The white-haired young man from before had already entered it and disappeared...

Zhang Yun smiled.

He really didn't expect that one day, someone would disappear in front of him and take away the things.

But it has to be said that this white-haired young man's stealth skills are very good, even if he didn't notice it at the first time.

Look at the huge Immortal Treasure Pavilion in front of you.

"But after entering the Xianbao Pavilion, do you think you can leave?"

Zhang Yun snorted lightly, with a hint of coldness in his eyes, and entered directly.

As he entered, the light released by Xianbao Pavilion gradually faded.

Above, Tao Gulan also flew to the entrance of the huge underground cave and saw the Xianbao Pavilion below.

Seeing Zhang Yun enter, she wanted to follow him, but she stopped after looking at the sleeping Wu Haihai in her arms.

Previously, she was teleported after entering the Xianyuan Mansion. She was not sure whether she would be teleported in the same way after entering the Xianbao Pavilion. It would be okay for her to be alone, but she was afraid that Wu Haihai would be separated from her by teleportation.

He glanced around and found a small cave to hide in.

Now that the appearance of Xianbao Pavilion has caused such a big commotion, it will definitely attract a lot of people, so be careful!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

As if to confirm her thoughts, less than two minutes after she hid in the small cave, two young men in black with indifferent faces descended above the river valley.

Tao Gulan saw them through the gap in the cave, held his breath, and was secretly vigilant.

"This is……"

The two young men in black who arrived at the scene were all attracted to the Xianbao Pavilion at the entrance of the underground cave.

The short young man in black among them sniffed with his nose and said: "The breath of the extreme body is in


Another young man in black wanted to go down as he spoke.


At this moment, a childish voice suddenly sounded in the field.

The two young men in black paused in their steps.

In the small cave, Tao Gulan's expression changed and he quickly covered Wu Haihai's mouth after he woke up.

But it's too late...

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Like two ghosts, two young men in black instantly appeared outside the small cave.

Tao Gulan's face darkened and he put down his hand.


As soon as she put down her hand, Wu Haihai screamed with joy and rubbed his little face in her arms.

Tao Gulan smiled bitterly.

His expression suddenly changed, and he quickly jumped back with Wu Haihai in his arms.

Almost at the same time, a hand appeared where she was just now.

Seeing that he had missed the opportunity, the young man in black raised his eyebrows slightly: "The reaction is quite good!"

"Who are you?"

Tao Gulan's face was cold.

"You don't deserve to know!"

The young man in black said calmly and pointed to the entrance of the underground cave not far away: "Who entered that place just now?"

Tao Gulan frowned.

Before he could speak, the short young man in black at the entrance of the cave suddenly sniffed and said: "Five sons, these two people have the aura of the extreme body!"

The young man in black, whom he called Wuzi, stared hard and immediately asked: "What is your relationship with that extreme body person?"

"Extreme body person?"

Tao Gulan was startled and quickly thought of Zhang Yun.

Are these two people looking for the Ninth Elder?

She was wary.


Before he could think too much, he saw the five men in front of him moving, coming quickly like a ghost.

Tao Gulan held Wu Haihai in her right hand and jumped up to avoid it. At the same time, she pointed out with the white and jade-like index finger of her left hand.


White finger light shot out.


But Wu Zi could easily avoid it by turning sideways, and he also bullied himself forward.

"not good!"

Tao Gulan's expression changed.


Before she could dodge, a hand grabbed her neck and pinned her body against the wall of the cave next to her.

Wuzi said calmly: "Let me ask again, what is your relationship with that extreme body person?"


Tao Gulan was pinched so hard that he had difficulty breathing and his face turned red, but he did not say anything when he heard this.


This made Wuzi look cold and increase the strength in his hands.

Tao Gulan's face suddenly turned from red to purple, and he felt suffocated for a moment.


At this moment, a young little finger touched Wuzi's arm.

Wuzi was startled, frowned and looked into Tao Gulan's arms. Wu Haihai looked at him a little angrily and shouted, "Let go... let go of Godmother!!"

Wuzi raised his other hand and grabbed Wu Haihai, preparing to throw it out.


Tao Gulan was anxious when she saw this, but the palm on her neck made it impossible for her to use any strength at the moment.

Wu Zi's hand was about to grab Wu Haihai.


But it suddenly stopped.

Wu Haihai's fleshy fingers were now pressed against Wu Zi's palm, forcing it to stop.

Wuzi was stunned for a moment, feeling as if his palm was blocked by a hard wall.


The next second, Wu Haihai yelled.


A terrifying soul like a prehistoric monster suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"not good!!"

Wuzi's expression changed drastically and he wanted to escape, but he couldn't escape at all. The terrifying soul crushed his soul directly.

From the perspective of Tao Gulan and the short young man in black at the entrance of the cave, Wuzi's expression instantly turned dull, and then he fell softly.

"Five sons!!"

Feeling Wu Zi's soul clearly dissipating, the short young man in black looked shocked.

Wu Haihai looked at him at this moment.

The expression of the short young man in black changed and he turned around to leave.


But a terrifying soul that looked like a prehistoric monster had opened its mouth and swallowed his entire soul.


The short young man in black stared, his expression suddenly dull, and his body fell softly.


Seeing this scene, Tao Gulan opened his mouth in shock.


Seeing Wu Haihai, it was as if nothing had happened, he screamed happily and continued to nuzzle in her arms.

Tao Gulan was confused.

Xianbao Pavilion, on a corridor.

"Your apprentice Wu Haihai has completed the upgrade and has restored one ten thousandth of his soul power. You will receive a hundred times your soul power back!"

Zhang Yun was startled by the majestic soul power that suddenly emerged from his body.

Soon I felt my head swell, and I quickly sat down cross-legged to refine.

With the refining, his soul aura gradually climbed up, reaching the peak in just a few blinks.


With the accumulation of a large amount of soul power, he quickly passed this peak, allowing his soul to take a big step upwards.

From the great achievement of the Divine Transformation Stage, the breakthrough has reached the peak of the Divine Transformation Stage!

And this is not over yet, as the large amount of soul power is refined, his soul aura continues to rise. It didn't stop until it reached the peak of the divine transformation stage.

Zhang Yun quickly calmed down and opened his eyes.

Feeling the soul power in his mind that was more than twice as powerful as before, he laughed.

The peak of the divine transformation stage!

His soul, a monk at the Golden Core stage, has now reached the peak of the Divine Transformation stage!

If word of this spreads, people’s eyes will probably be shocked!

"It seems Haihai has woken up..."

Zhang Yun looked outside the Xianbao Pavilion and secretly smacked his tongue.

Only one ten thousandth of his soul power was restored, which allowed him to reach the peak of the Divine Transformation Stage, which he had just broken through. Wu Haihai’s soul in his previous life was simply terrifying!

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