Ah Catalpa!

Deep in a dense jungle in the secret territory, the leader of the Lingxian Sect suddenly sneezed.

"Who is cursing me?"

He touched the bridge of his nose and frowned.

It is impossible for a monk of his level to suddenly sneeze. Someone must be secretly cursing him!

A row of figures flashed through his mind, and he shook his head.

There are too many enemies to think about!

At this moment, he didn't want to think too much and looked straight ahead.

Not far ahead, there was a desolate ancient city.

"Found you, the guy behind the scenes!"

After crushing the fragments of the spirit body in his hand, the leader of the Lingxian Sect's eyes glowed. He casually took out his No. 2 entry token and looked at it.


When he saw it, he was immediately stunned.

"One, two, three...eight, nine, ten?"

After counting the overlapping coordinate information above, the leader of the Lingxian Sect was surprised. The inheritance of the Ten Paths of Divine Transformation?

Previously, he was only focused on sensing the direction of the source of the spirit fragment's breath, so he didn't have time to observe the token for a while. Now he discovered that someone had actually obtained the inheritance of the tenth stage of divine transformation.

Who is this person?

The leader of Nanhai Sect?

The leader of Lingxian Sect doesn’t believe it!

The useless leader of the Nanhai Sect can obtain ten times the inheritance energy?

What a joke!

Something must have happened to this guy a long time ago!

When he saw the Nanhai Sect master's token being passed down before, he felt that something might have happened to the master of Nanyun State's overlord force. There is a high probability that the person who took action was one of the two people who came in later, No. 39 and No. 40.

At this moment, the other party has obtained ten inheritances...

"Could it be those monsters deep in the blue sea?"

Suddenly thinking of something, the leader of Lingxian Sect narrowed his eyes.

"Enter No. 66 has obtained the inheritance of the Blue Witch of the Divine Transformation Stage, located 3,000 miles west of you."

Just as he was thinking about it, a message suddenly popped up from the token.


The leader of the Lingxian Sect raised his brows, and then discovered that No. 66, a number he had never seen before, had actually obtained the inheritance of the Five Paths of Divine Transformation.

And within two seconds of only appearing on the token, the other party's information disappeared!

After scanning it carefully, the leader of the Lingxian Sect was stunned after confirming that there was nothing wrong with his eyesight.

Is this still disappearing?

"Enter No. 66 has obtained the inheritance of the Golden Witch of the Transformation Stage, located 1,800 miles east of you."

Just as he was wondering, a new message popped up on the token within a few seconds.

The leader of Lingxian Sect opened his eyes slightly.

What the hell?

We were still 3,000 miles to the west just now, and now we are 1,800 miles to the east in just a few seconds? ?


Before he had time to think deeply, he suddenly sensed something and his expression condensed. He quickly looked up at the desolate city in front of him, and saw an astonishing energy suddenly appearing in the center of the city.

With his eyes narrowed, the leader of the Lingxian Sect immediately rushed into the city.

Boom! !

A thunderous roar suddenly shook the entire secret realm at this moment.

People everywhere in the secret territory were alarmed.

In the dilapidated square among the woods, Zhang Yun was paying attention to the token information and looked up when he heard the movement.

At a glance, he could see the location in the distance, and a pillar of light rising into the sky appeared.

Before I could think about it, a vast voice that resounded throughout the secret realm suddenly reached my ears: "The vast world is open to witches. Wu power is my divine power. I hereby leave a legacy to all those who have received the witch power inheritance. . Come to Wuxian City and receive my blessing!”

As soon as the words fell, a mighty and astonishing aura instantly swept through the entire secret realm.

Zhang Yun's pupils shrank.

From this breath, he felt an astonishing sense of vastness. It was as if he was just a little ant in front of this aura.

"Witch Fairy City, this Immortal... Immortal?"

Zhang Yun was a little shocked.

Is there an immortal inheritance in this place?

After pondering for a moment, he stood up with his sword and flew towards the direction of the light beam.

Regardless of whether there was any immortal inheritance in that place, he was very sure that there was a high probability of an exit from the secret realm in that place.

It's hundreds of miles away from Zhang Yun.

The blue-masked man who was approaching Zhang Yun paused for a moment, listened to the sound, and narrowed his eyes at the beam of light appearing in the distance.

Seeing that Zhang Yun's coordinates on the token were getting closer, he quickly moved towards the beam without any hesitation.

A mountain range in a secret area.


Gu Hongwen's pupils shrank when he heard the voice.

Looking at the beam of light in the distance, and then at the coordinate information on the token, he immediately waved his hand, "Let's go and have a look!"

After saying that, he led Gu Qi and the two of them to rush away quickly.

In the secret area, in front of the statue that was broken into pieces.

"After searching for so many years, I finally found it!"

A man with a stooped body, wrapped in black robes, with a half-meter-long toad standing on his shoulders, looked at the beam of light in the distance, and made a hoarse voice in his mouth: "High Priest, High Priest, you have occupied everything for so many years. It’s time for you to hand it over!”


He coughed lightly.


The toad on his shoulder rolled its eyes and immediately stuck out its tongue, shooting at his shadow like a sharp arrow.

I saw a spirit body being forcibly pulled out by the tongue.

"It's you! You're not dead!!"

As soon as the spirit body emerged, looking at the rickety man in black robe in front of him, he couldn't help but scream in shock.

"You are not dead, how can this priest die so easily?"

The black-robed man ‘Jie Jie’ laughed strangely, and the toad’s tongue on his shoulder immediately rolled up his spirit body.


Under the frightened roar of the spirit body, the toad croaked, opened its mouth and swallowed the spirit body completely.

"The priest is here!"

The rickety man in black robe leaned on a cane and walked towards the distant beam step by step.

The steps started very slowly, step by step slower than normal people. But it only lasted for two seconds, and then it started to slow down and gradually sped up. In the end, every time you take a step, your body will move forward dozens of meters as if teleporting.


In the center of the desolate ancient city, inside the main hall.

On the iron gate, an old face appeared.

"It's time..."

He muttered to himself.


The entire door body suddenly shook, and it detached from the door frame. At the same time, a pair of long legs grew from the bottom of the door; a pair of arms grew from both sides of the door.


After moving his newly grown limbs, Tiemen immediately held his hands to both sides.

On the left and right sides of the hall, a nearly two-meter-long staff flew out and landed on his two hands respectively.

"After sleeping so much, I can finally move around!"

The old face on the door murmured to himself.

As the high priest of the Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom, he has not moved since he integrated himself into the spirit-possessed iron gate.

He immediately held the staff in his right hand and released a burst of witchcraft power. The witchcraft powers gathered in front of him, forming a picture.

What was shown in these pictures were the streets and buildings in the ancient city where he was located. Almost every place was displayed on them.


Suddenly noticing something, the high priest looked at one of the pictures, and saw a middle-aged man in a purple robe with an extraordinary temperament, approaching step by step along the street towards the main hall.

As if feeling his sight, the middle-aged man in purple robe in the picture raised his head, as if he could be seen through the picture, "You are the real person, right?"

The high priest's eyes narrowed slightly, "Who are you?"

"It does not matter!"

The middle-aged man in purple robe, or the leader of the Lingxian Sect, said lightly, "The important thing is that you secretly arranged the spirit body to harm me, which makes me very unhappy. Now, either I will demolish your city. Or I will demolish your city." , you pay for my twenty-level inheritance, and the grudges will be cleared!"

Upon hearing this, the high priest waved the staff in his left hand.

On the streets of the city, the leader of the Lingxian Sect, who was looking indifferent, suddenly sensed something, his expression changed and he jumped up quickly.

Almost at the same time that he jumped up, a terrifying witchy power swept through the entire street like a sea current below.

The Lingxian Sect leader's pupils narrowed slightly.

"not good!"

Suddenly he sensed a sudden change in his face and wanted to take action. But a whirlpool appeared behind him, like a big bloody mouth, swallowing him whole.


In the main hall, the high priest looked at the scene on the screen and snorted disdainfully: "How dare a mere mortal dare to negotiate terms with me?"

Buzz! !

As soon as he finished speaking, the staff in his left hand suddenly trembled violently.

"Give me some peace of mind!"

The high priest frowned slightly, and immediately gave a deep shout, and a majestic witchcraft power poured into the staff in his left hand.

The trembling staff suddenly returned to calm...

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