Zhang Yun was stunned, "Who are you talking about?"

"They're called Aurora Tower!" Deng Yuxuan repeated.


Zhang Yun's mouth twitched.

What the hell, did you eat melons at your own home?

He immediately asked: "Which landlord of Jiguang Building did you invite?"

For such a big operation, if the Jade Pirates want to hire someone, they must be at the level of the original poster.

"Well, I don't know much about this. Anyway, a few people came to Aurora Tower, and the leader called himself San."


Zhang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, it seemed that he was the third floor owner.

That's a lot of enemies!

"Are they all in the venue under the sea now?"


Deng Yuxuan nodded, and an undetectable strange color suddenly flashed across his eyes.

Zhang Yun happened to turn around at this moment and didn't realize that he was staring at the sea where the venue was sinking, lost in thought.

To him, the third floor owner of Aurora Tower is a mortal enemy, and he is also an extremely troublesome mortal enemy.

As the top killers, the most powerful thing about people like the third floor owner of Aurora Tower is not how strong their own realm is, but that they are hard to guard against.

Many times you are not prepared and are killed by them!

After killing twenty outside the Lingxian Sect, he went to Nan Shang City to look for Su Die. The main reason was to be on guard against the third floor master.

Now that we know that the other party is under the sea, it is actually an opportunity.

If we can dominate the third floor here, then there will be one less hidden danger in the future!

"Ninth Elder, you don't want to go into the sea, do you?"

Seeing Zhang Yun staring at the bottom of the sea and thinking about something, the sixth elder of the Lingxian Sect couldn't help but tried to dissuade him: "It's too dangerous to go down at this time, so don't be impulsive!"

"Don't worry, Sixth Elder, I'm not the kind of person who likes to be impulsive!"

Zhang Yun couldn't help but shrug and smile when he saw the concerned look on her face.

At the same time, it's a little strange. He doesn't seem to be familiar with the other person, right?

"Just don't be impulsive!"

The sixth elder of Lingxian Sect breathed a sigh of relief and said: "We should wait here for the sect master. With the sect master's strength, nothing will happen to him. I believe he will come up soon!"

Zhang Yun nodded when he heard this, and he agreed with this.

Others don't know, but he knows what kind of boss the leader of the Lingxian Sect is. Everyone else is dead, but the leader of Lingxian Sect is probably alive and well.

But I haven’t come up for a long time...

Zhang Yun stared at Haixia a little strangely.

Logically speaking, no one can stop the leader of the Lingxian Sect from coming up, and he should have come up long ago.

Could it be

He was curious.

"Ming'er, Xiaopang, Shui'er..."

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yun Chuanyin said: "Do you have all the guardian talismans that my master gave you before coming here?"

Xu Ming and the other three were startled, and then they all nodded, "Yes, Master!"

"As long as you are here. No matter what happens next, you must keep the guardian talisman with you and do not put it in the storage ring!"

Zhang Yun sent a message to give instructions.


Seeing his solemn tone, Xu Ming and the others nodded.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yun said: "I'm going to go to sea for the master. You guys stay here with Yun No. 1. If you are in danger, don't worry about other people, just take care of yourselves!"

Hearing this, Yu Shui'er couldn't help but speak via voice: "Master, let me go with you. I can help you under the sea!"

"Shui'er, just because you can help me, you can't be with my master!"

Zhang Yun shook his head, "You are here, so I can rest assured. If you are in danger, I will count on you to take good care of your two senior brothers!"


Yu Shui'er opened her mouth, then nodded: "Okay!"

When Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang heard this, they wanted to retort that they didn't need to be taken care of, but found that they were unable to refute. At sea, Yu Shui'er's ability can indeed take care of them...

"Master, what should I do with this dragon corpse?"

Xu Ming suddenly thought of something: "You left, I'm afraid of other people..."

"Master, give it a share first and then do it!"

Zhang Yun also reacted after hearing this. He immediately took out the Sky Sword, jumped on the back of the sea lion and started to deal with the dragon's body.

"Ninth Elder, do you want to help?"

Seeing him disposing of the body, several Lingxian Sect elders nearby couldn't help but speak.

Dealing with the dragon's corpse is a big job. When chopping the corpse, some blood will inevitably be lost. This blood is all treasure!


Zhang Yun waved his hand.

Several elders of the Lingxian Sect couldn't help but said: "Ninth Elder, if you handle such a large dragon corpse by yourself, it is difficult to ensure that the dragon's blood is taken care of. If it falls into the sea, it would be a waste. If we come to help, at least we can ensure that the dragon's blood is taken care of." Don’t waste it!”

They don't care about face at this moment, this is a rare opportunity to get the dragon's blood!

The great elder of Lingxian Sect and a few others remained silent, but they were actually somewhat moved.

"Don't worry, elders. I won't let the dragon's blood flow into the sea. Besides, I still have three apprentices to help me! Shui'er..."

Zhang Yun smiled slightly and looked at Yu Shui'er.

Yu Shui'er understood and immediately used water control to form a large blanket.

Zhang Yun directly placed the dragon's body on it and began to process it. After cutting off the fallen blood, it all dripped onto the water blanket. Yu Shui'er specially condensed a layer of water energy on the blanket to prevent the fallen blood from blending into the blanket.

Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang had already taken out containers nearby and collected the dragon's blood that fell on the blanket little by little. Not a drop was wasted!

The elders of the Lingxian Sect twitched their mouths when they saw this, and looked at Yu Shui'er helplessly.

With such a disciple who can control water, there is really no need to worry about the dragon's blood being lost and wasted!

Soon, Zhang Yun chopped the dragon into neat half-meter pieces of meat, and separated the crystal core, claws and dragon skin. In this way, I can finally fit it in by using multiple storage rings separately.

Everyone present felt a little empty in their hearts when they saw that the huge dragon was gone.

In particular, the elders of the Lingxian Sect originally planned to gather some wool. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yun was so stubborn that he wouldn't even let them draw any blood.

"Elders, I will go into the sea to find the sect master!"

Zhang Yunke didn't care what they thought, he just said that and jumped directly into the sea.

The elders of Lingxian Sect were stunned, and everyone present also looked astonished.

Why did it suddenly go to sea?

The sixth elder of Lingxian Sect couldn't help but stamp his feet. Didn't the ninth elder tell her not to be impulsive? Why did you go to sea?

Not to mention anything else, that large group of sea sharks were still wandering around the venue!

Thinking that she was a little anxious and wanted to go down with Zhang Yun, she still calmed down. If her strength continues, not only will she not be able to help Zhang Yun, but she will become a burden.

I can't help but feel a little sad thinking about her.

She, a great and accomplished cultivator in the golden elixir stage, would one day become a burden...

We have to break through as soon as possible!

She glanced at the sea where Zhang Yun was leaving, and secretly clenched her fists.

The leaders of the various forces in the field frowned slightly when they saw Zhang Yun going into the sea.

To be honest, as leaders of forces at this time, they should go to the sea to help the leader of Lingxian Sect and others. but……

Thinking of the monks who came off the pirate ship at that time, they were a little scared.

Because they felt several Nascent Soul stage auras at that time.

The reason why they were attacked by the dragon was that the dragon was indeed powerful, and it was also intentional on their part.

No matter what, your own life is important!

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