Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Secret Realm Chapter 172 Seeking Good Luck and Avoiding Trouble

The condensed phantom of their gods-forming Pavilion Master was actually destroyed?

"How can this be?"

Qingyuan couldn't believe it.

Her master is in the Divine Transformation Stage, and even if it is just a shadow, it still has strength comparable to that of the Nascent Soul Stage. This guy in front of me is impossible!

I read it wrong!

She was definitely wrong!

She wiped her eyes, but what came her face was a terrifying pressure.


Her entire body was crushed directly against the Deadwood Mountains, making it difficult to move.

"you you……"

Feeling the coercion emanating from Zhang Yun, Qingyuan's face was filled with shock, and fear showed in her eyes for the first time.

She had only experienced this coercion from her master and those in the spirit transformation stage. The person in front of me is obviously only at the Golden Core stage, how could he...

Puffy! !

Without giving her any more time to think, the terrifying pressure suddenly erupted with a wave of Zhang Yun's hand.

Including Qingyuan, more than 20 Fuxian Pavilion monks couldn't even say a word, so they were crushed into a ball of blood mist and exploded.

Zhang Yun looked indifferent.

He told these people to get lost earlier because he was too lazy to do anything. If these people dare to come back despite his warning, then let them stay forever!

He raised his head and glanced not far away, and found that the people in the Castle of Infatuation had disappeared, and frowned slightly.

He shook his head and looked at Tao Gulan: "Let's go, Gu Lan, let's go find the remaining two treasures!"


Tao Gulan nodded.

Shortly after the two left.

At the edge of the Dead Wood Mountains, Qingfeng stuck out his head, with a frightened look on his face: "It's too scary!"

The dozen or so monks from the Charming Castle beside him were also secretly glad that if they hadn't heard Qingfeng's message just now, they would have stayed behind to fight alongside Qingyuan and others...

Looking at the more than twenty pools of blood between the mountains, they couldn't help but tremble.

But there are also monks from the Castle of Infatuation who are confused: "Young Master, don't you like the Young Pavilion of Qingyuan? Why..."

"Can you risk your life if you like it?"

Qingfeng rolled his eyes and curled his lips and said: "Besides, I know very well what kind of urine this girl has. If I hadn't locked onto this girl before practicing the Infatuation Art, I wouldn't have bothered to chase her! It's fine now, this one Now that the girls are dead, I can find another partner!"

"It's a pity that I haven't tasted the taste of Qingyuan, otherwise I would definitely be able to improve my infatuation skills even more!"

He shook his head sadly.

Qingfeng suddenly looked seriously at the monks from the Infatuation Castle: "Do you remember the one who was wearing a white robe just now and looks as handsome as me?"

All the monks from the Castle of Infatuation nodded.

He even did it to the master of Fuxian Pavilion, Xu Ying. How could such a fierce man not remember it?

Qingfeng said solemnly: "If we meet again in the future, remember not to conflict with this person!"


The monks in the Castle of Infatuation nodded.

"In addition, we will also investigate after we get out to determine the identity of this person!"

"Yes, Young Castle Master!"

Qingfeng didn't say anything more after hearing this, and looked at the direction where Zhang Yun and Zhang Yun were leaving and secretly rejoiced.

Fortunately, his talent just warned him, otherwise it would be over!

Not many people knew that he was born with a talent called pursuing good fortune and avoiding misfortune.

As the name suggests, this is a talent that can give him early warning when encountering good or bad times.

The moment he saw Zhang Yun, he felt the early warning of a serious danger. He immediately sent a message to the monks of the Infatuation Castle. At the same time, he pretended to be ignored and angry and deliberately sent Zhang Yun flying far away with a blow.


He trembled thinking about it.

"It's not a good place to stay for a long time, let's go!"

After saying this, he led the people from the Castle of Infatuation and left quickly.

"Are you seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune?"

Zhang Yun, who left with Tao Gulan, looked back at the direction of the Deadwood Mountains and smiled secretly: "It's interesting!"

Although Qingfeng is only at the Golden Core stage, his carelessness some time ago has now made him develop a habit of scanning any enemy with the Immortal Eye Technique immediately.

The first time he saw Qingfeng, he used the Immortal Eye Technique to discover that the other person had a special talent of seeking good luck and avoiding evil.

He was a little curious about this.

Earlier Qing Feng was furious and attacked him with a sword. It looked like she had murderous intent, but in fact, the sword had no murderous intent at all.

Therefore, Zhang Yun did not use all his strength to directly blow up the opponent. Instead, he used his normal strength to use witchcraft to see what was going on with the opponent.

As a result, the other party flew far away, and everyone in the Infatuation Castle ran away.

This made him sure that this person's talent must have triggered the effect.

Originally, he had been paying attention, but the appearance of the shadow of the master of Fuxian Pavilion made him regain his attention slightly. As a result, in such a blink of an eye, Qingfeng and his party were missing!

Seek good fortune and avoid misfortune, he finally learned the lesson!

If we meet again in the future, we can capture this Qingfeng and use it as a human flesh exploration machine.

Speaking of talent, Zhang Yun thought of talent cultivation fields.

It was originally expected that this talent would come to fruition before the Immortal Secret Realm was opened, but this time the Immortal Secret Realm was opened ahead of schedule.

The first talent under this condition has not yet come to fruition.

But it's not far away, only a few days left.

Now that he saw such an interesting talent as seeking good fortune and avoiding disaster, he was even more excited. What kind of talent could this cultivate?

Deadwood Mountains.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two young men in black with indifferent expressions flew here at this moment.

"There is a fighting spirit..."

One of the shorter young men in black landed on the mountain range, sniffed with his nose, and suddenly his expression was shocked when he smelled it: "There is the breath of the polar body!"

Another young man in black narrowed his eyes: "It seems that man has been here before. Liuzi, follow the breath and chase him!"

He nodded to the short young man in black called Liu Zi, immediately sniffed along the way, and quickly locked in a direction.

Another young man in black followed closely behind.

Fuxian Prefecture, deep inside the gate of Fuxian Pavilion.


An angry shout shocked the entire Fuxian Pavilion.

"Pavilion...pavilion master??"

Many people in Fuxian Pavilion looked at the master of Fuxian Pavilion flying out from the depths, exuding an angry aura, with expressions of surprise and suspicion.

"Qingyuan is dead!"

The words of the master of Fuxian Pavilion made the entire Fuxian Pavilion shake.

As the young master of Fuxian Pavilion, Qingyuan's status in Fuxian Pavilion is second only to the master of Fuxian Pavilion, but he is dead?

"Take all the musical symbols, except for the elders of the clan, and those at the Golden Core stage or above, follow me to Nanxingzhou!!"

With a deep shout, the master of Fuxian Pavilion took the lead and flew out of the mountain gate.

Many Fuxian Pavilion monks followed and flew out.

In an attic of Fuxian Pavilion, a woman with blue eyes frowned slightly when she saw this scene.

After laying a layer of soundproof barrier around it, he took out a special sound-transmission stone: "Pass the message to Lord Demon Lord, the Master of Fuxian Pavilion, and go to Nanxingzhou..."

After saying that, the blue-eyed woman removed the barrier, left the attic, and followed many Fuxian Pavilion monks out of the mountain gate of Fuxian Pavilion.

Time flies, and three days pass in the blink of an eye.

"It's hard to find!"

Flying above a dry river valley, Zhang Yun scanned the boundless surroundings and couldn't help but let out a breath.

Compared with the exact location of Xianyuan Mansion, the other two treasures, Xianbao Pavilion and Immortal Hall, have random locations. You can only search along the way.

But after three days, there was not even a clue.


Suddenly sensing something, Zhang Yun looked towards the valley below.

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