Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Secret Realm Chapter 114 Everyone has their own agenda

"How did Ming'er break through?" Zhang Yun frowned slightly. He was not surprised that Xu Ming could break through. He practiced in the Qi Gathering Tower and absorbed a large amount of spirit stones every day. Although his realm was still the eighth level of the foundation building period, Xu Ming's body had already stored enough energy for a breakthrough. This method of storing energy is a unique talent of Xu Ming's Dragon Blood Holy Body. The energy that he didn't want to absorb immediately and the excess energy can be temporarily stored in various parts of the body. When needed, it can be absorbed again to complete the breakthrough. Xu Ming took the initiative to talk to him about this matter. Xu Ming felt that he rushed to the foundation building realm too fast, and was afraid that his foundation would be unstable in the future, so he wanted to stay in the eighth level of the foundation building period to lay a foundation. Wait until more energy is accumulated before breaking through. Zhang Yun agreed at the time. Although he needs to return energy, he also hopes that his apprentice has a solid foundation and can reach a higher level in the future! Accepting a disciple to obtain the returned energy is certainly the purpose, but since he has accepted a disciple, he has the obligation to train the other party to be stronger. This is also good for his return. Therefore, after breaking through the eighth level of the foundation-building period before the disciple competition, Xu Ming had already started this accumulation.

It is not surprising that he can directly rush to the peak of the foundation-building period at this moment.

But according to what Xu Ming said to him at that time, he was prepared to wait at least one and a half months, that is, before the opening of the immortal secret realm, to break through.


"Is something wrong?"

Zhang Yun's heart sank.

Since Xu Ming said this to him, he would not break through rashly. Breaking through at this moment, there is only one possibility, that is, he is in trouble!

Combined with the fact that Xu Ming broke through right after Wu Xiaopang...

Zhang Yun clenched his fists immediately.

No matter who it is, if he dares to make his apprentice lose a hair, he will definitely confiscate the other party's family and exterminate the clan! !

But what made him feel a little relieved was that he could still feel a trace of connection with Yun No. 1, which meant that Yun No. 1 was not destroyed.

Since it was not destroyed, it meant that Xu Ming and the other two were not in desperate situation for the time being.

Thinking that Xu Ming and the other two still had the disciple guardian amulet on them, Zhang Yun felt a little relieved.

But he must find the exit of this secret realm as soon as possible!

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the trace of urgency, Zhang Yun began to follow the token to the direction of the next statue.

Trying to find an exit in this huge secret realm is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Since the high priest has created thirty-six statues, what will happen after the thirty-six statue inheritances are all taken away.

He didn't know whether there would be an exit at that time, but it was better than blindly searching in this secret realm.

As he flew, Zhang Yun was also thinking.

The elders of Lingxian Sect and others were present, and Yun No. 1 was protecting them, which could cause Xu Ming and the other two to get into trouble. There were not many situations he could think of.

Could it be the third elder of Lingxian Sect?

Thinking of this, he immediately shook his head.

Since the other party has been hiding in Lingxian Sect for so many years, it means that the purpose has not been achieved. Moreover, he had invited him at the venue of the big competition before, and he also promised to find the other party after the big competition. In this case, the other party has no reason to take action.

Among the other people in Lingxian Sect, the possible one is Meng Zhong, but Zhang Yun ignored it directly.

It's not that he looked down on Meng Zhong, but Meng Zhong was too weak!

He was at the peak of the Jindan stage, not to mention Yun No. 1, even if there was only Xu Ming and the other two, they could fight him together and win.

After all, it was on the sea, Yu Shuier's natural battlefield.

Even if it was a peak Jindan stage, as long as they were not surrounded, Yu Shuier could take Xu Ming and the other two away with his ability.

What he was afraid of was a Yuanying stage.

Except for the three elders of Lingxian Sect, all the Yuanying stage people basically came to this secret realm.


Suddenly thinking of a figure, Zhang Yun's eyes condensed.

The great elder of Nanhai Sect!

The other party did not show up in this sect competition. He guessed that the other party might be recovering from his injuries, and at the same time he didn't want him to recognize him.

But there was no doubt that the other party was in Nanhai Sect.

Although his injuries might not be healed, as a Yuanying stage, even half of his strength was not comparable to that of the Jindan stage. Of course, he himself was an exception to the Jindan stage.

As soon as he thought of this, Zhang Yun's eyes suddenly showed a trace of coldness, "Nanhai Sect, you can disappear!"

No matter whether the opponent attacked Xu Ming and the other two, he would kill the Nanhai Sect after leaving the secret realm.

Temporarily suppressing all kinds of thoughts in his mind, Zhang Yun looked forward, and at this moment, he could see the third wizard statue not far away.

This time it was next to a waterfall in the forest.


As Zhang Yun approached, another person came here from another direction, and the two bumped into each other.

Seeing the other party, Zhang Yun was a little surprised: "The third elder of Nanshan Sect?"

The person in front of him was the third elder of Nanshan Sect who ranked second in the previous exchange meeting. He didn't see the other party in the group of Nanshan Sect elders he killed before, but he didn't expect to meet him here now.

"It's you!!"

When the third elder of Nanshan Sect saw his face change, he turned around and ran without thinking.

Before entering this underwater treasure cave, he separated from the other elders of Nanshan Sect and chose to rush into the deepest part of this place with the leader of Nanshan Sect. After entering and discovering this secret realm, I used a special sound transmission stone to contact the leader of Nanshan Sect, but I did not choose to follow their leader, but wanted to explore it by myself.

After all, such a large secret realm is probably full of treasures. If the leader is around, I have to hand over everything, so how can I explore it by myself?

But after searching for a long time, I found nothing.

However, news suddenly came from the token that someone had received the inheritance of the God Transformation Stage, which made his eyes red immediately, and he rushed over following the coordinates without stopping.

Because it's far away, I just arrived here.

During the process, he also discovered that No. 39 stayed in a certain place for a long time, and then followed No. 40, who also obtained the inheritance of the God Transformation Stage. According to his guess, this might be the result of two people who have obtained the inheritance of the transformation stage competing with each other.

He knew that his golden elixir stage Dacheng strength was at the bottom among those who entered the secret realm. Now, the number 39 and 40 might be an opportunity that he missed.

I came here excitedly, but...

"Why is it Zhang Yun? Aren't there two people? Also, didn't this guy leave after killing everyone in the Lin family before?"

The third elder of the Nanshan Sect was going crazy and his mind was filled with confusion.

But what is clear is, run away!

Even the Lin family members were easily killed by Zhang Yun, let alone him?

"We are all acquaintances, why don't we catch up on old times?"

Before he had time to think too much, he suddenly saw Zhang Yun in front of him with a smile.

He immediately turned around again and tried to run away.

How could Zhang Yun give him this opportunity?

A wave of sword energy directly knocked the opponent to the ground, then stepped on it, pointed the sword at the opponent's neck and asked: "Where is your sect master?"

As he spoke, Zhang Yun's spiritual consciousness also spread around, but no breath was found.

"I don't know, the sect leader and I separated after entering the iron gate of the treasure cave!"

The tip of the sword touched his throat, making the third elder of the Nanshan Sect feel cold all over his body. His eyes were full of fear, and he quickly answered.

"Then what is the entry number of your sect leader?"

"No. 10! The sect leader is No. 10!!"

"No. 10..."

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and stabbed the opponent's heart with a sword in his hand.


The third elder of the Nanshan Sect opened his mouth, his eyes filled with confusion.

Didn’t he say everything? Why still kill him?


He didn't care what the other person was thinking before he died. After watching the other person die, Zhang Yun put away the token and storage ring on the other person.

"One more token!"

Looking at the token and smiling slightly, Zhang Yun was about to move closer to the statue, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of the shadow under his feet undulating slightly from the corner of his eye.

Startled for a moment.

He continued to walk towards the statue, but at the same time he vaguely glanced at the shadow with the Immortal Eye Technique——

【High Priest Spirit】

Status: Peak of the growth stage (has swallowed two growth stage spirits and is growing rapidly. In half an hour, it will enter the mature stage)

Realm: Golden elixir stage Xiaocheng

Suggestion: When mature, use the returning energy to force it out and devour it.

This sight startled him.

I didn't notice for a while, but this spirit body is already in the golden elixir stage and is about to enter its mature stage?

"Swallowed two growth stage spirits?"

At the same time, Zhang Yun thought to himself while looking at this information.

Could it be that he killed other entrants, and the attached spirits of these entrants would also be swallowed by his attached spirit?

He came to this conclusion because after entering the secret realm, he had just killed two people.

One is the head of the Nanhai Sect, and the other is the current third elder of the Nanshan Sect. As for the previous Great Elder of Jihuodong, he was killed by the head of Nanhai Sect.

If this is the case, then he somewhat understands the intention of the high priest.

The purpose of specially carrying out the inheritance of the transformation stage of thirty-six statues and revealing the coordinates after receiving the inheritance may be to make the entrants fight each other. In this way, if one spirit body devours another, that spirit body will continue to grow.

For the high priest who is now sleeping in the spirit-possessed iron gate, what he needs is probably not a group of slaves, but a powerful enough slave. In other words, it is a body that is powerful enough!

After all, a slave can be taken away from a high priest at any time.

"No wonder!"

Zhang Yun took a deep breath in his heart and glanced at the shadow from the corner of his eyes, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

You can swallow it in half an hour!

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he quickly moved towards the statue next to the waterfall.

In his shadow, the spirit body of the high priest saw his smile and sneered secretly: "A rare slave, you will be mine soon!"

One person and one spirit, each with their own agenda!

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