Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Secret Realm Chapter 115 I am the ninth elder of Lingxian Sect, Zhang Yun

"Enter No. 1 has obtained the inheritance of the Purple Witch in the Divine Transformation Stage. His coordinates are located at..."

Seeing another piece of information popping up on the token, the leaders of the Lingxian Sect, the Blue Masked Man, the Nanshan Sect leader and other Nascent Soul stages who were in various places in the secret realm raised their eyebrows.

But when they glanced at the coordinates of No. 39 and No. 40 on the token, they were all stunned.

Entrant No. 1, as all the first batch of entrants knew, was the head of the Nanhai Sect. Because the other party was the first to enter the iron gate at that time.

The point is, why do the current coordinates of the Nanhai Sect leader coincide with the coordinates of No. 39 and No. 40?

Could it be that the leader of the Nanhai Sect killed these two people, snatched the token, and now possesses three inheritances?

But it doesn’t feel right when I think about it.

If this is really the case, isn't it too late for the Nanhai Sect leader's No. 1 token to be inherited?

Could it be said that someone from No. 39 and No. 40...

Realizing this possibility, the expressions of all the Nascent Soul Stage condensed.

If this is the case, then there might be an extremely terrifying person coming to this secret realm!

Thinking of this, many Nascent Soul stages were secretly wary.

Gu Hongwen, who was in a wasteland, picked up the special sound transmission stone without hesitation: "Everyone, stay away from the entrant No. 39!"

He was not completely sure before, but now that he saw the inheritance of the Nanhai Sect master's token, he was sure that the Nanhai Sect master was killed by entrant No. 39!

A strong man who can kill the leader of Nanhai Sect...

Gu Hongwen looked solemn.

The other side.

The leader of the Lingxian Sect stared at the information on the token, with a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

But look at it, in addition to this uncertain strong man who has obtained three inheritances, several people have also obtained two inheritances of the God Transformation Stage...

He was a little depressed.

Along the way from the island, he had seen several statues. but……

No token!

As the second entrant, his number 2 is too conspicuous.

No one wanted to rob him at all. At present, he searched all the way and didn't even see a person. They probably ran away as soon as they noticed that his coordinates were approaching.

He can find the statue, but he can't find anyone to grab the token!

"If only that boy were here too!"

The leader of Lingxian Sect couldn't help but think of Zhang Yun's face.

For some reason, he felt that if Zhang Yun was here, he would definitely be able to make a name for himself in this place, and maybe he would be able to obtain the inheritance of the Ten Paths and Eight Paths of Divine Transformation in one go.

Above a waterfall in a secret place.

Ah Catalpa!

Zhang Yun, who had just put away the third line of inherited essence and blood and was about to leave, suddenly sneezed.

Could it be that the pollen I inhaled for no reason last time when I broke through the golden elixir stage has not worn off yet?

Zhang Yun touched his nose.

He shook his head without thinking much, and immediately followed the token and continued to move towards the next statue.

This time the distance was relatively close. Zhang Yun only flew with his sword for two minutes before he saw the statue from a distance.


However, as soon as he saw it from a distance, he saw the statue shattered in front of his sight.

He was stunned for a moment.

He quickly reacted and saw a tall man standing in front of the statue.

"Sure enough!"

The sturdy man was full of surprise, but when he saw the three information coordinates of 'No. 1', 'No. 39', and 'No. 40' on his token, his expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly pretended to have inherited essence and blood. Flee quickly into the distance.

"Am I exposed?"

Zhang Yun was startled.

Well, his coordinates have always been exposed, but the other party is running too fast, right?

He shook his head slightly and immediately chased after him.

He would not watch such a inheritance of spirit and blood from the transformation stage slip away.

Command the brush to write the word "speed", and the whole person will go to full speed.

The sturdy man was not slow, but he was still quickly shortened in front of him.

In just half a minute, the distance of several miles has been reduced to less than a hundred meters.


Seeing that he couldn't escape, the sturdy man gritted his teeth and took out an iron ball. After pouring a trace of spiritual energy into it, he threw it far behind Zhang Yun.

The iron ball looks very ordinary.

Zhang Yun's eyes narrowed.

【Thunder Spirit Ball】

Introduction: A combat tool that contains a large amount of violent thunder and lightning energy. After inputting spiritual energy, it can be released to explode with a powerful thunder attribute energy explosion.

The information about the Immortal Master's Heavenly Eye just popped up.


A terrifying thunder and lightning spiritual energy burst out from the iron ball and swept away in all directions.

Zhang Yun's face condensed, and he quickly released a return energy to block in front of him.


But the power of this explosion was astonishing, causing his return energy to tremble violently, and even his whole body was knocked back several meters.

Zhang Yun was a little surprised. This power was probably no worse than that of a Yuan Ying stage young monk who was 50 or 60% stronger!

Looking over, the burly man in front of him had already opened a distance of more than 200 meters from him while he was blocked by the explosion.


Zhang Yun chuckled lightly, with a glimmer of light flashing in his eyes. He jumped off Yujian and took the upgraded Qingyuan Step. With the acceleration of the command brush, he chased forward faster than Yujian could fly.

In a few blinks, the distance was close to 100 meters again.

"How can you still speed up?"

The burly man's face changed drastically, he gritted his teeth and took out a lightning ball again, input a trace of spiritual energy, turned around and threw it.


Zhang Yun had an early warning this time, and before the thunder ball was about to explode, he used a stream of returning air to fly it out through the air.


The thunder ball was blown up and exploded over the jungle a hundred meters away. Zhang Yun's speed was not affected at all, and he quickly caught up to less than ten meters behind the sturdy man.

The sturdy man panicked.

He took out two thunder balls and wanted to throw them, but Zhang Yun didn't give the opponent a chance to throw them at all this time.


Holding the Yuntian Sword is a direct wave of sword energy.


Slash the opponent's back.


With a scream, he suddenly fell from the air.

Zhang Yun immediately stepped forward.

boom! He kicked the opponent against a big tree nearby and pinned the opponent firmly to the tree with his feet.


Blood gushed out from the burly man's mouth, and his face turned pale as he looked at Zhang Yun in front of him.

Seeing his frightened look, Zhang Yun frowned: "We don't seem to know each other, right? Run away when you see me? Do I scare you so much?"

The big man's mouth twitched.

How could he not be afraid of someone who could kill the leader of Nanhai Sect?

He is a member of the Jade Pirates Group and has received orders from the group leader before.

When he discovered that Zhang Yun's coordinates were not far away, he originally wanted to run away, but the statue was right in front of him. He really didn't want to miss it. He thought about getting away immediately after taking the inheritance essence and blood, but who would have thought...

With a bitter look on his face, he quickly picked up a special sound transmission stone that had been dialed in his sleeve robe and said, "I...our leader has something to tell you!"


Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and immediately understood that the other party was from the Jade Pirate Group. He glanced at the special sound transmission stone and said, "If you fart, hurry up!"


Hearing this, the sturdy man couldn't help but stare. He actually talked to their leader like this?


Zhang Yun directly exerted force with his foot, causing the opponent's glare to turn into screams and coughing up blood.

"Your Excellency, please stop!"

A middle-aged voice came from the special sound transmission stone: "I am the leader of the Jade Pirates, Gu Hongwen. Please spare the lives of our members. In exchange, the inheritance of the God Transformation Stage that our members have received belongs to you! "

"Be mine?"

Zhang Yun couldn't help but laugh: "Your team members are all in my hands. This inheritance and everything on your subordinates are now mine. In exchange for this, do you think I'm stupid?"

Gu Hongwen, who was opposite the sound transmission stone, twitched his lips and said in a deep voice: "What do you want, sir?"

"That's what I should ask."

Zhang Yun said calmly: "I'll give you ten seconds, or I'll die if you don't tell me! Ten, nine..."

"Your Excellency, please wait!"

Gu Hongwen said quickly.

"Seven, six, five..."

But Zhang Yun ignored him and continued counting down.

"Three hundred thousand!"

Gu Hongwen said quickly: "I am willing to give you 300,000 spirit stones to protect the life of my subordinate!!"

"Three hundred thousand? Where are the people you sent to beg for food!?"

Zhang Yun said unceremoniously: "With one million spiritual stones and two more conditions, I will let your subordinates go!"

"Please don't go too far!"

Gu Hongwen was a little angry.

"Don't let me down!"

As Zhang Yun spoke, he immediately released a burst of spiritual energy to forcefully turn off the special sound transmission stone.

"Give it! I gave it to you!!"

Opposite me, Gu Hongwen clearly felt it and yelled quickly.

Only then did Zhang Yun take back his spiritual energy and said with a smile: "Captain Gu is so awesome!"

Gu Hongwen on the opposite side looked gloomy.

He didn't know who Zhang Yun was, but if he could kill the leader of the Nanhai Sect, he was definitely more powerful than him. He didn't want to offend such a person, so he ordered his subordinates to stay away from him in advance.

Unexpectedly, within two minutes of the notification, an idiot was caught. Fortunately, this idiot is not completely stupid and knows how to open the special sound transmission stone to contact him immediately before being caught.

Otherwise, he would probably be killed!

Those who can enter the secret realm now are the core members of their jade pirate group, and no one can be lost.

But one million spiritual stones...

Gu Hongwen's expression was ugly. If he took out this spirit stone, his pirate group would also suffer a lot. After all, last time, that idiot Deng Yuxuan cheated the ninth elder of the Lingxian Sect with nearly half a million spiritual stones. Now their pirate group doesn't have much spiritual stone left!

For now, let’s stabilize the other party…

Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard Zhang Yun's voice: "Commander Gu, make an oath. If you don't fulfill your promise to me, your Taoist heart will be completely destroyed, and you will never make any progress in your future cultivation!"


Gu Hongwen suddenly glared.


Zhang Yun said to the sound transmission stone calmly: "Could it be that Captain Gu wants to play a trick on me? I can only apologize!"


Feeling that Zhang Yun wanted to turn off the sound transmission stone again, Gu Hongwen said quickly: "Fat! I swear this right now!!"

"That's right!"

Zhang Yun smiled slightly.

Gu Hongwen asked, "What is your name? I swear, I must explain who I am, right?"

Zhang Yun knew that the other party wanted to ask for his identity intentionally, so he thought about it and reported it to the other party.

If you want to mess with him, he wouldn't mind finding an opportunity to take down the Jade Pirates too!

Immediately he said directly: "I am the ninth elder of Lingxian Sect, Zhang Yun!"

"Ling... the ninth elder of Lingxian Sect??"

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