"You bastard, you have obtained ten inheritances, and you still want to blackmail me!!"

Gu Hongwen was shocked and angry.

Zhang Yun had taken the initiative to approach other Nascent Soul stages before, and he had noticed it. Then he saw many Nascent Soul Stage approaching, and he was still waiting for a good show.

The best case scenario is that Zhang Yun was surrounded and killed.

In this way, the oath he swore would no longer be necessary.

But in the middle of the journey, a spiritual body suddenly emerged from his shadow to attract his full attention. It was only at this moment that he realized that Zhang Yun, the bastard, still had time to send a message to him, indicating that the other party had solved everything.

Having ten inheritances in hand at this moment is the best explanation!

"No. 4, No. 10..."

Looking at the two front numbers that Zhang Yunxin grabbed, Gu Hongwen was a little unsure.

He didn't know who No. 10 was, but there was a high probability that No. 4 was one of the three Nascent Soul stages invited by their pirate group this time.

Is it the casual cultivator, the third floor owner of the Aurora Building, or...

The ninth elder of Qianhai Island?

He suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

It would be better if the ninth elder of Qianhai Island did not die, but he would be afraid of death. That would be a big trouble for their Jade Pirates!

Once Qianhai Island sends people to investigate afterwards, it will inevitably be discovered that their Jade Pirate Group has invited the Nine Elders of Qianhai Island. Although they weren't the ones who killed him, Ren Qianhai Island wouldn't care about that!

As the overlord of the Southern Star State, with a power at the level of the God Transformation, once the opponent takes action, their Jade Pirates Group cannot resist it.

"Is this bastard really that bold?"

Gu Hongwen hesitated.

Most people would definitely not dare to kill Qianhai Island elders, but Zhang Yun...

The other party even killed the leader of the Nanhai Sect, so he probably won't do it!

Thinking of this, he immediately looked at the coordinate information of the two entrants No. 3 and No. 5 on the token and said: "Let's go!"

He wanted to make sure who was being dealt with by Zhang Yun?

If you are the ninth elder of Qianhai Island, you must prepare in advance!

Among the woodlands.

"Have you dealt with the spirit body..."

Zhang Yun looked at the token and touched his chin.

It seems that apart from him, Gu Hongwen, the powerful Nascent Soul stage, also has a way to solve this high priest's spirit body.

However, this is obviously limited to a few people such as Gu Hongwen. It is estimated that most of the people in the secret realm have been taken away at this moment!

After all, the Nanshan Sect Master and the Nine Elders of Qianhai Island just now were basically helpless. In those golden elixir periods, there is a high probability that you will not be able to escape bad luck. There were also three Nascent Soul Stages that were moving away from him at the moment. He estimated that there was a high probability that these three people would also be taken away!

"But it seems a bit early at this time, right?"

Zhang Yun suddenly thought of something and frowned.

Calculating the time, it has only been three hours at most since he entered this secret realm. According to the results he had seen with the Immortal Eye Technique before, it would take at least close to eleven hours for this spirit body to go from the initial stage to the final mature stage.

Although killing people in the process, letting the spirit body devour the spirit body of other people will speed up the process. However, the head of the Nanshan Sect and the ninth elder of Qianhai Island had only obtained two inheritances. In this case, they should have killed at most one person.

Just swallowing one spirit body shouldn't shorten the time so quickly.

Unless the sleeping high priest wakes up!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yun narrowed his eyes and exhaled, "The situation is getting more and more complicated!"

At this time, a message suddenly popped up on the token in his hand——

'Enter No. 66 has obtained the inheritance of earth witches in the transformation stage, and his coordinates are located...'

"Number 66?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

Previously, there were only sixty-six passages written on the stone tablet. He was the 39th, and the Great Elder of Jihuo Cave was the 40th. Now that nearly three hours have passed, it seems that many more people have arrived, and all sixty-six passages have been passed. This means that no new people will enter next time.

This makes it even more difficult to obtain the token!

After all, people who just came in didn't understand the rules, so they had a chance to catch them, but it was not so easy for people who knew the rules to catch them.


After looking at the coordinate information of entrant No. 66, Zhang Yun set off directly.

Although I don’t know who the other party is, it is undoubtedly a good hunting target.

Those who have tokens cannot be caught in the golden elixir period because they have no coordinates. And his coordinates were exposed to others. But this kind of golden elixir stage with coordinates is easier to catch.

In Zhang Yun's view, there is a high probability that the next ones will only be in the Golden Elixir stage. After all, there are only so many people in Nanyun Prefecture in the Nascent Soul Stage, so it is basically impossible for new ones to come in.

While skimming, Zhang Yun passed by the statue where the Nanshan Sect leader was just now and didn't care about it.

The head of Nanshan Sect likes to squat, but he has no interest in that. After all, if he really had to stay here, no one would dare to come close. This was not what he wanted to see.

What he hopes is that all thirty-six statues will be unsealed as soon as possible to see if there will be an exit.


However, after galloping for about ten miles, Zhang Yun's galloping footsteps suddenly stopped, and he frowned after carefully checking the information on the sign.

Because the information on the token is ‘Enter No. 66’…


Yes, it just disappeared on the token inexplicably!

It's as if such a person doesn't exist at all.

Zhang Yun was confused.

Because as long as these tokens are inherited, the coordinates should not disappear no matter if they are robbed or stolen. Why right now...

Entrant No. 66 has obtained the inheritance of the Alchemy Witch of the Transformation Stage, and his coordinates are located twelve miles north of you. ’

Just as he was wondering, the token suddenly popped up another message.

Zhang Yun was stunned.

What the hell?

Got another one?


Seeing the location of the information coordinates, Zhang Yun immediately looked back.

Twelve miles north, this was the statue he had just passed before. The other party was clearly in another distant location before, so why did he suddenly appear behind him?

"Is there a teleportation array?"

Thinking of something, Zhang Yun narrowed his eyes and immediately turned around and quickly returned to the original route.

But when he came to the location of the statue, there was no one there except for the fragments of the statue.

At the same time, the coordinates of 'Enter No. 66' disappeared again on the token!


Zhang Yunzhen was a little confused.

How did this entrant No. 66 do it? Could it be possible to become invisible and teleport?

"Enter No. 66 has obtained the inheritance of the Divine Transformation Heavenly Witch. His coordinates are located one thousand and thirty-two miles east of you."

At this time, another piece of information jumped out from the token.


After Zhang Yun was silent for a moment, three words came to his mind - High Priest!

Wake up, the high priest of the Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom, who was trapped in the spirit-possessed iron gate, woke up!

Although I don’t know who the entrant No. 66 is, there is a high probability that he was taken away by the other party’s spirit body. Only the high priest who arranged this place could do this teleportation.

Seeing this, Zhang Yun simply stopped moving.

Judging from the posture of the high priest, it seems that he plans to take over all the remaining inheritance.

He also wanted to see what would happen after all thirty-six statue inheritances were obtained?

According to his guess, the high priest was probably alerted by him, Gu Hongwen and others.

After all, the memory of the spirit body may not be synchronized, but as a high priest, he can at least sense the existence and disappearance of the spirit body.

It is estimated that many spiritual bodies have disappeared, which made the high priest feel that things were out of control after he woke up.

The purpose of the current actions is nothing more than to deal with him, Gu Hongwen and other people who have not been captured by the spirit body!

By the way, there is also the sect master!

Zhang Yun scratched his head and suddenly remembered that he had forgotten the sect master!

The sect leader shouldn't have been taken away, right?

he thought, but quickly shook his head.

Even the scumbag Gu Hongwen was not taken away. With the ability of the sect leader to transform into a god-level boss, he must have the means to deal with the spirit body!

"No. 2, 3, 5, who is the sect leader?"

After looking at the three coordinate information on the token, Zhang Yun secretly guessed.

The Nine Elders of Qianhai Island he had just captured was number 4, which meant that the sect leader was one of the other three numbers.

"It should be No. 5, right?"

Zhang Yun thought to himself.

This No. 5 is the one who has obtained the most inheritance of the Transformation Stage among the three, having already obtained four.

With the strength of their sect leader, if they come in, they must at least perform like this.

If it were No. 2 and No. 3, then the sect leader would be too inferior.

On the 3rd, there were only two inheritances in the transformation stage. And No. 2 is even more useless, the only one among the top ten who has only received a divine transformation inheritance so far.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a shame among the powerful people who entered the Nascent Soul stage this time!

The sect leader will definitely not be this No. 2!

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