Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Secret Realm Chapter 171 I don’t care who you are!

"Three keys can open the fairy palace..."

After collecting the crystal box, Zhang Yun thought of the eight words that came to mind when he held the key, and looked thoughtful.

Three keys obviously refers to the key in your hand, does it mean there are two more?

The situation of Xianyuan Mansion is in the picture in front of you, and these two keys are obviously not here.

Xianyuan Mansion is one of the three treasures in the Immortal Secret Realm. Do the three keys correspond to the three treasures?

Zhang Yun touched his chin.

If this is the case, then the remaining two are most likely in the other two treasures!

As for the Immortal Palace mentioned above, since it is named after an immortal, it is probably related to the immortals here. Rumor has it that there is an immortal inheritance in this secret realm, and it may be among them.

Go to the other two treasures!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yun had a goal.

Regardless of whether there is any inheritance in the Immortal Palace, the treasure of the Immortal Palace in front of him is enough to make him look forward to the other two treasures.

With a sudden thought, he came to Tao Gulan's side.


Tao Gulan was still very vigilant. He noticed the surge of spiritual energy all over his body as soon as he appeared.

Zhang Yun quickly said: "Gu Lan, it's me!"

Hearing the familiar voice and seeing Zhang Yun clearly in front of him, Tao Gulan's eyes lit up: "Ninth Elder!!"

Zhang Yun smiled, "Let's go out!"

"go out?"

Tao Gulan was startled.

Before he could react, he felt his eyes flicker, and then he saw that the surroundings were already on the Deadwood Mountains outside Xianyuan Mansion.


She opened her mouth in surprise, wondering how Zhang Yun did it.

"This place is not as mysterious as imagined!"

Zhang Yun smiled and said.


When Tao Gulan heard this, he still didn't understand. Is Zhang Yun finished exploring?

How long has it been?

Although Tao Gulan was frightened, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The Ninth Elder is really getting more and more exaggerated!

You know, it has been a hundred years since the Immortal Secret Realm was opened, and no one has been able to fully explore any of the three treasures. Fortunately for Zhang Yun, he just finished exploring a treasure land...

Suddenly thinking of the treasure that suddenly appeared in front of her just now, Tao Gulan understood something and couldn't help but feel warm in her heart. Looking at Zhang Yun, a slight blush appeared on his cheeks.

Whoosh whoosh! !

At this time, a burst of wind suddenly came from the distant sky.

Qingyuan's group came to the venue with Qingfeng's group. When she saw Zhang Yun and the others, she raised her eyebrows and immediately said in a sweet voice: "Brother Qingfeng, these are the two!"

Qingfeng's expression condensed, and her sharp eyes immediately looked at Zhang Yun and Zhang Yun.

Zhang Yun frowned when he saw this.

"Ninth Elder, this person is the young master of Fuxian Prefecture's Charming Castle!"

Tao Gulan recognized Qingfeng and exclaimed in a low voice: "He is the first golden elixir stage in Fuxian Prefecture and one of the strongest golden elixir stages in the entire southern region!"

"The strongest?"

Zhang Yun looked at her after hearing this.

Tao Gulan reacted immediately and pursed her pink lips: "Before Ninth Elder you, he was okay. But now..."

Zhang Yun shook his head in amusement.

"Are you two bullying my sister Qingyuan?"

At this time, Qingfeng spoke coldly.

The smile on Zhang Yun's face faded, and he looked past the other party towards Qingyuan and his group: "I should have said before that I want you to disappear from my sight, right?"

Hearing this, the expressions of Qingyuan and others changed.

"court death!"

Seeing that Zhang Yun dared to ignore her, Qingfeng became angry, picked up a long sword and slashed out.

Zhang Yun didn't even look at him, and swept out a burst of dark blue witchcraft power.


With a loud sound, Qingfeng and his sword flew away in a parabola.

"Young Castle Master!"

All the golden elixirs in the Castle of Infatuation reacted immediately, their faces all changed, and they all flew over.


Qingyuan and his party were all stunned.

how come?

Their number one golden elixir in Fuxian Prefecture was blown away by a casual blow?


Sensing Zhang Yun's gaze on them, Qingyuan's expression changed, and she quickly shouted and ran away with Fuxian Pavilion and his party.


Zhang Yun said calmly: "Since you appear in my sight again, don't leave!"

Turning his hand, a deep blue magic power swept out.

The faces of Qingyuan and his party changed greatly, and they all burst out with spiritual energy to block, but their spiritual energy was as brittle as paper under Zhang Yun's priest-level witchcraft power, and they were directly destroyed.

Puff puff! !

Qingyuan and more than 20 Fuxian Pavilion monks all vomited blood.

As soon as Zhang Yun raised his hand, the dark blue witchcraft directly crushed them among the dead wood mountains below.


But Qingyuan suddenly burst out with a burst of energy, and actually broke free from the witchcraft.

"Asshole, you forced me to do this!!"

Qingyuan's headband fell off, and now his hair was disheveled as if he was crazy. He shouted angrily and took out a talisman in his hand.

Zhang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly reached out to protect Wu Haihai in his arms and Tao Gulan beside him.


I felt an aura from the Divine Transformation stage coming towards me, making Zhang Yun's hair flutter and his white robe fluttering.

But he didn't take a step back.

Staring straight at the talisman thrown by Qingyuan, a humanoid shadow seemed to appear on it.

"Master, save me!!"

Qingyuan shouted quickly.

"Who dares to hurt my disciples!!"

With an angry shout, the humanoid figure appeared, a beautiful long-haired woman with a majestic look.

"It's the master of Fuxian Pavilion!"

Tao Gulan's face changed slightly.

"Sea Witch——"

Zhang Yun didn't say anything, and directly raised his hand: "The wild waves are sweeping over!"

A large amount of deep blue magic power gushed out from his body, sweeping towards the phantom of the master of Fuxian Pavilion.


Seeing Zhang Yun dare to attack him directly, the master of Fuxian Pavilion was furious, and held a pipa in his hand.


Accompanied by a pleasant sound, waves of sound waves drove a large area of ​​special transparent energy, forming a layer of light barrier to block the magic power.

"Sound energy?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows. It was the first time he saw this kind of energy.

But he didn't care. He flipped his hand and a large amount of deep blue magic power gushed out.

Crack, crack, crack! !

The light barrier formed by the sound energy suddenly cracked.

"Asshole! Do you know who I am!?"

The phantom of the master of Fuxian Pavilion was shocked and angry when she saw this.

She didn't expect that the energy of the Jindan stage in front of her was so amazing. At the same time, she was annoyed that a Jindan stage dared to attack her!

"I don't care who you are!"

Zhang Yun said lightly and directly increased the deep blue magic power. "Asshole!!"

The shadow of the Pavilion Master of Fuxian Pavilion was furious. She played the pipa quickly and continuously released sound energy to maintain the light barrier, but it was still difficult to stop the witch power from cracking. This made her shout angrily: "I am the Pavilion Master of Fuxian Pavilion. No matter who you are, if you dare to attack again, you will be my mortal enemy!!"

"The surging swallowing of the sea witch!"

Zhang Yun didn't care. He directly increased the deep blue witch power and shattered the sound energy light barrier formed by the opponent, wrapping the entire shadow in the deep blue witch power.

"Asshole, this palace..."

The shadow of the Pavilion Master of Fuxian Pavilion roared.

"Don't talk about my original body!"

Zhang Yun pouted and interrupted: "I am not afraid of your original body here, just destroy the shadow honestly!"

As he said, he clenched his palm.


The majestic sea witch power squeezed, and the shadow of the Pavilion Master of Fuqin Pavilion turned into a sky of energy and exploded on the spot

Qingyuan and other Fuxian Pavilion monks lost their voices when they saw this.


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