
A person at the peak of the Golden Core stage died like this? ?

"I said, isn't it good for you to beat me? Why do you want to trouble me?"

Zhang Yun lightly brushed away the blood on the Yuntian Sword, and spoke calmly while collecting Killer Eleven's storage ring.

The five great elders of Jihuodong woke up, and the corners of their mouths twitched when they heard this. Most of them were still in disbelief.

Just now, Zhang Yun's sword first cut off Killer Eleven's sword, and then they only saw a flash of sword light, and Killer Eleven's head fell off. The whole process of swinging the sword was so fast that they couldn't even see it clearly!

How could the ninth elder of Lingxian Sect in front of him have such strength?

They couldn't figure it out.

Zhang Yun ignored them and immediately started cutting down the wall with the Yuntian Sword.

The edge of the Yuntian Sword easily unfolded the wall one layer at a time, revealing a piece of crystal and jade inside.

【Lingquan Jade】

Introduction: It contains pure spiritual spring water, which can be used for detoxification and healing.

【Canghu Spiritual Crystal】

Introduction: A crystal stone containing the essence and blood of the Canghu, the peak spiritual beast in the Nascent Soul stage.

[Mu Zang Ling Jade]

Introduction: Contains pure wood attribute energy and can purify monk wood attribute aura.

Pieces of information came into view, and Zhang Yun was ecstatic.

The crystals and jade on this wall are all good things!

Without saying anything, he directly picked up the Yuntian Sword and started digging.

Watching Zhang Yun start chiseling out crystals and jade, he didn't care about his surroundings at all. The five elders of Jihuodong nearby were twitching in face.

MD, you don’t take them seriously, right?

But looking at Killer Eleven's still hot body on the ground, they still didn't dare to step forward.

They couldn't even see Zhang Yun's sword clearly. If they faced...

They doubted whether it would be the same as Killer Eleven on the ground!

But seeing pieces of crystal and jade being chiseled off and put away by Zhang Yun, they were a little unwilling.

Do you really want to watch Zhang Yun take away the crystals and jade from this wall?

"How about joining forces?"

A leader of the sect's power secretly sent a message.

The Great Elder of Jihuodong glanced at the two golden elixir peak people across from him, "Adding them?"


The leader of the force nodded.

Although the other party attacked the venue, the main target was Nanhai Sect. They were not from the Nanhai Sect and did not have much hatred towards these attackers. The current fight is just for the crystals and jade on this wall.

Now that the crystals and jade are all being taken away, there is nothing to fight between them. But if we can get it back, it might be a good idea to join forces!

The great elder of Jihuodong said: "Okay!"


Immediately sent a message to the two peak Jindan stage opposite, "We join forces to kill the ninth elder of the Lingxian Sect, and the crystals and jade will be divided equally afterward!"

The two golden elixir peaks looked at each other and nodded to them: "Okay!"

The five elders of Jihuodong suddenly stared at Zhang Yun and narrowed their eyes.

But after waiting for a while, no one took action.

The Great Elder of Jihuodong frowned and looked at the two golden elixir peaks across from him: "Why don't you take action yet?"

"There are many of you, shouldn't you take action first?"

The two peak Jindan stage asked in a deep voice.

"You are the only one who needs to take action first. The three of us here have a better understanding of each other. When you take action, we can immediately cooperate to kill the ninth elder of Lingxian Sect!"

The Great Elder of Jihuodong said in a message.

The two peak Golden Core stagers rolled their eyes.

What if we are fools?

What I was afraid of Zhang Yun was that the sword was too fast. The one who struck first would definitely be hit by the sword, and he would be left half disabled even if he didn't die. Wait until they are really dead or half disabled. Can it be divided evenly afterwards?

Also, do the three of you work well together?

As if we don’t know!

You three are not on the same side at all, you have such a tacit understanding!

The two golden elixir peaks were too lazy to beat around the bush and said bluntly: "If you don't take action first, then the cooperation will be cancelled!"

The three elders of Jihuodong said solemnly: "Your attitude shows no sincerity in cooperation at all!"

The two golden elixir peakers rolled their eyes.

Damn, it sounds like you are sincere?

I was too lazy to say anything for a while.

Anyway, there is one person missing now. Even if Zhang Yun is not here, it will be difficult for them to overtake the three elders of Jihuodong.

When the three elders of Jihuodong saw this, their expressions darkened.

If they didn't want to carry Zhang Yun's first sword, how would they need any cooperation?

"I said, have you discussed it yet?"

Just as he was thinking about it, a voice suddenly came to his ears. After Zhang Yun chiseled off the last piece of jade on the wall and put it away, he suddenly looked at them and said, "I've finished digging. If you don't do anything, I'm going to leave." "

Hearing this, the five great elders of Jihuodong looked ugly.

Their little tricks for transmitting messages were obviously seen through.

"You really don't want to take action?"

Seeing that the five people were still motionless, Zhang Yun shrugged, "Okay then, we'll meet again if we are destined!"

Saying this, he patted his butt and walked out of the cave.

The corners of the mouths of the five great elders of Jihuodong twitched, but in the end they still did not take action. After all, they cooperated in the attack and wanted to catch Zhang Yun by surprise. Now that everyone knew it, there was no point in attacking again.

"Oh, what a bunch of cowards. It's a pity. There should be a lot of good things in the storage rings of the five golden elixir peak people..."

At this time, I suddenly heard Zhang Yun talking to himself as he walked out of the cave. The five elders of Jihuo Cave had black lines on their heads and were a little annoyed.

So outrageous!


Looking at the body of Killer Eleven on the ground, they still didn't dare to move.

Zhang Yun walked out of the cave and continued to go deeper into the treasure cave.

He was not very interested in the five great elders of Jihuo Cave. His main purpose of coming down this time was to deal with the third floor master, and he didn't want to waste time on these people.

In addition, there are probably more amazing treasures in the depths of this treasure cave.

After all, it has been a while since the leader of Lingxian Sect and others came in. If they haven't come out for so long, there must be something wrong!

After moving forward for a while, he found that the front was the end.

But it was no longer a cave, but a tightly closed iron door.

Zhang Yun was a little surprised, but it was not surprising when he thought about it.

At present, this treasure cave was obviously arranged by humans, so it was nothing to have an iron door.

But looking at the iron door in front of him, Zhang Yun inexplicably felt something was wrong. Because as soon as his spiritual consciousness touched the iron door, it was like touching a vortex, and he was directly sucked in and disappeared without a trace.

However, the leader of Lingxian Sect and other Yuanying stage should be behind the iron door at this moment.

Because at present, apart from this iron gate, there are only the last two caves on both sides, and there is no one inside. Zhang Yun specially went into them to take a look and found that there are many traces left by the battle in the Nascent Soul stage.

It is estimated that there are many good things in these two caves, but unfortunately they have been hollowed out.

He came to the iron gate at the end again and stopped when he was about ten meters away.

Out of caution, Zhang Yun released a thrust to the iron gate remotely across the sea water, and then touched the iron gate, but the iron gate did not move at all.

Zhang Yun frowned slightly. His thrust should be enough to push open any door, but this iron door...

Does he have to go up to push it open himself?

Thinking of this, Zhang Yun used the Immortal Eye Technique to try to take a look.

Such a strange iron door shows what the Immortal Eye Technique can see. And this look really gave a lot of information——

[Spirit-Attached Iron Gate]

Introduction: The ancient sacrificial gate was made by the ancient high priest using his own brain, combining hundreds of souls, soul cloud iron and other materials. Contains extremely strong soul power and has the ability to imitate all kinds of creatures.

Status: The ancient high priest has been sleeping in the door for a long time

Effect: All creatures that touch the iron door will have their information scanned and recorded instantly, providing the iron door with a spirit of the same realm as the monk to attach to the shadow of the monk passing by.

The attached spirit has wisdom, will move with the monk, and observe everything about the monk. After enough understanding, the spirit will form the same soul as the monk and start to seize the monk.

Once seized, all monks will become slaves of the ancient high priest. After waking up, the ancient high priest can be reborn in any slave body at any time.

Weakness: Afraid of special energy, the host's return gas can destroy the attached spirit.

Suggestion: The host can let the spirit attach, and when it grows to a sufficient level, use the return gas to wrap it and swallow it as a thing. Eating this spirit can greatly enhance the host's soul.

“Sure enough, there is something fishy!”

Zhang Yun’s expression was stern, but he was a little surprised to see such a long string of information in front of him.

The Immortal Eye Technique usually only sees through the weaknesses of cultivators and spirit beasts. It is the first time that it has given such a lot of information.

“Let me attach and swallow the spirit body?”

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly at the suggestion, and was a little moved when he saw the words ‘greatly enhance the soul’.

Everyone has a soul. After the cultivators practice, their souls will continue to grow. The biggest benefit of the soul is, on the one hand, the improvement of mental willpower, and on the other hand, it will be directly reflected in the spiritual consciousness, which can greatly increase the perception of the spiritual consciousness.

For example, if you can only detect the breath of creatures within a radius of one mile, then after the soul is enhanced, this distance may become two miles, three miles... or even more!

Another most important benefit is the transformation of the spirit.

After reaching the peak of the Nascent Soul stage, the biggest threshold for the cultivator to break through the Spiritual Transformation stage is the soul. Many peak Nascent Soul stage cultivators have difficulty entering the Spiritual Transformation stage for their entire lives because their soul power is not enough. If the soul is strong enough, then it will be very easy for him to break through the Spiritual Transformation stage in the future!

This is a real benefit!

Zhang Yun gritted his teeth and decided to go in.

However, just in case, Zhang Yun used the Immortal Eye Technique to read it several times in a row, confirming that the information was the same, and then he approached.

When his hand touched the door, he suddenly felt an indescribable strange feeling all over his body.

Zhang Yun was mentally prepared for this, and immediately exerted a little force.


The iron door was pushed open.

Obviously, this iron door must be touched by humans to be pushed open, and the purpose is to scan the spirit.

Zhang Yun didn't know what this ancient high priest was, but according to the information brought by the Immortal Eye Technique, the other party was in a long-term sleeping state, which meant that he would not wake up in a short time.

In this way, there is no need to worry!

After stepping into the iron door immediately.

As soon as he entered, the iron door immediately closed by itself with a "click".

The elders of the Jihuo Cave who followed behind saw this scene, and their expressions were a little hesitant.

In fact, they didn't want to come to the deepest part, because those who were fighting inside were those in the Nascent Soul stage. Even if they came, they might not be able to fight for anything, and they might even lose their lives.

But they were a little unwilling.

Because they rushed to the depths of this treasure cave all the way down, so they didn't get any treasures in the process, and they just fought each other over the wall of crystals and jades.

As a result, Zhang Yun came and took everything away.

It means that they have come down to this treasure cave and have not gained anything yet. How can they be willing?

Although they knew that it was difficult to snatch treasures in this deep place, who knows what luck is.

Maybe luck will come and let them get a treasure directly, or the kind that is not discovered by others.

They gritted their teeth thinking about it.

How many times can you fight in your life?

Let's fight now!

If the gamble succeeds, maybe you will take off directly!

First reach the Nascent Soul stage, then the Spiritualization stage...

Thinking about it, saliva is already flowing.

Why hesitate?

They all went forward and pushed the door in.

When one person enters the iron gate, the iron gate will close automatically. The second person enters, and the iron gate must be pushed again...

Although it is a bit strange, they didn't think much about it at the moment.

After all, Zhang Yun just went in.

Just after all of them went in.

There was a slight fluctuation on the iron gate, and a pair of old eyes that had been sealed for a long time appeared, and the eyes slowly opened.

There was a little joy in it: "A rare servant has come!"


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