Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 103: Catching people with the left hand and carrying the dragon with the right hand

Along with it, there was an astonishing wave of spiritual energy that swept around.

"not good!!"

The faces of many sword-wielding monks who were just above the sea changed, but they had no time to react. They were hit by the wave and fell from the air and fell into the sea.

Only the monks who had reached the foundation-building stage and above were able to resist the wave of spiritual energy without falling, but they were also knocked away some distance.

Even Zhang Yun and others who were several hundred meters away were shaken slightly at this moment.

Look up.

"hold head high--!!"

I saw a figure dozens of meters long breaking out of the water, roaring like a dragon's roar from its mouth, sweeping around with a bit of dragon power.


Everyone's pupils shrank.

"No, it's a dragon!"

"Oh my God! How come there is a dragon!?"

But soon everyone saw clearly that it was a blue dragon dozens of meters long.


At this time, another wave of waves arose, and the blue dragon swung its giant tail, sweeping many figures out from under the sea.

"It's the master of Yuanyang Hall!"

"There are also the heads of the Xuanyuan Sect and the leader of the Lei Feng Sect!!"

The figures that were swept away were clearly the leaders of various forces. But at this moment, the clothes on their bodies were all in tatters, their hair was disheveled, and they all looked extremely embarrassed.

"Evil beast!"

Looking at the blue dragon, the leaders of each force looked ugly.

It had been a long time since they had been in such a state of embarrassment, especially in front of the many monks present. This made them shameless, and they all attacked the blue dragon in anger.

The blue dragon stirred up waves and fought with them.

The terrifying energy made the surrounding monks quickly move away with their swords.

【Blue Sea Dragon】

Realm: Peak of Golden Core Stage (Beast King)

Status: Tamed

Talents: water control and wave control, corrosive jet, dragon power and beast control (the talent of the beast king, which can make sea spirit beasts whose realm is lower than it surrender)

Weakness: The heart is located three inches apart, and it can be killed by crushing it.

Zhang Yun used the Immortal Eye Technique to look at the dragon from a distance.

"The tamed Golden Core Peak Beast King?"

He was slightly startled when he saw this information.

It suddenly occurred to me that when I read Deng Yuxuan's message, the other party seemed to have tamed a peak golden elixir stage beast king.

Could this beast king be the dragon in front of me?

Thinking like this, Zhang Yun felt unsure.

This feeling really felt the return energy left in Deng Yuxuan's body. Looking in one direction, he saw among a group of sword-wielding monks in the air a few meters away from him, there was a monk in white wearing a bamboo hat paying attention to the dragon and the masters of various forces.

Deng Yuxuan!

Zhang Yun narrowed his eyes.

As if noticing his gaze, Deng Yuxuan, who was wearing a bamboo hat, looked over. When he saw him, his expression changed and he turned around and left.

How could Zhang Yun let him leave so easily when he saw this?

He released Yun No. 1 and stayed behind to protect Xu Ming and the other three. He quickly wrote the word "speed" with his command brush. He rose up with his sword and turned into a stream of light with a "swoosh" and chased after them.


"Ninth Elder?"

He suddenly flew out, leaving the three people next to him, Xu Ming and the elders of the Lingxian Sect, a little confused.

"hold head high--!!"

Before anyone could think about it, the blue dragon that was dealing with the masters of various forces in the distance suddenly roared, and directly swept out an astonishing wave of waves. After repelling the masters of various forces, it quickly rushed towards Zhang Yun. .

This shocked everyone.

The leaders of the forces that were repelled were also a little confused. They could feel that this evil beast suddenly became extremely anxious.

"The ninth elder of Lingxian Sect?"

Looking over, I saw Zhang Yun chasing a monk wearing a white hat.

"Is this the dragon master?"

They weren't stupid either, they realized it quickly.

This dragon appeared shortly after the Jade Pirates' ship arrived. As soon as it arrived at the venue, it purposefully approached them, the masters of power at the peak of the Golden Core stage.

The goal is so clear, it must have been artificially tamed.

They also tried to find the dragon's owner, because as long as they killed it, the dragon would be useless.

The tamed golden elixir stage spirit beasts usually enter into a master-servant contract with the monks. Once one party dies, the other party will suffer backlash because of this contract. It won't lead to death, but it will be severely injured, and at least it will lose combat effectiveness for a short period of time.

They had searched all over before but couldn't find him. It turned out that he was among the monks who escaped from the venue.

Glancing at Zhang Yun, how did you find this guy?

By coincidence?

Or is it true that the ninth elder of the Lingxian Sect has colluded with the Jade Pirates, as the Nanhai Sect leader said?

No, if there is really a collusion, you should be watching a show there now, not looking for someone.

The leaders of each force were a little confused, but they didn't have time to think deeply.


Seeing that the blue dragon had quickly approached within a hundred meters of Zhang Yun, their expressions changed and they all shouted warnings.

hold head high!

But it was too late. The blue dragon had already opened its bloody mouth and sprayed out a large amount of dark blue water, overwhelmingly rushing towards Zhang Yun.

"This guy is finished!"

The expressions of the leaders of each force sank.

The reason why they look so miserable right now is because of the water sprayed by the blue dragon. It looks like ordinary water, but in fact it contains extremely terrifying corrosive power. Just touching it a little bit will instantly erode away your clothes and flesh just like touching molten lava.

Thanks to their solid cultivation, they could barely resist with their spiritual energy, and the corrosive water spread out and didn't splash much on them.

But right now...

The ninth elder of the Lingxian Sect is only an ordinary golden elixir stage, and if he has to face this water flowing specifically towards him, he will probably be completely corroded on the spot.

They all couldn't bear to watch it.

But the next scene made them all open their mouths with disbelief on their faces.


Facing the corrosive water sprayed by the blue dragon, Zhang Yun didn't even think about dodging. He took out the Yuntian Sword and slashed out with a wave of sword energy.

The oncoming corrosive water flow touched the sword energy wave, and it was directly divided into two pieces, and it was cut into two pieces and spread out to both sides.

Zhang Yun stood in the middle, strolling forward without even a drop of water being spilled on his body.

"How can it be?"

The leaders of the various forces were in disbelief.

This corrosive water erodes not only the body, but also energy. Their spiritual energy will be eroded upon contact, so why can Zhang Yun's sword energy wave directly cut away the corrosive water flow?

Before they could think about it, a scene that shocked them even more happened immediately.


I saw a dazzling sword light streaking through the void and across the body of the blue dragon.

Under their gaze, three inches of the blue dragon's skin was cut open, and a huge heart was beating inside. but……

With this sword light, the heart was cut into two pieces.

Zhang Yun gently brushed off the blood stained on the Yuntian Sword and put the sword away. behind...

"hold head high??"

The blue dragon opened its mouth wide and stared, with a face full of human incomprehension.

how come?

How could it be killed like this by a human? ?

With endless disbelief and unwillingness, he slowly fell on the sea.

The sea fell into dead silence at this time.

The opinions of various forces are loud and clear.

fall down?

The evil beast that had made them so embarrassed was just... killed by the sword of the ninth elder of the Lingxian Sect? ?

"Oh My God!"

" is this done?"

"Elder of Lingxian Sect? Which elder of Lingxian Sect is he??"

Many monks in the field were shocked.

This was a dragon at the peak of the Golden Core stage, and it was killed like this?

Zhang Yun ignored everyone's reactions and looked straight at Deng Yuxuan who was not far away and was looking at him in shock.

The two looked at each other.


Zhang Yun directly stepped out with a shocking splash of water, and his whole body turned into a bolt of lightning and shot away.

Deng Yuxuan's expression changed drastically, he turned around and ran away.

But how could his speed be Zhang Yun's opponent?

In a few blinks, Zhang Yun was already catching up.


He directly used his grasping hand to pinch Deng Yuxuan's back force, and lifted him up: "Fellow Daoist Deng, where do you want to go?"

" did you recognize me?"

Deng Yuxuan's body stiffened and he looked at Zhang Yun who was smiling in front of him and couldn't understand.

He was so well concealed, why could Zhang Yun still find him?

"you guess!"

Zhang Yun smiled slightly and directly carried Deng Yuxuan to the sea where the dragon's body fell.

There are many people gathering around, including the leaders of various forces, who are approaching here at this time, and the heat in their eyes is obvious.

After all, this is the body of a dragon at the peak of the Golden Core stage!

Crystal nuclei, blood essence containing dragon blood, dragon claws, etc... Everything about this corpse is very valuable!

But when they saw Zhang Yun coming, they quickly got out of the way.

This master can kill this golden elixir stage dragon with one sword, and he can also kill them with one sword!

Zhang Yun ignored them, raised his foot into the water and kicked the middle part of the dragon's body hard. The force exploded and kicked the body dozens of meters into the air. Then he lifted it up with his right shoulder and caught the huge body of the dragon. .

This dragon corpse is too big to fit in the storage ring, so it has to be carried away!

The body of several tens of meters weighs at least several thousand kilograms in total, but it is no pressure for Zhang Yun. He practices extreme physical skills, and apart from other aspects, his physical strength is absolutely top-notch.

Under the envious eyes of the leaders of various forces and many monks, Zhang Yun carried the person in his left hand and the dragon sword in his right hand and flew back to the area where everyone in the Lingxian Sect was.


Everyone in the Lingxian Sect couldn't help but swallow their saliva when they saw his return.

He rushed out, flew around, and came back directly carrying a dragon?

The Sixth Elder of the Lingxian Sect looked at this man with bright eyes filled with brilliance.

Xu Ming, Wu Xiaopang, and Yu Shui'er looked at their master with admiration in their eyes.

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