of the True God’s Dzogchen?”

"Or is it only a true **** of the realm king like this Cang Wu who is qualified to be the only one?"

There was a hint of curiosity and thoughtfulness in Ye Wuque's eyes.

After all, the blood spring diluted with the true blood of the godhead has an unimaginable effect on the bloodline evil spirits of the Natural Selection Alliance, allowing the bloodline power in their bodies to awaken and evolve!

"This Cangwu is the true **** of the realm who breaks through with both his elemental power and the way of the body. His power of the body must be earth-shattering, so the power of his blood and the level of evolution and transformation may be difficult for bloodline evil spirits. Imaginary supplement?" Ye Wuque thought thoughtfully.

The true **** of Kaio!

The super true **** among the true gods represents infinite glory and great achievements. With such a title, there must be something unique and special.

This also made Ye Wuque's heart gradually become a little hot.

To a certain extent, he is now also a triple legendary false god. If he tries to cross

If you survive the True God Tribulation, will you be able to...

Such thoughts passed in a flash, and Ye Wuque was immediately ready to start refining the true blood of the godhead.


But at this moment, Ye Wuque suddenly turned his eyes and saw the end of the red light, that is, the end of the pool. There was a futon quietly placed there. On the futon, there was a faint stream of light and will undulating.

It's a pity that this stream of light has dimmed and is close to disappearing completely.

With a thought in his heart, Ye Wuque walked to the futon, and when the distance was less than a foot away...

The dim light on the futon began to gather rapidly, and then barely outlined a tall blur of light and shadow, and a touch of arrogant aura and will began to flow.

The next moment, the unruly voice sounded again.

"very good."

"The triple legendary false **** has successfully obtained another drop of divine blood. He is a monster. You are qualified to receive my inheritance from Cang Wu."

"Now, please kneel down and kowtow to me!"

Wow, as a result, as soon as the last sentence was said, the tall and blurry light began to crack. The stream of light that had barely condensed into light and shadow seemed to have reached its limit at this moment, and immediately shattered with a click.

The nature that was broken together and the remaining light and shadow condensed by Cangwu were just like ashes, turned into little streams of light and began to dissipate.

Brother Ye raised his eyebrows when he saw this scene!

What a guy, as soon as he came out and prepared to compete, he exploded!


Not at all!

But Ye Wuque was not surprised at all, or in other words, he had expected it.

After all, Kaio

Ninety-nine percent of the inheritance and power of the true godhead has been lost due to the long years of burial. Cang Wu's death was too sudden, and it was not planned for perfection.

It's a pity that this King of Realms, the True God of Great Perfection, failed to successfully leave his own inheritance.

Only these hundred drops of divine blood seem to be the last traces left behind.

After sighing with emotion, Ye Wuque calmed down and walked back to the hundred drops of divine blood and sat down cross-legged.

Seeing the Godhead's True Blood so close at hand, Ye Wuque's eyes shone brightly, and the boiling of the Immortal God King Power in his body could no longer be suppressed!

"It's safe inside the realm king's true god, and other creatures can't get in at all."

"Then let's begin!"

Ye Wuque no longer hesitated and began to activate the Immortal God King Kung Fu. Then with a thought, a drop of divine blood flew up from the blood source, shining with crystal clear and mysterious light, and was absorbed into his body.


The Immortal God King Art exploded immediately, and the mighty power began to surge, immediately covering this drop of divine blood.

Ye Wuque suddenly felt the richness of the strange power contained in this drop of divine blood, and was shocked and surprised in his heart!

My harvest this time will be huge!

Suppressing the distracting thoughts in his heart, Ye Wuque concentrated on absorbing the power of the true blood of the godhead.

The Immortal King of Immortality was boiling, and wisps of brilliant red clouds began to light up around Ye Wuque!

The original divine orifices on the body surface began to emerge and complement each other. In each divine orifice sat a **** king, chanting sutras and brilliant heavenly sounds one after another. It was indescribable that my brother was mysterious, unpredictable and infinitely tyrannical.

Ye Wuque knew clearly that when the number of divine orifices reached 200, the resources required for each new divine orifice would be more exaggerated, and the strength of the physical body would become higher and higher!

But equally

The combat power feedback and increase received will also be stronger!

Fortunately, Ye Wuque believed that the power contained in the divine blood this time would never let him down.

The blazing red glow gradually covered Ye Wuque's figure, and continued to shine out, gradually illuminating the entire small broken world.

At this moment, it seems that this broken little world has also been waiting for the last light.

Kaio True God Cango, after all, did not wait for his direct successor in time, but he did wait for a person who had an opportunity that he could not even imagine even if he was alive.


Light up the orifice!

Light the divine fire!

The God King comes to the world!

Time began to pass slowly, and Ye Wuque worked step by step, constantly opening up new spiritual orifices.

One day later.

In the broken small world, the red glow that had been shining brightly in all directions suddenly began to tighten and dim, and finally disappeared. Only the tall and slender figure sitting in the brilliant red glow slowly became clear again at this moment. .

It was not until ten breaths later that Ye Wuque became completely clear again while sitting cross-legged.

He was still sitting there cross-legged, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and a faint peaceful smile on his face.

The next moment, Ye Wuque opened his eyes, which were filled with darkness.

Looking at the blood source in front of him that had been reduced a lot, Ye Wuque said softly: "A hundred drops of divine blood have been consumed, and a full seventy-two drops have been consumed. My physical strength has once again reached the limit that can be exploited! "

"It takes a lot of money,'s worth it!"

At the thought of this, Ye Wuque's Immortal King of Immortality turned again, and the divine orifices around his body instantly lit up again, making Ye Wuque, who was sitting cross-legged, look like a peerless **** king!

And his divine apertures are no longer 214, but have become a full... 230!

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