"It's right in front!"

"The immortal inheritance is mine!!"

"Go away, don't block me!!"

At this moment, many golden elixirs were close to within a hundred meters of the Immortal Palace. Looking at the gate of the Immortal Palace that could be seen from a distance, they felt a little crazy for a moment.

They never expected that they would be able to approach this immortal palace before many Nascent Soul stage or even the Divine Transformation stage.

But this does not hinder their enthusiasm.

If they can inherit the immortal inheritance, why should they be afraid of the Nascent Soul Stage and the Divine Transformation Stage?

The more I think about them, the crazier they get.

"Go away, go away!!"

On the Sanjo Bridge, there were several stronger Golden Core Peaks at the same time, knocking away other Golden Core Phases and rushing forward.

On the middle bridge, a bald middle-aged man stood out, several meters ahead of the people behind him.

Seeing that we are getting closer and closer to the gate.

"Bloodlight Fist!"

Blood flashed in the eyes of the bald middle-aged man, and a layer of blood-red aura suddenly erupted from his body, directly converging three fist seals and blasting towards the bridge behind him and the two bridges on the left and right, which were only more than ten meters apart on both sides.


The people at the peak of the golden elixir stage did not expect that he would suddenly attack, so their expressions changed and they all avoided it.

And the time they wasted in avoiding them allowed the bald middle-aged man to quickly distance himself from them by tens of meters.


A group of people at the peak of the Golden Core Stage cursed angrily and chased after him.

The bald middle-aged man ignored them and quickly rushed to the platform in front of the gate in a few blinks of an eye.

"The immortal inheritance is mine!!"

Looking at the gate of the Immortal Palace in front of him, he was filled with excitement and was about to step forward.


The gate to the Immortal Palace in front of him suddenly opened on its own.

The bald middle-aged man was stunned.


The next second, a silver wolf king was seen rushing out from the door. .

"not good!!"

The bald middle-aged man's expression suddenly changed.

But it was too late to retreat, the Silver Wolf King's sharp claws danced horizontally, instantly tearing his body and the golden elixir into pieces.

The aura of the beast king in the Nascent Soul stage caused the feet of the Jindan stage, which was rushing towards him, to tremble.

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! …

Before he had time to think about it, he saw the Silver Wolf King roaring out one after another from the gate of the Immortal Palace, exuding the aura of the Nascent Soul stage.

"What's going on? Where did the Nascent Soul Stage Silver Wolf King come from?"

"One, two...my God, why are there so many??"

"Run quickly!!"

The faces of many Jindan Qi people changed drastically, and they turned around and ran away.

A large group of silver wolf kings rushed onto the three bridges, roaring all the way forward.

The speeds of many golden elixir stages are simply not as fast as these Silver Wolf Kings in the Nascent Soul stage.

Seeing that they were about to be overtaken, they had no choice but to fly out of the bridge to escape.

As soon as they left the bridge, they found that these Silver Wolf Kings stopped chasing and rushed towards the front of the bridge.

They were all relieved to see this.

But looking at the Immortal Palace that was very close, they all showed bitterness.

I finally got here, but I didn’t expect to have to start from the beginning again...

Some of them were unwilling to give in. They gritted their teeth and flew directly towards the Immortal Palace not far away.

The distance is so close, you don’t necessarily have to walk forward on the bridge!


But as soon as they flew out, many Silver Wolf Kings who were rushing forward along the bridge suddenly turned and flew into the air.

"not good!!"

The expressions on the faces of these Golden Core Stagers changed greatly, and they all wanted to retreat, but many Silver Wolf Kings were extremely fast.

They were quickly caught up.

A series of sharp claws and the sharpest blade tore several golden elixir stages into pieces in the void on the spot.

The rain of blood that fell all over the sky made many Jindanqi people behind them turn pale, and they all turned around and returned to the starting point of the bridge.

In the front hall of the Asgard.

Zhang Yun looked at the scene on the screen with a calm face, and at the same time calculated the remaining remains of the Silver Wolf King, and murmured to himself: "There is enough to condense two more waves..."

This silver wolf king was the previous companion of the striped spirit tiger. Ever since he killed it, his body had been kept intact by him.

Currently, about a third of the corpses are used to summon this wave of silver wolf kings.

He only used a small piece of flesh to summon each Silver Wolf King. The result of this is that although there are many silver wolf kings, each silver wolf king can only last for a quarter of an hour at most before dissipating.

However, a complete body of the Silver Wolf King can summon three waves of such wolves.

"I should have known that the body of the Tiangang Eagle Falcon would no longer be used..."

Zhang Yun shook his head slightly.

At that time, the entire corpse was used for summoning, but now it seems like a waste.

He is in short supply of corpses now, especially the corpses of such large spiritual beasts!

Thinking about it, his eyes couldn't help but fall on the striped spirit tiger in the picture. Should he kill this tiger and summon it?

Judging from the ten-meter-long body, it is estimated that it can summon at least three and a half waves of tigers.

If you don’t have enough next time, you might want to consider it!

Zhang Yun touched his chin.

On the middle bridge.

The striped spirit tiger felt a chill in its body for no apparent reason, and its pupils couldn't help but scan the surroundings vigilantly.

Someone wants to harm it?

Just as I was thinking about it, my pupils suddenly froze.

When he came back to his senses, he found that it had fallen off the bridge again.


The striped spirit tiger couldn't help but roar in annoyance.

What idiot designed this broken bridge? A psychedelic array appears at every turn, and then the energy under the bridge is emptied and the tiger falls. Isn't this deliberately torturing the tiger?

Others could not understand the meaning of this roar, but Zhang Yun understood it and stared at the striped spirit tiger in the picture with narrowed eyes.

It seems that we can consider the time and kill this tiger!

"Why are there wolves?"

"Nascent Soul Stage! All Silver Wolf Kings in the Nascent Soul Stage!!"

"Oh my god, where did so much come from?"

At this time, many Silver Wolf Kings also rushed to the first half of the Sanjo Bridge, and the faces of many monks changed when they saw it.

Nascent Soul stage spirit beasts are rarely seen in the Southern Territory. It's good now, a group of people will rush in directly! !


The master of Fuxian Pavilion snorted coldly and held up the pipa in his hand.


When the strings sounded, sound waves swept out from the pipa, shooting forward like sharp blades.

Puff puff! !

The several silver wolf kings that rushed towards him cut countless pieces into pieces on the spot, turning them into energy and scattering them.

Fuxian Pavilion plays the pipa, and the sound waves continue to rush forward.

at the same time.

On the middle bridge and the left bridge, the master of the Lingxian Sect and the master of the Yuxing Cave, Yu Cang, also took action one after another.

Hundreds of silver wolf kings seemed like a lot, but in front of the three god-transformation stages, they turned into energy and dispersed within a few minutes.

However, Zhang Yun also took advantage of these gaps in the transformation stage to activate the psychedelic array.

But this time, the attention of several gods in the transformation stage was particularly concentrated. They all noticed it at the first time, broke away from the psychedelic formation and rushed forward, crossing the bridge that spread out under their feet, without falling anymore.

After experiencing so many waves in succession, the leader of the Lingxian Sect and other gods in the transformation stage also discovered that this psychedelic array would be in front of them at any time in various forms.

So this time when we set foot on the bridge, everyone was always distracted by the psychedelic array.

Now, I finally got through it!

boom! boom! boom!

But before they could be happy for two seconds, a forbidden wave suddenly erupted on the bridge in front of them, and the energy caused their expressions to change.

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