Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Secret Realm Chapter 185: Confrontation in the Divine Transformation Stage, the Secret Realm Door Op

"This kid really doesn't make people worry!"

The leader of the Lingxian Sect also saw the image of Zhang Yun in the sky and shook his head slightly as he felt the attention of the whole island.

Get up and walk out of the small cave.


As soon as he walked out, the main Qi machine of Fuxian Pavilion was completely locked.

The female monk in the Nascent Soul stage of Fuxian Pavilion who had just flown up immediately said a few words to the master of Fuxian Pavilion.

"Nanyunzhou? Lingxian Sect?"

After hearing this, the master of the Fuxian Pavilion looked down at the master of the Lingxian Sect with a cold face: "A mere small force in Nanyun Prefecture dares to kill members of this palace. There is no need for your Lingxian Sect to exist anymore!"

As soon as the words fell, the pressure from the God Transformation stage gathered into one point, pointing directly at the leader of the Lingxian Sect and oppressing him.

Wherever it passes, the void is slightly distorted.

Many Nascent Soul stage monks present felt their scalps numb when they saw this.

Although they were not pressing against each other, they could feel the terrifying pressure.

The coercion of a Nascent Soul stage is enough to make a Nascent Soul Stage kneel down on the spot.

This leader of the Lingxian Sect is finished!

Just when everyone thought that the leader of the Lingxian Sect would be suppressed and kneel down on the spot, losing all face.

However, they found that after the pressure was swept away, the leader of the Lingxian Sect stood at the entrance of the cave with a calm expression, and his body did not even sway.

Everyone was surprised.

"It's not your turn to decide whether our Lingxian Sect exists or not!"

At this time, the leader of the Lingxian Sect spoke, and with a slight swing of his sleeves, he directly swept away the pressure of the master of the Fuxian Pavilion at the stage of becoming a god.


Many monks on the island were shocked.


The master of Fuxian Pavilion also showed a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

How could a mere Nascent Soul stage dissipate her pressure?

At this moment, a depressing aura filled the entire Jiaonan Island.

I saw the leader of Lingxian Sect in purple robe standing on a white crane and flying into the air with his hands behind his back.

"Transformation... Divine transformation stage??"

"Oh my god, am I right? This leader of the Lingxian Sect is a powerful person in the God Transformation stage!?"

"No wonder! No wonder the ninth elder of the Lingxian Sect was able to control the Nascent Soul stage spirit beast. From this point of view, the ninth elder is probably the illegitimate son of the master of the Lingxian Sect!!"

There was an uproar all over Jiaonan Island.

The second elder of Qianhai Island and many other Nascent Soul stages were all shocked.

The master of the Jade Star Cave and the young man in black who followed him also looked surprised.

The master of Fuxian Pavilion looked in disbelief and couldn't help but look at the Nascent Soul stage female monk next to him.

Didn’t he say he was from the small sect in Nanyun Prefecture?

The Nascent Soul stage female monk also looked confused at this moment.

Nanyun Prefecture is recognized as one of the two weakest states among the six states in the Southern Territory. The biggest reason is that there is no divine transformation period. But right now...

Forget about them, the deputy leader of the Jade Pirates and others from Nanyunzhou were all confused at this time.

Is the leader of Lingxian Sect in the stage of becoming a god?

After wiping their eyes to confirm that what they were seeing was real, they couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths.

They couldn't help but tremble when they thought of the attack planned by their Jade Pirate Group on the sect competition venue. At that time, the leader of the Lingxian Sect exploded...

Thinking about it makes them scared!

"Even if you are in the stage of becoming a god, I still have to give an explanation!"

The master of Fuxian Pavilion stared at the purple-robed master of Lingxian Sect and spoke coldly.

But his tone was no longer as strong as before.


The Lingxian Sect said calmly: "Since you have entered the Immortal Secret Realm to seize the treasure, you must be prepared to die. What, Master Fuxian Pavilion, do you even know this simple truth when you are in the stage of becoming a god?"

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you!"

The master of Fuxian Pavilion said solemnly: "I only have one condition, this son's life!!"

"What a condition!"

The leader of the Lingxian Sect snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves, and said indifferently: "What if I don't give it to you?"

As soon as these words came out, the entire atmosphere in the air instantly became tense, and even the air on the huge Jiaonan Island became a little depressing.

Many of the monks on the island felt suffocated, looking at the Conformation Stages confronting each other with frightened expressions on their faces.

Is it possible that these two gods are going to start a war?

Buzz! !

Just as the atmosphere in the venue was about to explode, a burst of light suddenly lit up from the direction of the coast.

Everyone on Jiaonan Island was startled.

They all looked at each other.

A burst of light suddenly penetrated the huge portal of the Immortal Secret Realm.

Boom! !

Before anyone could react, the entire portal was opened by a strong light, and an ancient and majestic aura swept out in a mighty manner.

In an instant, it swept across the entire Jiaonan Island and quickly spread to the entire Antarctic Sea.

"What's going on? Why was the portal to the Immortal Secret Realm opened?"

"Oh my God, what happened?"

"Wait a minute, the portal to the Immortal Secret Realm is open, isn't it..."

There was a burst of exclamation on Jiaonan Island. Some monks thought of something, their eyes suddenly filled with heat and they rushed towards the portal of the Immortal Secret Realm on the coast.

When he saw the Jindanqi who rushed forward first, he successfully entered the portal.

Many monks on Jiaonan Island went crazy and rushed towards the entrance of the Immortal Secret Realm.


In the air, the master of Lingxian Sect, the master of Fuxian Pavilion, and the master of Yuxing Cave also looked slightly condensed when they saw this scene.

But they were in no hurry to set off.

The restrictions in the Immortal Secret Realm continue to be more severe for the more powerful. Being able to advance to the Golden Core Stage does not mean that a stronger person at a higher level can also advance...

But when they saw several Nascent Soul stage entering the secret realm portal one after another, they couldn't sit still!


The master of Fuxian Pavilion no longer cares about the master of Lingxian Sect, and directly leads the monks of Fuxian Pavilion to the secret realm portal.

She came here this time just to arrest Zhang Yun.

Zhang Yun killed her apprentice Qingyuan, which was actually not what made her the most angry. What really made her angry was that the other party dared to destroy her shadow and completely ignored her shadow's warning to kill Qingyuan.

She has been in the Southern Territory for many years and has never suffered such humiliation!

The most important thing is that the other party is still in the golden elixir stage!

Zhang Yun, she must kill! !

The leader of the Lingxian Sect frowned slightly when he saw this, and immediately glanced at the striped spirit tiger at the entrance of the cave below.

Upon seeing this, the striped spirit tiger immediately nodded obediently to him and rushed towards the secret realm portal ahead.

My heart was secretly surprised.

Fortunately, I didn't dare to be arrogant when I faced the leader of Lingxian Sect alone before, otherwise...

Feeling the breath of the divine transformation stage, its tiger body couldn't help but tremble!

Sure enough, these guys following Zhang Yun are all monsters pretending to be pigs and eating tigers! !

"Let's go in too!"

The young man in black next to the master of the Jade Star Cave spoke calmly.

The cave master of Yuxing Cave nodded.

The group followed and entered the portal.

On the other side, many elders from Qianhai Island came to the second elder of Qianhai Island: "Second Elder, we..."

The second elder of Qianhai Island said in a deep voice: "Go and inform the island owner and the great elder immediately. Tell them that the restrictions in the Immortal Secret Realm that have not been changed for hundreds of years have been changed!"

Saying that, he also quickly rushed into the secret realm portal.

On the huge Jiaonan Island, countless monks rushed into the secret portal at once.

At the same time, in the sea not far from Jiaonan Island.

A stunningly beautiful woman wearing a red dress was standing on the back of a turtle, holding a telescope and looking at this scene from a distance. Her crystal phoenix eyes glowed with a little sparkle: "A little bit." mean!"


The turtle immediately carried her towards the portal of the secret realm ahead.

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