Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 104: The Foreign Aid of the Jade Pirates

Zhang Yun said, "Shui'er, quickly gather a sea snake gang to carry it for you!"

Yu Shui'er reacted and hurriedly controlled the water to form another sea lion, which was more than 20 meters long and condensed on the sea surface.

He explained to him: "Master, I feel that the sea snake cannot carry this dragon corpse. It is better to use this one!"

"You girl, you practice very diligently!"

Zhang Yun smiled when he saw the sea lion.

He had only let Yu Shui'er practice condensing the three forms of water beasts before, but he didn't expect that the other party would also condensate new ones. Apparently, he had been practicing diligently for a long time without him knowing.

Yu Shui'er chuckled and quickly controlled the sea lion to carry the dragon's body.

People around her saw a trace of surprise in their eyes as they watched her easily condense sea lions with sea water and then control them easily.

Especially the leaders of various forces.

They had never discovered before that Lingxian Sect had such a disciple.

Zhang Yun calls himself a master, is this also his apprentice?

The leaders of various forces were surprised.

There is Xu Ming, Wu Xiaopang, and now there is a third apprentice who can manipulate sea water to condense into beasts...

How did you train the ninth elder of Lingxian Sect?

Thinking again of the scene where Zhang Yun just killed the dragon with one sword...

The leaders of various forces suddenly felt a bit of toothache.

This Lingxian Sect is too exaggerated. One elder has already forced them so much...

Isn’t it said that Lingxian Sect is at the bottom among the top five forces in Nanyun Prefecture? Why does it look nothing like it now?

Zhang Yun didn't pay attention to their gazes. At this time, he noticed Deng Yuxuan in his hand and asked with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Deng, is there anything you want to explain?"

Deng Yuxuan said nothing and chose to close his eyes directly.

Although he was currently being captured by Zhang Yun, he was not afraid.

The members of their Jade Pirate Group are still fighting fiercely under the sea. As long as they can kill the Nanhai Sect Master, Lingxian Sect Master and others, the final winner will still be them. At that time, the ninth elder of Lingxian Sect in front of him...


He groaned inwardly, already thinking about how to torture this guy. Last time he cheated him of 300,000 spirit stones, and now he killed his most precious dragon, so he had to avenge him. When the people in the group come up, he must...


Just as he was thinking about it, a sharp pain suddenly came from his thigh, causing him to let out an uncontrollable scream and his eyes opened directly.

At a glance, Zhang Yun stabbed his thigh with a dagger.


Deng Yuxuan wanted to speak.


But as soon as he spoke, he couldn't help but scream, because Zhang Yun had already pulled out the dagger, and then...


The wound he had just stabbed again.

If you are unhappy once, you will come twice; if you are unhappy twice, you will come three times...

"Stop! Stop it!!"

After several consecutive back and forths, Deng Yuxuan almost fainted from the pain and couldn't help shouting loudly.

Zhang Yun ignored him, pulled out the dagger again, pointed it at his thigh and stabbed it in again.

This made Deng Yuxuan turn pale and shouted quickly: "I'll tell you! Whatever you want to know, I'll tell you!!"

Zhang Yun's hand paused.

"That's right!"

He looked at Deng Yuxuan with a smile: "Tell me about your identity first!"

Deng Yuxuan shrugged his head and said, "I am Yushilou..."


Zhang Yun raised his eyes and picked up the dagger again.

Deng Yuxuan was so frightened that he quickly changed his words: "I am the third leader of the Jade Pirates, responsible for managing a series of industries such as the Jade Tower. On weekdays...ah!"

Halfway through his words, he screamed again. Looking at the dagger that plunged into his thigh again, he glared at Zhang Yun: "What are you doing?"

"I don't want to listen to your nonsense, let's get to the point!"

Zhang Yun said calmly, ignoring the screams of the other party, and drew out the dagger.

Deng Yuxuan, whose blood was flowing gurglingly and whose thigh wound hurt, almost fainted. He also wanted to pass out so that he wouldn't have to...


But suddenly his eyebrows trembled, and his whole body suddenly became excited.

It was Zhang Yun's finger that touched his forehead.

"What, do you want to sleep?"

Zhang Yun smiled and played with the dagger in his hand, "It seems your thigh is not painful enough!"

Deng Yuxuan was a little dizzy when he saw the dagger being shaken, and he shouted quickly: "I am an undercover! An undercover agent placed by the Nanhai Sect in the Jade Pirates!!"


Zhang Yun spoke.

The corners of Deng Yuxuan's mouth twitched, but he still told the matter honestly.

As Zhang Yun had guessed before, this Deng Yuxuan was a double agent. To be precise, he was a member of the Jade Pirates from the beginning.

He was discovered and adopted by the head of the Nanhai Sect when he was three years old. To the head of the Nanhai Sect, Deng Yuxuan was the one he brought up since childhood and was absolutely loyal.

However, Deng Yuxuan was actually born in the Jade Pirates, and was implanted with everything about the Jade Pirates from the age of two.

It was the leader of the Jade Pirates who personally sent him to the head of the Nanhai Sect and buried him in the Nanhai Sect as an important chess piece.

Unexpectedly, when he grew up to be a teenager, he was sent to the Jade Pirates by the head of the Nanhai Sect and asked to be an undercover agent.

The leader of the Jade Pirates found out and took advantage of the situation and asked him to be the 'undercover'. And in order for him to gain the trust of the Nanhai Sect master, the leader of the Jade Pirates did not hesitate to cut off a lot of things for the Nanhai Sect master to pick.

This also made the Nanhai Sect leader completely trust Deng Yuxuan.

The Jade Pirates also started to make arrangements. After many years of arrangement, they finally waited until today.

Those poisonous monks who were known to the master of the Nanhai Sect, and important disciples like the master of the Xuanguang Valley, were all pretexts used by the leader of the Jade Pirates to let Deng Yuxuan out deliberately. After all, only such a pretense can make the Nanhai Sect leader relax his vigilance.

It turned out to be very successful.

Their Jade Pirate Group ambush an important elder chess piece of the Nanhai Sect, and successfully exerted its greatest effect, destroying all the elders of the Nanhai Sect except for the first elder and the fifth elder who were not present.

The death of the elders of the Nanhai Sect is the first step towards the goal of the Jade Pirates.

The second step is to create chaos, collapse the entire venue, and destroy most of the Nanhai Sect's disciples.

Because it is on the territory of the Nanhai Sect, more than 80% of the Nanhai Sect's monks came to the venue this time.

Now that these monks are gone, as long as the leader of the Nanhai Sect can be eliminated, the Nanhai Sect will basically exist in name only.

The ambition of the Jade Pirates is not limited to this. They also hope to use this attack to gain fame and directly destroy the important strength of all forces in Nanyun Prefecture.

As long as all the leaders and elite disciples of all the forces can be eradicated, the Jade Pirates will not only become the overlord of the Blue Sea, but will also directly become the overlord of the entire Nanyun State.

After all, the leaders of all the forces are dead, so when all the forces find out, they will inevitably fall into chaos.

When the time comes, the Jade Pirates will be able to plunder these forces one by one.

"This pirate style..."

Zhang Yun shook his head secretly and said calmly: "Tell me about the process!"

Having said so much, Deng Yuxuan didn't want to hide anything anymore and immediately said it out in one breath.

The process will begin with the Nanhai Sect’s sect competition.

Knowing that the sect competition would be held on Nanhai Sect's territory, the Jade Pirates began to make the most important arrangements.

The first is the venue. The Nanhai Sect chose to build the venue on the sea, which was made possible by the Jade Pirates' mobilization of power.

The Nanhai Sect, from the sect master to the disciples, is used to being domineering in Nanyun Prefecture. Since a sect competition venue is to be built, it must be unique. For this reason, the proposal of a sea venue was proposed.

If you secretly praise the elders of the Nanhai Sect, you can easily facilitate this matter!

After completing this, a series of arrangements for the venue began.

From arranging the entrance of poisonous monks, using methods to control several golden elixir monks of the Nanhai Sect masters who arranged to subdue the poisonous monks, to having Deng Yuxuan's dragon beast king lead a large group of sea sharks to attack the giant whales and sea snakes supporting the venue, to the jade pirates The group's special energy array led the pirate ship to the venue...

It's all carefully calculated!

In addition, in order to achieve their goals, the Jade Pirates did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to hire foreign aid this time!

"foreign aid?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yun was slightly curious: "Who did you invite?"

He was a little surprised as to why the Jade Pirates dared to attack all forces at once. After all, no matter how strong the Jade Pirates were, they would not be able to fight against the large and small forces in Nanyun Province.

Especially under the premise that many people including the master of Lingxian Sect, the master of Jihuo Cave, the master of Guanqing Pavilion, the master of Nanshan Sect, etc. are in the Nascent Soul Stage.

"We invited two foreign aid parties. One is Qianhai Island in Southern Star State; the other is a killer organization..."

Deng Yuxuan replied: "They are called Aurora Tower!"


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