Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Secret Realm Chapter 173 Sun and Moon Spiritual Liquid and Immortal Treasure Pavilion

I saw a crack under a boulder in the dry valley below, which was not obvious from a distance.

Zhang Yun suddenly felt a breath of vitality from it.

Tao Gulan beside him also noticed it.

The two looked at each other and flew down.

As they approached the crack, the breath of vitality became more and more obvious.

Zhang Yun did not hesitate, stretched out his hand and used a deep blue magic power to knock the boulder open.


As soon as the boulder was knocked open, a long crack exposed below it suddenly erupted with a strong breath of life.

It can be seen that under this crack that is about half a person's body, there is a pool of spiritual liquid filled with golden light.

[Sun and Moon Spiritual Liquid]

Introduction: A natural treasure. It absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon, condenses over time, contains rich vitality, and has the effect of prolonging life.


"Prolong life?"

Zhang Yun was surprised.

Things that prolong life can be called things that take away the fortune of heaven and earth.

The biggest feature of this thing is that it can be used regardless of the realm of the cultivator.

No matter what realm you are in, you can extend your lifespan accordingly. For those strong men whose time is coming to an end, it is extremely valuable!

I didn't expect to encounter such a treasure in such a place.

"What a good thing!"

Zhang Yun immediately stepped forward.


However, as soon as he approached, he saw the dry soil beside the gap shattered, and a hideous snake head broke out of the ground.

Zhang Yun quickly dodged sideways, and a magical power swept the snake that broke out of the ground away.

Seeing the appearance clearly, he was a little surprised.

In this immortal secret realm, the basic survivals are withered beasts. But the snake in front of him is full of flesh and blood, full of vitality like a spirit beast. But the body is full of the withered beast's kind of exhausted breath.

Running the Immortal Eye Technique——

[Life withered beast]

Introduction: The withered beast that absorbs the sun and moon spirit fluid to rejuvenate, contains the essence of life in its body.


"Contains vitality?"

Zhang Yun was surprised.

The withered beast is condensed by withered energy. This withered energy is incompatible with vitality. How can this withered beast absorb the vitality of the Sun and Moon Spiritual Liquid and merge with it?

Somewhat curious.

He did not kill the withered beast in the form of a snake immediately, but wrapped it with witchcraft and bound it, and threw it into the Wuxian City, preparing to study it later.

"Gu Lan, I will pull it, you help me load it!"

Zhang Yun opened his mouth and took out a row of large jade bottles.

Tao Gu Lan nodded and immediately used spiritual energy to control these large jade bottles.

Zhang Yun released spiritual energy with one hand, pulling up the Sun and Moon Spiritual Liquid under the gap, and Tao Gu Lan immediately used jade bottles to load the spiritual liquid one by one.

Soon a pool of Sun and Moon Spiritual Liquid was loaded, a full twenty large bottles.

"Gu Lan!"

Suddenly sensing something at this time, Zhang Yun's expression changed, and he quickly hugged Tao Gu Lan's willow waist with his left hand and jumped away.


Almost at the same time, a transparent energy fell, blasting a pit where he and Tao Gulan stood a second ago.

Before he had time to think about it, he saw twenty large jade bottles filled with sun and moon spirit liquid being taken away and disappeared.

Zhang Yun's face sank.

"Gulan, help hold Haihai!"

He quickly let go of the hand that was hugging Tao Gulan's waist and held the sleeping Wu Haihai to her.

Tao Gulan hurriedly hugged Wu Haihai.

"Sea Witch - the waves are sweeping!"

Zhang Yun rushed forward and exploded, and a large amount of deep blue witch power swept down like a sea of ​​water.


A muffled groan came from the virtual space.

Zhang Yun immediately locked the position and punched.

Bang--! !

The void suddenly shook with an amazing air explosion, and a transparent figure was punched out by him, and fell heavily in the river valley not far away.

"Cough cough..."

A cough came.

Zhang Yun saw the appearance of the person coming. It was a young man wearing a long robe and with short white hair.

The white-haired young man saw that he was seen by him, and quickly reached out to cover his clothes and hat.

With this cover, the whole person disappeared instantly.


Before Zhang Yun could use the Immortal Eye Technique, he frowned and immediately swept down another wave of deep blue magic power.

Bang Bang Bang! !

The river valley exploded layer by layer under the magic power.


A stream of blood appeared, and the white-haired young man swept out his figure again.

Zhang Yun was about to move forward, but under the ground that was exploded by the magic power, a huge underground cave suddenly appeared.

Buzz! !

A large amount of light suddenly emerged under the cave.

Seeing this, the white-haired young man immediately rushed into the underground cave.


Zhang Yun hurried to catch up.

But as soon as he reached the cave, he was filled with a large amount of light.

"Ninth Elder!!"

Tao Gulan, who was holding Wu Haihai in mid-air, saw this and his face changed. He saw the light rushing out of the underground cave formed a dazzling beam and rushed into the sky.

The area of ​​thousands of miles was instantly illuminated by this beam.

Many cultivators in this range were startled and looked up at this scene with surprise. Although they didn't know what happened, they were not far away and approached one after another.


At the underground cave entrance.

Zhang Yun, who was covered by the light, closed his eyes at this moment, and captured a trace of the breath of the white-haired young man with his soul perception, and rushed down quickly.

The latter obviously also felt his approach and quickly rushed to the bottom of the cave entrance.

Zhang Yun took out the command brush, closed his eyes and wrote the word "speed", and the whole person shot down at full speed.

Feeling his acceleration, the white-haired young man was frightened, gritted his teeth and rushed towards the entrance of the cave madly.

"Ho!" "Ho!" "Ho!"...

At this moment, a low roar suddenly came from below.

The white-haired young man realized something, quickly put on his robe and entered the invisible state.

Zhang Yun only felt that the locked aura suddenly weakened, and at the same time, a stream of dry aura appeared in his perception below, which was obviously many withered beasts.

"The wild waves are sweeping in!"

The witchcraft power in his body exploded, directly forming a wave of witchcraft power that swept down indiscriminately.

Puffy! !

The withered beasts were smashed into pieces, and the white-haired young man's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly took out a shield to block Wu Li.

But it failed to block the impact of Wu Li. The whole body shook and was blasted directly to the bottom of the cave entrance.

Zhang Yun caught his aura and chased after him.

While chasing, I felt the light in front of me fade away. I opened my eyes and immediately saw the surrounding scene clearly.

Underground in this dry river valley is actually a huge underground cave, and what is emitting light at the moment is a huge attic located in the center of the cave.

"Xianbao Pavilion?"

Zhang Yun was surprised when he saw the words engraved on the attic door.

At the same time, his eyes were locked on the white-haired young man holding a shield, who was lying next to the attic door.

The white-haired young man coughed up blood. His expression changed when he saw him chasing after him, and he rushed directly into the gate of Xianbao Pavilion without any hesitation.

"Ho!" "Ho!" "Ho!"...

Zhang Yun wanted to chase after him, but heard a low roar in his ears, and saw many haggard beasts appearing around Xianbao Pavilion. A group of eyes locked on him, and they rushed towards him in a group.


Before he could think too much, Zhang Yun burst out with witchcraft power again.

In the blink of an eye, the countless withered beasts surrounding the Immortal Treasure Pavilion had turned into streaks of withered energy.

Zhang Yun did not waste this energy, and directly put it into the space of the wizard's staff.

Look towards Xianbao Pavilion.

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