Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Secret Realm Chapter 113 Invisible Deterrence

"What an amazing energy fluctuation!"

Feeling the remaining energy fluctuations all around, a sharp-faced middle-aged man wearing the robe of an elder from Guanqing Pavilion was surprised: "There must have been a Nascent Soul War here just now!"

"There are bodies here..."

The person next to him who was also wearing the robe of the Guanqing Pavilion elder turned pale when he saw the charred corpses on the ground and the pieces of flesh next to him: "Second Elder, do you think this is the death of the Nascent Soul Stage?"

The second elder of Guanqing Pavilion looked stern.

He quickly picked up the token and looked at it. He was relieved when he saw that the entrant No. 39 was already far away. He immediately said: "Third Elder, let's check first to see if there is anything left!"

The third elder of Guanqing Pavilion nodded.

Everyone who entered the secret realm this time was a top powerhouse. Although they were at the peak of the golden elixir stage, they were simply not good enough in it. This time, I also saw that No. 39 was so far back that it might be the Golden Core stage, and the coordinates were not far from them, so I came closer to take a look.

Now that it was definitely a Nascent Soul battle, they had no idea of ​​pursuing it.

But on the court, you might be able to make some mistakes.

I just didn't pick it up, but I could clearly see the fragments of clothing stuck to the piece of meat.

Seeing this clearly, the third elder of Guanqing Pavilion suddenly trembled, "This...this robe seems to belong to the Nanhai Sect..."

"Nanhai Sect?"

Upon hearing this name, the expression of the second elder of Guanqing Pavilion changed.

There is only one strong person from the Nanhai Sect who entered the secret realm this time, and that is the leader of the Nanhai Sect. Could it be that he died before his eyes...


The two shook their heads.

With the strength of the Nanhai Sect leader, how could he die here?

But as more and more fragments of the robes of the Nanhai Sect leader were discovered by them, their faces turned pale.

Such a strong man actually died here...


How dare you wait longer now? Turn around and leave.

After they left, some more figures came to the field one after another.

Everyone looked shocked when they found the broken corpses and robes on the ground, including a Nascent Soul Stage.

He is the deputy leader of the Jade Pirates. He has participated in the battle with the leader of the Nanhai Sect before, and is very familiar with the latter's aura. Feeling the lingering aura around the piece of meat, he immediately determined the identity of the Nanhai Sect's leader.

He immediately took out a special sound transmission stone.

In front of a wizard statue in a wasteland in the secret realm.

Gu Hongwen, the leader of the Jade Pirates, who was frowning at the fact that the token could not be used, picked up the special sound transmission stone and stared when he heard the content: "What did you say? That guy in Nanhai is dead!?"

"Yes, Captain!"

The voice of the deputy leader of the Jade Pirates came from the sound transmission stone: "I am very sure that the person who died is the leader of the Nanhai Sect!"


Gu Hongwen couldn't believe it.

This mortal enemy that he had been fighting with for so many years is dead?

Thinking that he had just fought against the other party before, he felt a sense of disbelief.

"Who did it?"

"Captain, I found out after the entrant No. 39. This person stayed at the place where the leader of the Nanhai Sect died for a long time. It is very possible..."

The deputy leader of the Jade Pirates did not continue, but Gu Hongwen already understood.

For a moment, my mind couldn't help but think of the purple-robed leader of the Lingxian Sect and the killer wearing a blue mask...

In his opinion, the only people who entered this time who had the strength to kill the Nanhai Sect leader were these two people!

Because these two people were the only ones he couldn't see through.


But thinking about it, he shook his head again.

The two people entered just before and after him, and their numbers were both in the top ten. The current number 39...

"Did another strong person enter?"

Gu Hongwen's expression condensed and he immediately picked up the sound transmission stone: "Stop chasing No. 39. Inform the few people in the group who came in to find the statue. Just put your tokens on the staff in the statue's hand. "

The deputy leader of the Jade Pirates perked up after hearing this.

"Also, try to avoid those who have obtained the inherited blood. A token can only obtain one inheritance. These people may come to steal your token!" Gu Hongwen asked again.

The deputy leader of the Jade Pirates looked stern and nodded quickly: "I understand!"

"I'm afraid there will be chaos here next!"

Gu Hongwen narrowed his eyes and glanced in one direction.

At the same time, on a beach in the secret area, in front of a statue.

"Can one token only connect one inheritance..."

The leader of the Lingxian Sect raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw the information prompted by the token, "It seems that if you want to get more inheritance, you have to grab the token!"

He glanced at the information coordinates posted above: "The two tokens No. 39 and No. 40 have two copies of the Divine Transformation Stage inheritance at the same coordinate. It seems that No. 39 got two copies. What a lucky guy!"

"It's time for me to move around!"

In a jungle in the secret area, looking at the broken statue in front of him, the man in the blue mask smiled slightly.

He glanced at a middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes who was lying next to him with several daggers stuck in his body, and smiled faintly: "Thank you very much for the token, otherwise I would have to work hard to get these two inheritances of the transformation to the gods. arrive!"

"Asshole, we are obviously in a cooperative relationship, why did you attack me?" the middle-aged man in Chinese clothes yelled angrily.


The man in the blue mask smiled and said: "The premise of cooperation depends on interests. When the interests outweigh the cooperation, then the cooperation will naturally be cancelled. is the Jade Pirates who hired me this time, not you!"

The middle-aged man in the costume roared angrily: "Asshole, if you dare to attack me, our Qianhai Island will not let you go, and the forces behind you will all die!!"


The man in the blue mask smiled lightly: "Then you should experience death first!"

He said with a wave of his hand.

Several daggers inserted into the middle-aged man's body were suddenly pulled out, and blood gushed out.

Puff puff! !

Before the middle-aged man in Chinese clothes could catch his breath, several daggers swung into his body again.


The middle-aged man in fine clothes screamed.

However, this was just the beginning. As the hands of the blue mask moved, several daggers were pulled out again, and then...

Puff puff! !

Thrust together again!


The middle-aged man in fine clothes screamed miserably and loudly: "Stop! Stop...ahhhh!!"

The man in the blue mask did not stop waving his hand, and pulled out the dagger again, and thrust it in again, just like that, pulling out, an endless cycle.

Until the middle-aged man in Chinese clothes stopped screaming and died completely.

"I have to leave to grab some tokens..."

Without even glancing at the miserable corpse of the middle-aged man in Chinese clothing, the blue-masked man put away the inherited essence and blood that emerged after the statue in front of him shattered, then glanced at the token and snatched it in one direction.

Among the woods, on a big tree.

Zhang Yun sat down against the tree trunk, scanning the surroundings with his spiritual sense while refining the power of the pill he had swallowed into his body.


Less than half an hour later, Zhang Yun exhaled, moved his body and smiled slightly, "My returned body is Niubi. I think even the immortals would praise me for this speed of recovery!"

In just half an hour, with the help of the elixir and the super self-healing ability of the return body, the depleted spiritual energy in his body has been restored to some extent.

"Speaking of which, no one has come to see me for such a long time?"

Zhang Yun glanced around and was slightly surprised.

After all, his coordinates were exposed in real time, and now there are still two coordinates.

"Did you find out that I killed the leader of Nanhai Sect?"

Zhang Yun thought it was possible.

He had just stayed at that lake for a long time, and it was estimated that many people had found the body of the Nanhai Sect leader there.

"I didn't expect that it would act as a deterrent..."

Zhang Yun laughed and shook his head.

Glancing at the token, he saw that more than ten statue inheritances had been obtained at this moment, including what he had obtained.

"We have to find the next one quickly."

At the moment, he still has an empty token on him, which belongs to the master of the Nanhai Sect. He can directly obtain another inheritance of the God Transformation Stage.

Getting ready to leave.

"Your disciple Wu Xiaopang has broken through to the sixth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage and received a hundredfold return of energy."

Zhang Yun was startled by the sudden surge of energy in his body, and then shook his head in amusement, "This little fat guy really knows how to time his breakthrough!"

Not surprisingly, Wu Xiaopang has also been at the fifth level of the foundation building stage for a while, and the energy accumulated has reached the point where he can break through to the sixth level.

"Your disciple Xu Ming broke through from the eighth level of the Qi Refining Stage to the peak of the tenth level of the Qi Refining Stage, and received a hundred times the energy returned!"

At this time, Zhang Yun was stunned by the return energy he received.

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