Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Secret Realm Chapter 184 The Master of Fuxian Pavilion Arrives

Immortal Hall, in a corridor.


The two keys stopped at the center of the wall at the same time and made a sound.

"Is it in here..."

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly, and immediately took out the withered energy to fuse it.


Soon, a gray-gold doll condensed with new withered immortal power appeared in front of him.

As soon as it appeared, the gray-gold doll was attracted by the wall in front of it and ran directly into it.


The wall was like a barrier with a crack, and there was a hidden passage inside the crack.

The gray gold doll rushed in directly.

Zhang Yun quickly followed with two keys.

At the end of the passage is a spacious room, just like the Xianyuan Mansion that I passed before. In the room are crystal boxes containing various treasures.

But what made Zhang Yun's pupils shrink was that there was a person sitting in the corner of the room in front of him.

An old man with a withered figure and wearing a linen robe.

The most incredible thing is that the old man is clearly right in front of him, but in Zhang Yun's perception, he seems to not exist.

Zhang Yun couldn't help but run the Immortal Eye Technique, but there was no information.

This made him extremely wary.


However, the cry of the gray-gold doll in his ears made him notice a key floating on a table in the center of the room.

Gray Gold Doll blends right into it.

Buzz! !

The key glowed slightly, and a strong attraction came from it.

Zhang Yun looked at the old man in linen robe in the corner, but he didn't make any move.

"I wonder who the senior is?"

Without rushing forward, Zhang Yun tried to ask.

The old man in linen didn't react at all.


Zhang Yun hesitated.

He felt no aura about this old man, and could not confirm whether he was alive or dead, as if he was just a phantom.

Wait, isn't it really a phantom?

Thinking about it, Zhang Yun released the Yun No. 2 and Yun No. 3 that he had created before, and let them approach the old man in linen robe while he watched closely.

But until the two puppets approached the old man in linen robe, the latter did not react at all.

Let the two puppets try to touch.

Snapped! Snapped!

Two clear touching sounds.


Zhang Yun was a little unsure and asked the two puppets to move their hands up and down the linen robes of the old man, and even pulled off the linen robes, but the latter still did not move at all.

"Try touching his vitals!"

Zhang Yun ordered the two puppets.

Cloud Two and Cloud Three immediately followed suit.

Seeing that the old man in linen robe was passive and still unresponsive to his vitals, Zhang Yun was determined.

This should be a corpse!

Although it was strange why the corpse appeared here, Zhang Yun didn't have the intention to think too much at the moment, and his eyes fell on the key on the table.

Step forward and reach out to hold it.

The moment he held the key, the old man in linen robe, who had been silent all this time, suddenly opened his eyes.


Even though Zhang Yun was used to wind and rain, he was also shocked at this moment. The witchcraft power and return energy surged out of his body almost subconsciously, and his nerves tensed instantly.


The old man in linen robe did not make any more movements, but simply opened his eyes.


Zhang Yun was confused.


At this moment, the three keys in his hand suddenly screamed together, and a burst of withered energy broke free from his hand.

It was too late for Zhang Yun to catch them again, and the three keys were shot at the old man in linen robe at the same time.

Under his astonished gaze, he inserted the cap and eyes of the old man in linen robe respectively.

Only then did he realize that the old man in linen robes had his heavenly spirit cap and eyes turned into three keyholes.

Click! Click! Click!

With three keys turned simultaneously.


A strong light suddenly spurted out from the body of the old man in linen robe, instantly swept through the entire room and the entire Immortal Palace, and quickly spread outward.

Xu Ming and others in the valley outside had no time to react, and their eyes were filled with light.

The entire valley was instantly flooded. And this is not over yet, the light continues to sweep in all directions.

Soon, the entire Immortal Secret Realm was filled with this strong light at this time.

However, this didn't stop, and the bright light spread out bit by bit outside the Immortal's Secret Realm.

Outside the Immortal's Secret Realm, Jiaonan Island.

Monks from all walks of life still gathered on the island, but at this moment they no longer surrounded the coast at the entrance to the Immortal Secret Realm.

Once the Immortal Secret Realm is opened, it will take a month or two at the earliest to close. It has only been open for less than ten days now, and it is still early for those who entered to come out. Therefore, many monks have found a place on the island to practice temporarily.

The leader of Lingxian Sect was sitting cross-legged in a small cave.


Sensing something, he opened his eyes slightly and looked towards the portal of the Immortal Secret Realm on the coast.

He could feel that the mark he planted on the back of Feng Yuan's neck disappeared.

In this case, either Feng Yuan died, or the second elder holding his jade talisman crushed the jade talisman.

No matter which one it is, it proves that there is something wrong with the wind source!

A hint of coldness flashed across the eyes of the leader of the Lingxian Sect.


Suddenly sensing something again, he raised his head and glanced at the distant skyline of Jiaonan Island.

I saw a terrifying aura approaching from that direction, sweeping across the entire Jiaonan Island.

All the monks on the island were alarmed.

Above the island, a beautiful long-haired woman wearing palace attire and a majestic face stood in the sky with dozens of monks with amazing auras.

"Pavilion Master?"

Upon seeing this, a Nascent Soul Stage female monk on the island immediately flew into the air.

"It's the master of Fuxian Pavilion!"

"Oh my God! Why is this guy here too? And he brought so many people with him?"

There was a commotion on Jiaonan Island.

The second elder of Qianhai Island was also alerted and was about to step forward.

"Everyone on the island, come out to me!!"

But the master of Fuxian Pavilion gave a cold shout that resounded throughout Jiaonan Island, causing a wave of coercion that caused the seawater in all directions to churn.

The monks on the island all felt their bodies sink. They looked at the Master of Fuxian Pavilion in the sky with horrified eyes, and could feel the anger she carried.

"Master Fuxian Pavilion, I haven't seen you for many years, but you still have such a hot temper!"

At this time, a faint voice sounded, causing the pressure on the island to dissipate instantly.

"It's the cave master of Yuxing Cave!"

In the low voices of some people on the island, the master of the Yuxing Cave, dressed in a green robe, flew into the sky.

"Yucang, are you here?"

When the Pavilion Master of Fuxian Pavilion saw him, his beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, but he still snorted coldly: "I am here to ask for an explanation!"


Yu Cang was startled.

The master of Fuxian Pavilion didn't waste any time. He turned his hand and an image appeared in the void beside her, "I want to know where this person comes from?"

"Isn't this the elder of Lingxian Sect?"

"what's the situation?"

"What does the master of Fuxian Pavilion want to do with the elder of Lingxian Sect?"

The moment he saw the image, there was a commotion on the island.

Because what the image shows is none other than Zhang Yun!

Everyone present was impressed by the ninth elder of the Lingxian Sect who had previously ridden the Nascent Soul stage spirit beast and swept across the Golden Core stage arena in an instant.

For a time, many people on the island couldn't help but look towards the cave where the leader of the Lingxian Sect was.

Noticing their gazes, the master of Fuxian Pavilion also looked down.

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