Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Secret Realm Chapter 109 Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom, inheritance of the divine transformation stage

In a corridor filled with light, Zhang Yun suddenly felt like he was being watched by something.

He couldn't help but look back.

But there was no sign of the iron gate behind him.

He frowned slightly.

After entering through the iron gate, he came to the bright corridor in front of him, as if he had been teleported in. The iron gate behind him disappeared in an instant, and at the same time, the sea water that should have been filled with it also disappeared.

He searched for it and found that there was no other way in this corridor except going forward.

in addition……

【Priest Spirit】

Status: Initial stage (will enter the growth stage after one hour, and will enter the mature stage within ten hours)

Realm: Sixth Level of Qi Refining Stage

Suggestion: After it grows to a mature stage, use the returning energy to force it out and devour it.

Glancing at his own shadow beneath him, Zhang Yun could clearly see the information attached to the spirit body using the Immortal Eye Technique.

Seeing the realm of the 'Sixth Level of Qi Refining Stage', I secretly sighed.

He looked at it once when he entered the corridor. At that time, the spirit body was only at the first level of Qi refining stage. He has only been here for less than five minutes now, and he is already at the sixth level of Qi refining stage. According to this situation, it will probably only take a few hours to reach the golden elixir stage.

Zhang Yun remained alert.

Although the information given by the Immortal Eye Jue indicates that this spirit body will be more than ten hours away from being fully mature, there is no guarantee that this spirit body will not make a sudden attack in advance.

"Does the feeling of being targeted come from this spirit body..."

Zhang Yun thought in his mind.

He took a breath, immediately ignored it, and walked straight to the front of the corridor.


After walking for a few minutes, I found an open door at the end of the corridor, but there was a light curtain on the door that made it difficult to see outside.

In front of the door, however, stood a stone tablet that was obviously engraved with a lot of information.

Immediately come closer and take a look:

"This is passage 39!"

"Being able to appear in this passage means that you are the thirty-ninth person to enter this place. In front of you is the secret realm left by Wuhai Witch Fairy Kingdom. There are thirty-six inheritances of Wuhai Witch Fairy Kingdom, and these inheritances are left in the secret realm. Among the thirty-six statues.

——I am the high priest of the Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom. Our country suffered a catastrophe. Before I died, I left my inheritance in this secret realm, opened sixty-six passages and sealed the secret realm. People in the future, when you see this message, it means that the secret realm blockade here has been opened. Being able to come here means that you have a connection with our country.

go in! Enter the secret realm to obtain the inheritance of my country. I hope you can pass on the inheritance of my country again. There is an exclusive token behind the stone tablet that can guide you to the location of these heritage statues. "

"Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and suddenly thought of the circulating legend of the Blue Sea. Thousands of years ago, Blue Sea was a huge country. Could it be this Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom?

As for the content on the stone tablet, he curled his lips.

Waiting for someone destined to accept the inheritance?

It should be said that you are waiting for the destined person to accept your spirit possession and become your slave!

This high priest is not a good thing!

But if this sea witch fairy kingdom is really the kingdom of the Blue Sea Legend, then the high priest sleeping in the spirit-possessed iron gate is undoubtedly an old monster who has lived for thousands of years.

It's a bit scary to think about.

Although the life span of monks is much longer than that of ordinary people, it is not infinite. If you want to live for thousands of years, you must at least have the cultivation level of the God Transformation Stage.

Zhang Yun was secretly vigilant.

If the high priest wakes up, it will be a big trouble!

In addition, according to the information on the stone tablet, this is passage number 39, which means that 38 people have entered this place before him.

There are not so many Yuanying stages such as the leader of Lingxian Sect. In addition to them, there should be many golden elixir stages.

After Zhang Yun thought about it and glanced at the stone tablet, he found a triangular token with a big word "witch" engraved on it.

【Wizard Token】

Introduction: Made using the remnant body of the witch spirit, it will guide the direction of the witchcraft power. The person who makes this token can transmit various information to the token remotely through the remnant body. At the same time, this token contains strong witchcraft power and can be used to unlock special things.

After looking at it with the Immortal Master's Heavenly Eyes, Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows, thought for a while and picked up the token.

Then he walked into the light curtain of the open door next to him.

With a flash of light in front of his eyes.

Zhang Yun felt a gust of sea breeze blowing against his face.

Opening his eyes, he found that he was now on a hill by the coast.


Before I had time to think about it, the door behind me suddenly disappeared.

Zhang Yun frowned.

This door disappeared. If you want to leave later, you can only find a passage through this secret realm.

Although it was his first time to enter this secret realm, there was a lot of information about it in his memory.

The secret realm is formed by using a large number of space stones to open up space, and then wrapping an area with a barrier. In order to maintain the normal energy supply of the secret realm, this secret realm needs to absorb spiritual energy from the outside world, so multiple channels must be left to connect with the outside world. Otherwise, the secret realm will collapse before it can last long.

In addition to the corridor coming in, there must be other exits to the outside world within the secret area.

Zhang Yun is not in a hurry to look for it.

The most urgent task is to find the owner of the third floor of Aurora Building first.

He has not forgotten the main purpose of coming down, to find an opportunity to kill the third floor owner. Of course, if something good appears, you can pick it up.


Before he started to move, the token in his hand suddenly fluctuated slightly, pulling him in one direction.

"Thirty-six statue inheritance..."

Thinking of the content on the stone tablet just now, Zhang Yun pondered for a moment: "Well, let's go and see these statues first!"

Anyway, I have no direction to find anyone right now, so why not go take a look first, maybe I can meet the third owner of the Aurora Building along the way.

After all, since these people have come in, they will definitely look for these statues to obtain inheritance. The heritage left by the ancient country is still very attractive!

Use the flying sword to fly quickly along the way.

The direction that this token pointed him to was between a mountain range. It took Zhang Yunfei almost a quarter of an hour to finally find the location.

It was a somewhat remote and desolate hill, with a row of dead trees on it, but there was a more conspicuous humanoid statue several meters high. The statue held a staff in its hand and was wearing a wizard's robe. At first glance, it looked like an ancient figure. wizard.

In the Immortal Continent, this kind of wizard is also called a witch cultivator. It is considered a cultivation school, but it is rarely seen in the mainland today.

The reason is that the cultivation methods of shaman cultivators have been basically lost.

The current sea witch empire... Just from the name, you can tell that it was once a country of monks with witch cultivators as the mainstay!

It is estimated that there are some inherited cultivation methods of shaman cultivators here.

Zhang Yun touched his chin.

This can be done!

The shaman cultivating school is quite unique. It does not depend on the physique and spiritual roots of the monks at all. As long as the soul has enough potential, it can be practiced. And a successful wizard has very powerful witchcraft power!

Zhang Yun didn't know if he would meet a genius with a powerful soul in the future, but it would definitely be good to prepare a set of wizard training methods.

Who knows, he can use this to train a powerful wizard apprentice in the future!

I thought about stepping forward immediately and looking at the statue with the Immortal Master's Heavenly Eyes——

【Sea Witch Statue】

Introduction: It is man-made. The statue contains the dust-covered blood of the sea witch. The blood contains strong witchcraft power and a large amount of information. You need to use witchcraft to place it on the staff to unseal it.

"The blood of the sea witch?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly, using blood to contain information for inheritance. This method was rare.

Immediately, he placed the wizard's token, which contained strong witchcraft power, on the staff.

Judging from the information given by the token and the statue, the two are obviously matching.

Buzz! !

Sure enough, the moment the token was placed on the staff, a ray of light spread along the staff to the whole body of the statue.

As the light spread across the entire statue, the several-meter-long body of the statue suddenly shattered into pieces and soon turned into stone fragments on the ground. At the same time, a thick energy wave was emitted, and a fist-sized blood mass was wrapped and suspended in the witchcraft energy.

【Blood of Sea Witch】

Introduction: Contains the memories and part of the witchcraft energy of a sea witch in the transformation stage. With enough soul strength, you can directly refine and absorb it to obtain this part of memory and witchcraft energy.

"Sea witches in the divine transformation stage practice memory??"

After the Immortal Master took a look, Zhang Yun suddenly became shocked.

This monk's memory is equivalent to the most complete inheritance of a monk. And the most important thing is that the blood in front of him turned out to be from a wizard in the stage of becoming a god.

This means that the blood in front of you is equal to the inheritance of a monk in the transformation stage!

The inheritance of the transformation stage! !

Zhang Yun's face was full of excitement, and he quickly took out a large jade bottle to contain the blood.


As soon as I put it on, I saw the wizard token floating next to it and glowing——

"Enter No. 39, congratulations on successfully obtaining the Sea Witch inheritance from the thirty-six statues. Your coordinate information will now be published on the tokens of all entrants..."

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